Career Insights

Photo credits: From the author  - Multnomah County  Library,  Arizona sunset, Bampton Library, UK, "Wonder Woman" from my managers, Staff  Day fun, and GVPL in Canada!

Women's History Month

March, celebrated globally as Women's History Month, holds special significance for young women navigating the complexities of modern life. This dedicated month serves as a platform to reflect on achievements, acknowledge challenges, and amplify the voices of women. For young women, Women's History Month is more than just March; it's an opportunity for empowerment, inspiration, and collective progress.

Recognition of Achievements

Women's History Month allows the average young woman to celebrate the progress of those who paved the way before her. It's a time to honor the trailblazers who shattered glass ceilings, proving that gender should never be a barrier. From women in science and technology to leaders in various fields, these role models inspire young women. Women need to dream big and strive for excellence in their chosen paths.

Acknowledgment of Challenges

While celebrating achievements, March prompts a reflection on the challenges women continue to face today. The average young woman recognizes the importance of recognizing and addressing issues like gender inequality, workplace discrimination, and societal expectations. This awareness fuels a commitment to advocating for change and fostering environments where all women can thrive.

Amplifying Voices

Women's History Month provides a platform for us all to have our voices heard. It's a time to share stories, experiences, and perspectives that often go unheard. Social media campaigns, events, and discussions become avenues for women to connect and contribute to the broader conversation about equality.

Fostering Support

This dedicated month fosters a sense of solidarity among young women. It's a reminder that they are not alone in our journeys. There's a community of diverse voices sharing similar experiences. Through workshops and public initiatives, women come together to support and learn from each other. This uplifting, continuous action creates networks women can use beyond the month of March.

Personal Growth

Women's History Month serves as a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment. The average young woman draws inspiration from the stories of resilience, determination, and courage shared by others before her.  Whether it's learning new skills, pursuing further education, or taking on leadership roles, this time ignites a sense of possibility. The belief that every woman can contribute to positive change.

Reflecting All Women

This time also prompts a deeper reflection on intersectionality. Acknowledging that the experiences of women are shaped by factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and more. Women recognize the importance of inclusivity. We all need to strive to provide a narrative that is diverse and representative of all women continually.  

Through these lenses, Women's History Month becomes a dynamic force. We can propel young women toward empowerment, growth, and the pursuit of equality in all aspects of life. We all learn by helping others.

Vision Boards for a Successful New Year - 2024


What is a vision board? How can they help you create and achieve your goals this year? Read on for 3 simple steps to make a vision board and have your dreams come true this year.


Visualize Goals


First you need to visualize your goals or what you want out of 2024. Whether it’s a new job, relationship, or home, create a picture in your mind of exactly what that looks like. Remember little details to truly create a vision in your mind’s eye of how achieving your goal would feel.


Next, have at least 3-5 big ideas for the new year. Write down the words that describe those successes and don’t hold back.  Words that come to mind can be fearless, courage, abundance, joy, self-care, so use your imagination.


Illustrate Your Big Ideas


I’m not an artist, so illustrating for me may be different for you. I like to use Pinterest as a very easy way to capture my thoughts and inspiration. Studies have proven if you can visualize your goals, you will increase your chances of achieving them. Digital photos, drawings, doodles, anything that brings your big idea to mind is an “illustration” for your board.


I tend to create simple drawings and also attach photos for inspiration on my vision board. Whatever is easiest, illustrate your ideas so you have a roadmap to your action steps.


Map Out Steps


Mapping out specific actions, no matter how small, for each goal is your next step.  For example, if you want to learn Spanish by the end of year, your actions might resemble:


1.     Check out free language resources at the library

2.     Research local teachers or community organizations for classes

3.     Block off time on my weekly calendar for lessons/practice

4.     Book my trip to Mexico for the summer or in 2025

5.     Continue conversational Spanish with my neighbor two nights a week


When goals are written down, visualized and acted on, they are more easily achieved. The vision board for this big idea might include Yucatan travel photos or common conversational phases. Having a goal that is broken down and committed on your calendar is also more likely to be completed by your timeline. This is only one big idea example, so think of more and don’t limit yourself.


The most difficult part of a vision board is deciding what you want from 2024 with so many possibilities today. Don’t limit yourself, and make this new year, a year to remember and celebrate.  Here’s to a happy and healthy 2024 to you and your family and friends!

Strategic Plans Made Simple  December 2023 

SWOT analysis was covered in a post below, as the first step in creating strategic plans. If you are new to library planning or directorship, read on for simple strategies to get started in your new fiscal year planning.


Six Components of a Strategic Plan

The six components needed for a robust library strategic plan are:


1.     A Vision Statement – usually taken from your organization, university, or city

2.     Core Values – your organization adheres too and embodies for your community

3.     Culture and Behaviors – need to be intertwined in the plan from the overarching values

4.     Themes from Data – need to be addressed from focus groups and surveys

5.     Timeframe Established – with deadlines to gauge results and outcomes of the plan

6.     Metrics – to provide feedback and business results for the effectiveness of the plan


Gain Support

Gaining the support of Human Resources and senior leadership is so important. This will enable your library to further explain the “why” behind the strategic plan. Your library will gain valuable partnerships. Furthermore, your success will determine having the backing of HR and your staff to see your vision behind the objectives. You need to start a year in advance with informational meetings with managers and partners involved.


Partners to Include

The Library Friends, Board and managers need to have all the information and the projected timeline for the plan. Again, you need to gain support before you invite focus groups or engage with the SWOT analysis for staff. Your first job is to engage your senior leadership, so they understand the importance of your intended road map. Having an objective for EDI, professional development, and community goals are all important.


Data Mining

After gaining support and hosting focus groups and surveys, develop a committee to mine the data. You will gain valuable knowledge about needs, wants and goals for your plan. This will take time to develop objectives, timelines, and metrics for the plan. Taking the necessary time to dig into the weeds is important. However, don’t let personal interests or “sacred cows” drive the strategic plan. Your leadership is the most important here to establish measurable outcomes that impact your community.


Follow Up and Feedback

The last step after your strategic plan is approved is enact and measure results. The last steps are as important as the planning stage. Your objectives will need to be measured.


Questions to consider:

·      How did the new software impact our customers?

·      Was the extra expense in personnel provide improved (and higher) access?

·      What was the outcome of the increased Wi-Fi in the building?

Again, your team's feedback and results will need to be analyzed for success and moving forward. A strategic plan, especially after a tough pandemic, should be a fluid document. A Library Director needs to provide the vision and leadership to handle anything. A strategic plan gives you that roadmap to help you lead and plan for the future

Best of Luck and let me know how your strategic planning is moving forward during these changing times. 

What is a S.W.O.T. Analysis?   November 2023

S.W.O.T. analysis in business is an important road map to keep the organization on track to achieve goals. What about nonprofits, like libraries, how do you create a simple S.W.O.T. analysis to help plan? Read on for a framework and ideas to get you started.

S.W.O.T. Analysis

The first step in any project or plan is determining the gaps in where you need to go versus where you are now. Simply stated, performing a gap or S.W.O.T. analysis will help determine the course of your plan. Questions to ask your leadership team are:

Furthermore, these simple questions, asked of your senior managers, stakeholders, and community partners will set the stage for the next step. Interviews and focus groups to help facilitate healthy conversation and generate new ideas from many areas in your community.

Analyze the Feedback

Take the data from your analysis and mine for common themes. Data, along with the feedback from those involved in the plan will form the framework. Having a few key stakeholders or small committee that can enact the plan, should be the data miners.

In addition, these folks know the limitations of the organization and the resources available. Gain political support, if resources are tight. This helps you determine a draft plan to help with potential initiatives and outcomes.  However, no idea is out of the question, so get creative using the feedback.

Write it Down

When the direction of the analysis is determined, then mangers need to decide on objectives and strategies to create a map for the results. Sometimes this looks like a laundry list of items to check off.

And other times, the plan is inspirational and carries work culture themes, morale, and development goals. The beauty of a S.W.O.T. analysis is that no one, is the same. You determine the course along with your stakeholders.

I’ve worked for libraries and businesses with 32-page plans and others with 2 pages of step-by-step-needs.


Finally, the results need to have a timeline. Even inspirational plans will have objectives to meet the goal of increasing morale. For example, by December 2022 the team will have published and approved a “Culture Code” of respectful behaviors for our customers and colleagues. Defined deadlines and goals are more likely to be achieved and people held accountable for outcomes.

You, as a leader, will determine what needs to happen and what will work for your organization. Start the year off right and start formulating a strategic plan  from your SWOT analysis for your work group or library today. Look for the next article for more details on an effective library strategic plan.

Career Transitions Made Easy   October 2023

Changing careers, especially later in life, can be a scary task. But with the right approach and planning, it can be a rewarding life experience. Here are some steps to take to successfully change careers painlessly.

Assess Your Skills and Interests

Start by evaluating your current skills and interests and compare them to the skills and requirements of your desired career. Identify the skills you already possess that are transferable to your new career, and those that you need to develop


Research your desired career field thoroughly. Look for job descriptions, required skills, and qualifications for the position. This will help you identify any new talents you need to develop. You will also get an idea of what you can expect from your new job, like salary, promotions, and other opportunities.


Develop a Plan

Once you have identified your skills and researched your desired career field, develop a plan for achieving your career transition. This may include taking courses or networking with people in your desired industry. Gaining experience through internships or volunteer work is also another way to build skills in your new job.


Update Your Resume

Update your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight your transferable skills and experience. This will be relevant to your desired career, networking, and learning more about your new industry.  Tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the new job. Be sure to link up projects or intern work related to your new career on LinkedIn. The more engagement you have on the website, the more relevant your profile will be to employers.



Networking is critical when transitioning to a new career. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with people in your desired industry on LinkedIn. This can help you gain insight into the career and may lead to job offers. The more you put yourself out there, the more people and potential companies will see your value and skills.


Be Patient and Persistent

Career transitions take time and effort. Be patient with the process, and continue to work towards your goals. Don't be afraid to take on part-time work or freelancing in the meantime to gain experience and build your network.


Changing from one career to another can be a challenging process, but by following these steps, you can successfully make the transition. Remember to be patient, persistent, and open to learning new skills.  Gaining new experiences with the right approach a career transition can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding career.  


Life is Alot like Gardening  September 2023 

What I’ve learned about life, I learned from my gardening experience outdoors and here’s why. Life, working, family are alot like gardening in many ways.

Time Will Tell

A garden, a really solid variety of flowers (vegetables are a different story) takes about 2 years to establish. Like life, any new relationship, job, or new subject you’re trying to learn takes about 2 years to master. It’s two years before Gerbera Daisies take hold and bloom. The blanket flowers and periwinkles need a few years to take root and really blossom…just like in life.

Having two years of experience in a new job or with a new partner shows you different situations and effects. These “seasons” show you the good, the bad and ugly of that job or person. After about two years, patterns repeat themselves and habits are formed. Just like your garden where seeds germinate and come back season after season. Time will tell you what you need to know and what direction to take, so listen.

Believe What You See

Flowers especially some bulb varieties are difficult to take root and thrive. Some flowers bloom easily with a little water and care. Others, take so much time to nurture, even “baby along,” until you’ve done your best and can only be so successful no matter what.

Believe what you see, and know that some people, like flowers, will never bloom (like you expect them too.) People’s actions, just like flowers, are who they really are…don’t believe words, believe their actions. Actions tell you someone’s true character, if they’re honest, and trust worthy…just like a hearty garden that grows with care and love.

Can’t Change Mother Nature

In a garden some flowrs and plants will only grow in a certain environment, think zone gardening. I live in the desert, zone 9b. The climate is dry and very hot in the summer months. Like some people in your life, some relationships won’t last or thrive. It all comes down to what you want in your life and who you let into your circle. You can’t change someone like you can’t change Mother Nature.

Work especially exposes you to different personalities. Some of these folks will help you grow in your career and support your goals. Others won’t, whether it’s their motivation, the environment, or your personal boundaries. Some people (like plants in your garden) are not meant for you. Find your peace and people and live like your garden…in abundance.

What the Barbie Movie Taught Me About Work   August 2023

Did you see the Barbie movie?  I did, mainly because I had the doll growing up. I loved Barbie. And here’s why this movie and its message for us all is so popular now.


Work Hard - Nothing is Perfect


Barbie has always lived in a perfect world. Pink, plastic, and perfect, the marketing machine has families buy her “accessories” for their children constantly. From the dream house, to the car, to her pet dog, Barbie had it all and little girls were supposed to aspire to that life. But, like me many families we couldn’t really afford Barbies or her perfect world.  I had one new Malibu Barbie, the one with the deep tan, gifted to me for my birthday.  I never had a Ken doll, or her sidekick Skippy, so was my imagination stilted?  Nope, never! I was able to earn my college degree (with no loans) and a masters degree after having children to meet my professional goals. I worked hard and reached high.


Improvise and Use your Creativity


Like any good kid with little resources, I improvised. I made Barbie’s furniture from old margarine tub lids and thread spools. She didn’t have a “dream house.” My tanned beauty had a shoe box, covered with a kitchen towel “patio” with a green washcloth lawn. My doll and the all the Saturday morning commercials gave me permission to use my imagination! I improvised to envision my own “apartment” when I grew up.  (I had a few when I was older as the dream in my own way!)


And the career choices I had, from Advertising Executive to Astronaut, I could live through Barbie.  I didn’t need a man to make my dreams come true. I had my drive and work ethic to make things happen for myself.  As a young girl, Barbie really inspired me to succeed to do whatever I dreamed.  And dreamed I did...I moved away from home out of state and started a career that helped me grow other skills that I use today to be happy and succeed. 


Movie’s Message is Clear 


I see that same message in the movie; Be yourself…whoever you are! No one is perfect or fits a certain mold.  Sometimes we hold ourselves up to unrealistic standards to those around us. Whether it’s in work, school, or even motherhood women have to navigate so many other societal obstacles, that men do not.  


When we can truly all be accepted as we are, without limitations or prejudices, then we can all rest easy.  The world has a long way to go to get there.  Even Mattel admittedly has only had one female CEO in the company’s 78-year history. Go figure… but we keep striving, learning, and being better for those that come after us and help them succeed! 

Giving Feedback At Work  July 2023

Providing feedback to employees is an important aspect of a manager's role. In order to achieve successful outcomes, managers should be mindful of the following when providing feedback.

Be Timely

Feedback should be given in a timely manner, whether it's positive or negative. It's important to address issues or concerns as soon as they arise. Don’t’ wait until a formal evaluation or not at all, always address the issue. This will allow the employee to tackle and improve the issue in a timely mannerThis also helps morale for the other team members.

Be specific

Feedback should be specific and focus on the employee's actions or behavior, rather than their personality or character. It should be based on observable facts and should provide clear examples of what the employee did well or what needs improvement. Factual information is so important to keep an objective tone and help improve the employee’s behaviors or skills.


Be balanced

Feedback should be balanced and provide a mix of positive and negative feedback. Positive feedback helps to build morale and motivation, while negative feedback helps to address areas for improvement. Have current examples on hand to illustrate the points of your feedback. Provide a timeline to help them understand what could have gone better and why.


Be constructive

Feedback should be given in a constructive manner and focus on providing solutions rather than criticism. Avoid using judgmental or negative language and instead, provide specific suggestions for improvement.


Communicate face-to-face

Feedback should be given in person, rather than via email or other forms of digital communication. This allows for a more open and direct conversation. It's easier to pick up on nonverbal cues that can help to understand the employee's perspective. Sometimes you will learn a great deal from eye contact and willingness to accept the feedback from your employee. 



Feedback should be followed up with a clear plan of action. The manager should discuss with the employee what steps they will take to improve and what support the manager will provide. Follow-up conversations should be scheduled to assess the progress made and make any necessary adjustments. The employee needs to seriously address the plan for improvement as well, being open to change and suggestions.

Providing feedback to employees is an important aspect of a manager's role, it's a way to help them improve and grow in their jobs.  It's a way to ensure that the company is running smoothly and efficiently. By providing feedback in a timely manner with an action plan, managers can ensure that their feedback leads to successful outcomes.  Positive outcomes for both the employee and the company’s growth. This also helps to provide a healthy work culture and high morale for your teams across work groups.  

Career Lessons from Tom Hanks...and Hollywood  June 2023

As a librarian, I love reading the latest books. Tom Hanks’ first novel is out and follows the story of many characters' role in making this fictional movie. Literally, you learn how a film is created from the initial idea to the audience's final reaction.  The story has many life lessons that apply to real life too.  I thought I’d share a few from the author's experiences, maybe these seem familiar? 

The Right Partner

Finding the right partner in life will lift you up, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. The characters have extensive backstories that are varied. From surviving abuse and war to fulfilling your creative dreams. The thread tying them together is the passion to enjoy life and finding their partner for success, (however that’s defined.) Whether it’s a career, spouse, or creative channel to express yourself, find the right partner to get you there.


The author brings to life each character from their childhood to their interaction together as adults. All of these characters have a solid inner strength and “will” to go on.  When you read fiction like this, you experience these lives first hand. Reading about others’ stories of strength, you realize you have it as well. Inner strength is tested all the time. Some call it “the grind,” grit, or just plain tenacity.  The lesson learned, is we all have something heavy we carry and don’t necessarily share. Consistently strong people grow from those rough life experiences and flourish.  


Call it fate or divine intervention, but things do happen for a reason. It might be to protect you and direct you to a different life path. Fate is there for you to help. What the author does in this story is intertwines each person’s experiences into one successful finished film. Will we all be successful or happy?  How do you define success or happiness? It depends, just like in life…it all depends on you, your choices and attitude.

Finally, I’d recommend the novel to help understand human nature, but also the realities of war, trauma, relationships, and yes, movie making. I’m a diehard movie fan. I love the happenstance method Hanks shows the reader surrounding the filmmaking process. Hollywood is a crazy business and so is life. I’m looking forward to his next novel.

Happy Reading!

Traveling for Work   June 2023

Traveling for work is fun.  It’s not the same as a vacation you plan, but there are many ways to enjoy and have fun while working hard.

Plan Ahead

Besides planning your work activities, be sure to plan the free time in between. Whether it’s trying a new place for lunch or walking a new park, plan for it. It’s tiring traveling, so planning even one activity that fits your work schedule will allow you to refocus. Exploring a new city is fun, so if work plans allow you, experience something new! Check out and country-specific or city tourism websites for recommendations and “must-see” sites.

Stay on Schedule

Whether it’s keeping to your workout routine or daily walk, be sure to stay on your normal schedule if possible.  This allows you the energy to handle time changes and jet lag, especially for overseas trips. If your job allows, plan a day before or after your work trip to allow your body clock to adjust.

Or you could also schedule more taxing meetings for later in the week, after your body readjusts to time differences. Bottom line, try and listen to your body and get rest when you’re able.

Extend your Stay

If work allows, extend your stay for leisure to explore a new city. On a work conference, leave early over the weekend, to get your bearings beforehand. Having a sense of the city before you need to navigate locations makes it easier when you’re on tight schedules. This is also a good time for your body to acclimate to the new time zone and readjust.

If you’re able to stay in the same accommodations as your work meetings, unpacking once is much simpler. Be sure to ask about hotel and airline points and take advantage of those perks and upgrades as well. It never hurts to ask. If you travel a lot for work, then your status will help you plan a leisure trip later more affordably.

Traveling for work is fun with the right attitude and planning! What trips are for planning the rest of this year?

How to Ask For and Get a Raise  May 2023

Asking for a raise can be a nerve-wracking experience. Showing your value is an important part of advancing your career and earning what you're worth. You need to prepare, whether you've been with your company for a few months or several years. Here are steps you can take to increase your chances of getting the raise you deserve.

Research Before the Meeting

First and foremost, it's important to do your research. Find out what the market rate is for your position and level of experience. The information you find will inform your salary request. Consider factors like cost of living, industry trends, and any additional skills or experience you've gained since you started.

Once you have a clear understanding of what you should be earning, schedule a meeting to discuss your compensation. This meeting with your supervisor should be done in-person. With remote working more popular, you might only be able to connect via Zoom or conference call, and that’s okay. You need to remember a remote video call should be handled just like an in-person meeting, respectfully.

Confident Communication

When you approach the topic of a raise in your meeting be confident and direct. Start by expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to work for the company. You then should state your case for why you believe you deserve a raise. Use specific examples of your accomplishments and contributions to the company. You need to highlight any additional responsibilities you've taken on since you started. Paint a picture that’s easy for your boss to see why you’re asking and why you deserve more money.

Be Open to the Solution

It's also important to be open to feedback from your supervisor. They may have concerns or questions about your request. However, they may just need time to review your performance and gain additional approvals. Be willing to listen to their perspective and work together to find a solution that works for you both.  Always stay on good, terms with your manager for a healthy working relationship in the future.

If your supervisor is not able to grant you the raise you're asking for, ask for specific feedback. You need to find out what you can do to earn that raise in the future. This can be an opportunity to set goals for your performance and work towards a higher salary in the future.

Throughout the process, it's important to remain professional and respectful. Avoid making demands or ultimatums You need to focus on finding a solution that benefits both you and the organization. Remember that asking for a raise is a normal part of your career advancement process.  You have the right to advocate for yourself and your worth.

Finally, you can increase your chances of success with preparation and a little research. Do your due diligence, be confident and direct, and be open to feedback and collaboration with your supervisor. By taking these steps, you can advocate for your worth and take your career to the next level.  Wishing you all the best for the future!

Best Practices for a Job Promotion   April 2023

Earning a promotion at your current job can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Here are some best practices to help you achieve success in getting that next job in your career.

Be A Team Player


Collaborating with your coworkers and being a valuable team member is very important for earning a promotion. Make sure you are always willing to help out, and go above and beyond what is expected of you. This not only shows your dedication to the organization but also demonstrates your ability to work well with others. Putting yourself out there also shows leadership your potential.




Being able to communicate effectively is essential for any job, but even more so when trying to earn your promotion. Make sure you are always clear and concise when communicating with your supervisor and colleagues. Additionally, actively listen to feedback and take constructive criticism to heart in order to improve and grow. It can be hard to hear the truth, but effective managers want you to improve and grow. You need to remember that communication styles will vary with different supervisors too. So be ready, if your manager changes and you need to change your communication style a bit.


Take Initiative


Showing initiative and being proactive in your job is a great way to demonstrate your potential for a promotion. Identify areas where the company could improve, and come up with solutions or suggestions. This shows that you care about the company's success, and also demonstrates your leadership potential. Be sure when you offer feedback (just like your supervisor) you are also offering a valuable solution for the organization.


Improve Your Skills


In today's fast-paced and constantly changing business environment, it's important to continuously improve your skills and knowledge. Take advantage of any training opportunities offered by your organization.  Consider pursuing additional education or certifications that are covered in your professional development benefits offered by the company. Additional education makes you a more valuable employee, and also demonstrates your commitment to personal and professional growth.  Professional development demonstrates another way of taking initiative and showing your boss you are a true team player for the business.

Overall, earning a promotion takes hard work, dedication, and a willingness to go above and beyond. By being a team player, communicating, taking initiative, and continuously improving your skills, you display your potential for a promotion.  You will pave the way for a successful career with your current employer and for your future!


Storytelling for Work  March 2023

Every wonder why you remember a story with details, names, and vivid locations more than a simple phone 7-digit number? Telling a story to make a point, is an impactful form of communication in your life. Here are simple ways why storytelling will improve your work experiences and build lasting relationships in life. 


Connecting on a Human Level


As humans we are wired to connect with mutual experiences and stories! This is how we relate to people, understand concepts, and meet on common ground when challenged, with stories. So, if it’s in our DNA, why do we remember a story our best friend tells us, but we can’t remember a simple 7-digit phone number or even a birthday?


Our brain, research has shown, mimics the storyteller and actually “relives” the story in our mind. We remember details due to the engagement with the storyteller and our visualization of the words spoken. The more intense the details, the more our mind is thinking and reliving that story for us personally.


Three Story Types


There are three types of stories we easily connect with using our own human experiences:


1.     Continuity stories are where things don’t change, such as our values and other humanistic traits we all share.

2.     Novelty stories are looking at the uniqueness of a “future world” or something that is just outside of the realm of possibility, currently.

3.     Transition stories are journeys of learning and how people or topics have changed or overcome obstacles.


Remembering these types of stories will help you improve your skills and more easily relate an event using your storytelling abilities.


Storytelling with an Improv Mindset


So, if storytelling is the way to go, how can I improve my skills?  “Practice makes permanent,” my 3rd grade teacher once told me.  Practice the skills of improv to hone your ability to relate an interesting topic, to engage your audience, and be remembered as a great storyteller.


The term is referred to as “Improv Mindset,” which was actually tested recently during the pandemic and is a recent book, by Bruce and Gail Montgomery. Globally, we all had a great deal of change very quickly and pivoted solutions for greater success in the aftermath.  This is similar to taking a challenge and improvising your way around to another solution or learning opportunity.


The same is true for an improv mindset. Developing traits where you take risks, tell stories, and with feedback can pivot to make those stories impactful and meaningful for colleagues and your own growth.  Finally, you need to be actively listening to be able to tell your story effectively. Taking in ques from your audience and improving your storytelling every chance available will enable you to easily build upon your skills.


By practicing your storytelling abilities and using an improv mindset you will improve your communication and will more easily connect with people in life especially during your travels to other countries and new cultures. 


Follow my blogs on Medium and Tumblr for more insights and travel ideas.  

Social Media Best Practices in Public Libraries  February 2023

Marketing with social media has become a crucial tool for public libraries. Libraries need to connect with their communities and promote their services. However, managing a social media presence for a public library can be challenging. It's important to follow best practices to ensure that your efforts are effective for your customers. Here are three best practices for social media in a public library.

Develop A Marketing Strategy


The first step in creating a successful social media presence for a public library is to develop a marketing strategy. Identifying your target audience, determining the types of content that will be most relevant, and creating a posting schedule. Consider the type of information and services your library offers. What events do you host currently, and what does the community you serve want when creating engaging content?


Engage with your audience


Social media is not a one-way street, it's important to engage with your audience. Respond to comments and messages daily. You also need to actively seek out opportunities to connect with your community and add new followers. Encourage your followers to share their thoughts, ask for feedback and listen to what they have to say.


Be Consistent and Authentic


Consistency is key when it comes to social media. Make sure to post regularly and maintain a consistent tone across all platforms. Additionally, be authentic and transparent when communicating with your audience. Share the library's mission and values, and let them know what makes your library unique. Be aware of trolls and make sure to have a “social media policy” in place to deal with misinformation.

In addition to these best practices, it's also important to ensure that your library's social media accounts are properly set up and managed. This means keeping your library's contact information up to date, monitoring your accounts for inappropriate content, and ensuring account security.

Also, take the time to review your analytics and measure the performance of your social media posts. This will help you understand what works and what doesn't and adjust your strategy accordingly. Social media coordinator is a good role for professional development in public libraries for your staff.  

Social media is an effective tool for public libraries to connect with their communities and promote their services. By developing a marketing strategy, engaging and being consistent with posts, you can create an online presence for your library. Remember, social media is an ongoing effort, so be ready to adapt and evolve as the platforms and audiences change.

Interview Tips that Win Your New Job   January 2023

It goes without saying you need to prepare for your next job interview. How do you present yourself to the interviewer to win your dream job?  Read on for some useful tips.

Stories to Remember

Research has proven that people remember stories, no matter the situation. So be sure to mentally prepare a few personal stories that relate to successes and mishaps you’ve had in jobs. The successes highlight your accomplishments, and the mistakes show your humility and that you are relatable. You’ve all made mistakes on the job, so show how you are aware and have learned from them.

Stories can also highlight skills necessary for the job you’re interviewing for. Therefore, you should research the job skills and relate how your value and previous experience meets that criterion. Even if you are changing careers, valued skills translate to other jobs such as selling, budgeting, and supervising. Gather your thoughts and have your stories ready to tell in 2–3-minute story bites.

Backup with Examples

You then need to back up your stories with measurable examples from work, school, or volunteering. Let’s say you were in sales and would like to transition into management or another business role requiring meeting deadlines. Having your quarterly metrics ready to share along with HOW you accomplished those goals is important. Share the obstacles you overcame and the how you might have missed some opportunities. Again, having real world examples that relate to your skills and the job are important to shine at an interview.

 Ask for the Job

A career coach once shared with me, that only 10% of interviewees ask for the job. What I mean by that, is “close the sale.” You need to state one last important bit of information so you are remembered as the best candidate. For example, you could say, “Thank you for your time today.  If you allow me this opportunity, I’ll do an excellent job for you.”  Seal the deal and ask for the job in your closing remarks.

Think of your closing statement (after asking relevant questions about the company and role,) as your “pick me “statement. Leave a lasting impression on the interviewer, of why you are the very best candidate for this position. Have you done this job before?  Do you possess at least 80% or in some cases 50% of the job skills?  Is the job in your general industry or a new career you aspire too? Tell the interviewer WHY you are the best fit and close the sale for your new job!

Cover Letters Are Important  December 2022

Once you have a solid resume, you will need a cover letter to compliment your skills. A good cover letter is important and highlights your value as a potential employee. The cover letter paints a picture of you for the hiring manager, beyond your experience. Here are tips for an effective cover letter to get that next interview.


Introduce Yourself

A good cover letter will provide the reader a clear idea of who you are and what you can do. The cover letter is important to fill in the gaps that might be left from your two-page resume.

Give the reader a clear idea of WHY you want to work for their company and HOW you can provide that value.


Highlighting why you’re making a job change (spouse relocation or career switch) is another important aspect to include. If you can include metrics or tangible improvements from your previous employment, include them.  But keep your cover letter to no more than one page. People are busy and one page is enough to sell yourself and your skill set.


Match Keywords

Just like writing a resume, a solid cover letter should align with the job description and your skills. Match keywords from the job posting and use that vocabulary in your letter. Better yet, highlight an achievement or “win” from a previous role which illustrates that specific skill or certification. Remember, readers like stories so make your cover letter tell your story.


Spelling and Grammar

This goes without saying but using correct spelling and grammar is vital for your cover letter. You need to show off your writing skills and a huge part of that is a readable introduction. Check spelling and tenses of verbs to ensure they match.  Read through with fresh eyes to make sure not to leave out any important details. Finally, have a friend or colleague read through your cover again letter for clarity and punctuation.


Ask for the Interview

Without sounding cheesy, have a great closing statement in the letter to specify “action.” In other words, ask for the interview!  Or you could ask to follow up in a few days if the reader had any further questions. Bottom line, you want the reader to act and contact you for an interview, to continue the conversation.  A salutation of “Thank you” or “Sincerely” is also best when signing off. 


Practice makes permanent, so the more you write, the easier a solid cover letter will be for you. Good Luck in your job search! 

Try A Remote Working Vacation   November 2022

With Covid still present worldwide and work being more flexible, think about taking a remote working vacation this year. What better way to take advantage of your time and see the world while enjoying remote work.  Below are the top spots to enjoy a trip and still easily work remotely. Even if you’ve never tried a working vacation, the pandemic has shown us, “never to say never.”


Think Big


With the ease of Wi-Fi connectivity worldwide, your imagination is the only thing stopping you from your next holiday. Of course, larger cities in the United States such as Phoenix, San Diego and New York rank very high in Wi-Fi reliability. So now think about overseas locations that would provide a life changing vacation and still allow you to work. German based company, Holidu has ranked the best cities, so check out your dream trip before summer rolls around. Bangkok, Thailand and Barcelona, Spain rank high for overseas vacation workers. So, take the time to check out other destinations that meet your needs.


Time Balance


This goes without saying, that you’re on vacation but you are working, so balance is key. Think ahead about how your typical week will be planned out. With time zones, will you be checking email at 2AM or have enough time during your day. Think through current large projects, budget deadlines or other timelines that need extra attention. Book a trip during a time that won’t require extra work or constant attention while away.  Have a list of activities to check out before you leave.  You are in a new city or foreign country so take advantage of your time and see the sites.


Legal Guidelines


If you are thinking you’d like to stay longer than a few weeks in your vacation locale, ask your company. There are tax implications, residency issues, and visa requirements if you work longer than a few weeks. This varies by country and most importantly by your organization’s HR rules. Know ahead of time how long you can stay before you encounter any legal issues or tax questions. 


Asking a few questions of your employer before you venture out is a great way to start a new trend in vacations. Take advantage of remote working and see the world at the same time! Safe Travels!

Halloween Costumes for Work   October 2022

Halloween is right around the corner, and that means dressing up in costume for some people. Check out some ideas to make your next Halloween costume easy, fun, and friendly for all work environments.


Traditional Halloween


When you think Halloween you think, pumpkins, witches, zombies, and monsters.  These costumes will work, but what if you work in a school, nursing home, or other public setting? You need to be mindful of toy weapons, fake blood, and scary costumes. These props don’t always translate well for all crowds.


If you decide to dress up in a traditional costume, make sure your clothing is modest without toy knives or guns.  Keep blood and gore to a minimum too. Finally, make sure your costume (including hats and shoes) allows you to move freely. You need to be comfortable and still be able to do your job Halloween day. Have fun, but also think of others.


Pop Culture


Another idea for a fun Halloween costume is what’s trending on Instagram or TikTok. Usually popular streaming shows, like “Stranger Things” or classic television like the “Flintstones” or the “Grinch” are hits.  These costumes are popular with families and large groups to coordinate with a theme.


Be mindful of the time involved to gather props, even if you’re dressing up like a simple TV character.  Begin your search now, so come October 31st, you’ve got all the items you need to complete your costume.


The NO Costume, Costume


I’m referring to folks that don’t like dressing up, but still want to participate in work or school costume contests. You either didn’t give yourself enough time or decided last minute to dress up.  Here is a list of easy to throw together DIY costume ideas to try last minute:


1.     Tourist – Hawaiian shirt, camera or lei, shorts, sandals, and a straw hat

2.     Pirate – White shirt, black pants, red bandana, and a stuffed parrot if you’ve got it

3.     Ghost – Come on, do I have to tell you about the sheet with holes?

4.     Librarian – Pants or skirt, cardigan sweater with a broach or bow tie, glasses if you’ve got them, carrying a stack of books. Don’t forget to “shush” people all day if you must.


These are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Check out Pinterest for more Halloween costume ideas and have a ball this year dressing up!

Creating a Work Life Balance  September 2022

With the pandemic came a greater need to understand work life balance and how it affects families. Read on for ideas to keep your career on track and a healthy balance at home.

Stop Multitasking

Women are more prone to multitask more than men. However, none of us can complete two tasks at once. You end up doing two tasks, half-way or having to redo something else. In other words, focus on one thing at a time. Whether it’s answering email, phone calls, or watching your kid’s soccer game. Do one and only one thing at a time.

You’d be amazed how much you can accomplish if you concentrate on one task, complete it, and move on.  I’m a mom too, so I understand the feelings.  Stop multitasking now for a healthier lifestyle.

Make a List

Write down what you need to do. Whether it’s in your google calendar, a paper list, or in Notes; write it down. When you write something down, it gives your brain permission to move on. You are not “holding on” to the item in your head. You can clear the way for other tasks that come up.

It might be important to pick up dog food or prepare for a work meeting but don’t give each task equal importance. Write it down and cross it off when completed.  Have a work list and home list to keep things simple or color code your task list.

Plan Time to Relax

Just as you would plan for your work meeting, block off down time at home. As a super achiever this is important, so you don’t burn out. Self-care and taking time for yourself is the most important task you can do for your family and you.

Your immune system will thank you and your gratitude level will increase with self-care. If you find it difficult to “unwind” check out some reaffirming daily reminders to help.  Having reminders of what you have, (not what you don’t) is the very best method to find peace in life.


Finally, get a dog or cat for companionship. Research has shown that petting a dog or cat reduces a human’s anxiety level immediately. Pets are relaxing and allow you to focus on something other than work or other distractions. Taking care of an animal opens up empathy for other creatures and nurturing skills.

For more living well ideas check my personal website:

Annual Reports That Tell Your Story   August 2022

If your library runs on a fiscal year, June through July, have you prepared your annual report? What library metrics should you provide the Board?  Read on for tips to create an informative report full the most impactful information.


Digital Checkouts


With the pandemic, digital checkouts have surged in libraries across the country. Provide your stakeholders statistics on book, DVD and music downloads. These along with magazines are the four most popular circulating items. Don’t forget to add the new vendors from 2020 or other anomaly to explain large data swings.


Door Count


The number of people coming through the doors has decreased due to the public health situation. Including this number is totally up to you, but it might not be pretty. You could include new partnerships or other outreach metrics in place of the door count. Safe to say, physical visits to the library might never recover if we need to live with Covid long term. As a leader, you need to begin to get creative about bringing folks back in. Will large public events or annual festivals drive library traffic post pandemic?  Each community is different and finding the sweet spot for public engagement is your job as library director.




What new vendors did the library add or delete?  Please include all the collections to provide an accurate overview of your library’s offerings and impact on the community. I’ve worked in library where DVDs were the number one circulating item. Other libraries had a large children’s picture book collection that drove the checkouts due to higher family populations. Tailor the report and metrics to highlight the collections’ strengths while acknowledging possible gaps.



Programming will be your library’s time to shine. Despite closures, virtual programming has taken off at most libraries nationwide and globally. Edit a bit from a virtual storytime to present during the Board meeting and share how the library was successful. Be sure to collect data regarding re-shares along with audience size in the initial posting.  Keep a digital archive of the library programs to improve next year. Always promote the library programs on social media to reach your potential audience and drive customers to the building.


Choose A Format

If you have a choice of format, I’d recommend a simple infographic. Keeping the library information to one page will keep it simple, easy to read, and easy to explain.  A variety of pictures and statistics also keeps the eye interested and readers engaged.

Whatever format you choose, keep the report relatable to the average person by avoiding library jargon (like "circs.") Have fun reviewing your year. You are the best person to tell the library’s story and advocate in the community. Best of luck! 

Planning an Employee Training Day   July 2022


Organizations especially schools and libraries have long held day long or half day training sessions for their teams. Closing for one day provides a much-needed break for employees to learn policies, network and just be together in the same place. Here are a few simple ideas to get your staff training day off the ground.


Have A Plan


If your library or school will be closing for the day, or celebrating National Library Week, the learning objectives need to be spelled out in advance for your employees and the organization.  Will you be teaching safety polices, new technology or providing an opportunity to hear a valuable speaker to discuss feedback? In planning a staff day, your supervisor and organization will guide the learning outcomes, but some constants will always remain the same. Food and staff participation are two of the most important that need to be considered when planning your day together.


Staff Involvement


The best method to include the entire library team is to set up committees at least six months in advance of your training day. Subcommittees allow all employees to be included in the decisions of the entire day and plays to the strengths of everyone involved with the planning. Spreading the planning among many of your team, also allows a professional development opportunity for every level of employee from part time to full time and for folks that might not have the chance to be a project manager or public speaker in their current role. Allowing all staff to participate in planning also provides valuable buy-in to the day’s activities and successful outcomes.


Food and Fun


Providing meals or even snacks is totally up to you, your staff, and the library’s budget. Sometimes food is never allowed depending upon library policy, so investigate other options to provide some snacks or lunch.  Would the PTA or your Library Friends group be willing to donate food for staff day?  Could every staff member bring something for a continental breakfast or easy lunch, like a potluck?  Having food and beverages available for your team makes a huge difference, so get creative if your organization will not allow you to purchase food items. Also include a fun activity that builds your team morale. Are you creating art together, making a bridge from marshmallows, or playing 20 questions while roaming the room?  Plan something enjoyable to do as a team to bring everyone together even for 30 minutes. Planning a staff day will be beneficial for your work group in many ways and taking the first few steps is very easy! 

Changing Library Partnerships   June 2022

Entering the third year of the pandemic, no one saw the library industry changes coming. With in-person programs and events still uncertain, how does a library handle ongoing partnerships?  Read on for tips your team can use to thrive with change. During and after Covid, libraries will need to bounce back and be relevant with programs more than ever before.


Virtual meetings


As the pandemic drags on, your library should be in regular contact with your community partners. Zoom and Teams should be your best friend, to connect with leaders and your stakeholders. School Districts, Civic and other organizations having varying levels of safety protocols. Always error on the side of caution and meet up virtually with your partners. Keep in touch with mutual goals, benchmarks, or patron data that might need analyzing. “Back to normal” might never happen, so keeping abreast of your partners’ new goals and interests is key right now.


Attend annual events safely


If the virus is not a threat in your community and you can safety attend in-person annual events, do it!  Nothing takes the place of “face time” and meeting with your partners. This also applies to new partners your library was cultivating before the pandemic.


Keeping the pipeline full of potential new partners with similar community goals is vital especially now. Think beyond your normal partnerships and look at new bonds you can form.  Is there a new literacy organization or an arm from the American Rescue Plan that would work with your library’s strategic plan? Now is the time to get creative.


Seek Out New Partners


Like pre-pandemic, your team will still need to reach out and connect with new schools, faith-based organizations, and other partners. With the building quieter and less foot traffic, meet with internal departments in your city or university to find common ground. Does the city need a new recreation space or social service? This might be the lifeline the library needs to provide a needed service for the community. Libraries are now providing onsite Covid testing and take- home tests. Don’t leave anything off the table if your library can support a needed service now.


Getting a jump start on new partnerships and maintaining current ones should be library leadership’s priority. It’s never too late to have alternative plans ready if your senior leadership needs the library to expand services. Be ready and be prepared, especially during this time of Covid. 

Digital Marketing for Libraries  May 2022

The internet and digital marketing have advantages for libraries. Read on for a couple of tricks to increase your library's exposure and customer base. Libraries are here to stay, and social media will help bring customers back into the building.

Social Media

It’s a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram driven world. This means that marketing your library on these social media platforms is essential. That’s true for any business. Post pictures of programs, customers, and be sure to use hashtags every post. Post photos of the building, bookstore, and community events at your library. Keep up with various literary events such as Banned Books Week or National Library Week.

Email Marketing

Set up a mailing list and then blast out newsletters and other information to teachers, legislators, and other local officials. Customers need to be reminded the library is in the community.  Furthermore, reach out to new customers interested in various events at your library. Grow those customers and sign them up for a library card!

Use Videos

A picture is worth a thousand words, and photos sell. We live in a video-saturated world.  Make short videos about the programs at your library.  Storytimes and children's programs have the biggest audiences at libraries, so publicize the most popular. 

When doing this or taking pictures, it is important to use a proper high-quality HD-capable camera. With all the images we encounter in our daily lives now, we are quite good at telling HD from non-HD photos. The latter are now judged as inferior by default. Go for the quality and make an impression.

Event Marketing

What’s the next big event that you’re hosting at your library? Whatever it is, you want to use that to market your library big time. What’s more, you need to make sure that as many people know about it as possible. Use the tools above, employ flyers and banners, advertise to schools, and use other traditional event planning measures to get as much exposure as possible.

All this and more can help you get your library the publicity it needs and deserves

The Pros and Cons of Remote Work   April 2022

After the two-year long pandemic, we saw society change. Work cultures have changed. Many companies see advantages to remote work. However, many employers also see the disadvantages of not being in the office along with their employees. Read on for the advantages and disadvantages for working remotely.


Home Office Advantages


If you’re a working mom or dad, you can skip this section! Having more time was the number one reason parents gave for working from home. I’m talking about parents of small children, care givers to elderly family members, and having more time for yourself. No commuting to work or dressing up, gives you more time in the morning. Remote work saves us all time since we are on Zoom meetings all day from home. 


Time and energy are saved by working remotely for most employees. They love the convenience and life-work balance it’s created.  Meta has even taken it to the extreme, but results have not been fully evaluated as of this publication date. But, I’d love to work from a laptop in Hawaii or Europe!


Cons of Remote Work


However, with saving time does come a downside to never returning to the office. The lack of in person networking has seen some workers questioning promotions. The day-to-day social interaction is not there at home. Finally, the isolation you feel being along all day, even with a pet, is real for many workers. So is there a compromise?


Hybrid Working


A work model that’s popular is the hybrid model or splitting your time between your home office and the company’s location.  Hybrid work solves the issue of being in the office to socialize and network. However, depending upon the company’s culture, employees might never see one another due to the days selected in the office. 


To help ease the transition, many employers are allowing the employee to determine days of the week or total days monthly in the office. If the organization is large, the times, days and hours of work can vary. Leading us back to the issue of no more birthday celebrations, victory lunches or water cooler chats with our colleagues. 


What is the answer?  The jury is out on this one. Workers and employers are still dealing with this even today as Covid cases are lower and masks disappeared. Everyone agrees that when you provide a perk to workers, it’s very hard to back track and take it away.  This is a dilemma we will be talking about for a while. Let me know your thoughts on remote working and your situation.

Stress Relievers   March 2022

The world is easing out of the pandemic. We all have to adapt to a new way of living and experience more stress. Whether it’s from remote work, a new job, or online school, stress relievers are more important an ever.  Continue reading for habits that are simple to use to relieve day to day stress.

Get Out in Nature

Taking a quick walk around the block or morning jog in a park will help your mental health. Research has shown that two hours a week in nature increases your cognitive abilities and your physical wellbeing. It can be as easy as enjoying your coffee on the balcony. Looking at trees and green spaces on your walk to work is another easy fix. The stress release from doses of daily nature, crosses ethic groups and demographics. So get out there and get some daily “green.”

Pet Ownership

The health benefits you gain from having a pet are too many to list. Pet owners experience less depression, reduced blood pressure, and survive chronic illness better than non-pet owners.  Whether it’s a dog, cat or gerbil caring for an animal is a great stress reliever. The time commitment and cost of owning a pet varies, but the health benefits are huge. Older people also experience a sense of purpose and companionship with a pet. Cats are more independent and easier to care for than dogs. Make sure you do your research before making a commitment.

Controlling Your Emotions

Finally, this is easier said than done, but controlling your emotions will greatly benefit your health. Referred to as your emotional intelligence, increasing this trait has many benefits. At work or with your family having greater self-awareness is important. This benefits your mental and physical health as well as your personal and professional relationships. Practicing self-control, emotional focus, and decision-making skills enables you to handle life’s up and downs.  If you were raised in a household that didn’t acknowledge emotional health or feelings, this will take practice. Check for self-care programs and talk to friends to increase your awareness and self-control skills. 

The first step in relieving stress is to acknowledge it and then make small changes. Being more resilient and adaptable in life is a must these days. Best of luck in your journey.

Being Happier        February 2022

Entering the third year of this pandemic has changed our lifestyles and habits. From remote work, online school and financially our lives have changed. Finding happiness and being happier in general have been more difficult for many people. Here are simple habits to increase your happiness no matter your situation.

Finding the Good

Harvard-trained phycologist Shawn Achor, has a viral TED Talk that simplifies this notion of finding the good. For 21 days, write to someone different in your life a positive email or text. It only takes two minutes and reinforces that happiness is around you. To reaffirm your happiness, write down three different things that made you happy that day and WHY. You need to perform the exercise for 21 days, and the experiences need to be different.

Both habits have proven to increase happiness levels across the board for people.

The Happiness Advantage

In addition, Achor’s bestselling book, The Happiness Advantage, goes into greater detail about why people were happier after these two easy habits. First, he explains that happiness is contagious and produces more happy people. Second, your happiness is your choice. Finally, you are more productive when you are a happier person, family member, or employee.

Positive Psychology

Finally, the positive psychology, involved with increasing happiness has had a great deal of research across many socioeconomic communities.  Showing gratitude, being mindful, and random acts of kindness have proven to increase happiness across demographics.  In addition, practicing self-care and seeking a healthy balance in your life all benefit your overall well-being.

Being kind to yourself and others truly is the easiest way to increase your happiness and those around you.

Furthermore, you might need to stretch your emotional intelligence muscles to succeed. A happier life is out there and the research proves it. Put the time in and try a new habit for 21 days and see what happens!  Being happier is easier than you think even in a pandemic.

Originally published on Kathy's Elephant Journal.

Professional Development for Librarians    January 2022

Organizations will have you train or take self-paced learning courses throughout the new employee phase when starting a new job. When you are a tenured worker or better yet a knowledgeable librarian, what professional development should you focus on? What are the next steps in your career and the next steps of librarianship?  Read on for advice to broaden skillsets and allow you to excel to the next level in your library career.


Volunteer to Lead

When you are offered an opportunity to lead or be a part of a committee that will get organizational recognition, take it!  For example, leading the annual staff training day or planning for the summer reading program should be on your radar to participate and provide valuable information and leadership for a successful event.  If you work in an academic library, consider volunteering to work on a grant application for a long-range project that will benefit your institution and library. Taking the initiative to lead will show others you have the leadership qualities to move forward.


Develop a Plan

As a professional your own development is up to you so come up with other methods to excel and stand out to your organization in the area you are interested in pursuing. For example, if you are a youth services librarian, then branch out into another area or gain a mentor in a technical area to broaden your skills and be of more value to the organization. Looking for opportunities and asking to help in other areas is always appreciated by leadership and will get you noticed for other openings as they become available. Have a plan or goal in mind and ask the appropriate manager or coordinator if you can shadow to learn tasks or take a few extra responsibilities to learn a new skill. You will thank yourself down the road. 


Be Flexible

Keep in mind opportunities will present themselves when you least except them so be flexible and take them when they’re offered. Be ready to jump at a chance if the position aligns with your goals, lifestyle, and career options. Timelines and career focus are great, but life is unpredictable and remaining open to unique opportunities or something a little different is always something to keep in a positive light. If you’ve worked hard and provide value to an organization, they will snap you up and you both win in that work life situation. Good Luck! 

Your First Library Job Interview    December 2021

When you apply for a job, it is a good idea to know what to expect. Working in a library is a great job. Preparing for your interview so that you can stand out from other applicants is very important. Continue reading for tips on what hiring managers look for and how to get your first job at a library.

Library Organizations Provide Experience

Think about the skills you need as a librarian and get some experience from other organizations. There are many different groups to provide volunteer service. You want to gain experience that you can relate and tell a story in your interview. For example, the American Library Association is a great resource to learn more about library careers and jobs. The site provides information on training and links for more in-depth local volunteer opportunities. 

Research the Job 

It is important to learn as much as you can about the job you apply for in the library. Positions vary due to the amount of public service or contact you may need to cash handling experience.  Visit the library’s website and research past programs, the online calendar, and any meeting minutes. Learn as much as you can about the goals for the library and how your future job would support initiatives.  In addition, researching the library’s website will help you understand the partners and programs offered. This research provides even more conversation starters for your future interview. You could also visit the library beforehand to get a feel for the work culture and fit for your needs. Observing library staff in action will give you valuable insights into what to expect from a possible job there.

Complete Application 

Your application should be thorough and cover all the experience you have accumulated. Anything work that can relate to libraries should be listed, such as customer service and cash handling. In addition, make sure that you include a cover letter and your resume addressed to the hiring manager. This detail could make you stand out from other applicants who do not include these personalized touches. Also, make sure to have a friend or family member proofread your application to ensure there are no mistakes. Proper grammar is also very important to make a good first impression on the hiring manager.

Finally, run through a practice interview with a friend who understands the job and your skills. You will have more confidence and less nerves if you practice in a conversational style. Good luck!

Planning a Staff Training Day       November 2021

Organizations especially schools and libraries have long held day long or half day training sessions for their teams. Closing for one day provides a much-needed break for employees to learn policies, network and just be together in the same place. Here are a few simple ideas to get your staff training day off the ground.


Have A Plan

If your library or school will be closing for the day, or celebrating National Library Week, the learning objectives need to be spelled out in advance for your employees and the organization.  Will you be teaching safety polices, new technology or providing an opportunity to hear a valuable speaker to discuss feedback? In planning a staff day, your supervisor and organization will guide the learning outcomes, but some constants will always remain the same. Food and staff participation are two of the most important that need to be considered when planning your day together.


Staff Involvement


The best method to include the entire library team is to set up committees at least six months in advance of your training day. Subcommittees allow all employees to be included in the decisions of the entire day and plays to the strengths of everyone involved with the planning. Spreading the planning among many of your team, also allows a professional development opportunity for every level of employee from part time to full time and for folks that might not have the chance to be a project manager or public speaker in their current role. Allowing all staff to participate in planning also provides valuable buy-in to the day’s activities and successful outcomes.


Food and Fun

Providing meals or even snacks is totally up to you, your staff, and the library’s budget. Sometimes food is never allowed depending upon library policy, so investigate other options to provide some snacks or lunch.  Would the PTA or your Library Friends group be willing to donate food for staff day?  Could every staff member bring something for a continental breakfast or easy lunch, like a potluck?  Having food and beverages available for your team makes a huge difference, so get creative if your organization will not allow you to purchase food items. Also include a fun activity that builds your team morale. Are you creating art together, making a bridge from marshmallows, or playing 20 questions while roaming the room?  Plan something enjoyable to do as a team to bring everyone together even for 30 minutes. Planning a staff day will be beneficial for your work group in many ways and taking the first few steps is very easy! 

Grant Funding Basics      October 2021


It is important to understand how grants operate before writing one for your library. You need to grasp the basics of submitting a grant and the library’s requirements. Continue reading to learn how to earn grant funding for your community’s library.


Understand What a Grant Is


A grant is simply a financial award that is designed to be used for a specific purpose or project. Grants differ from other funding since the money is tied to specific library goals or outcomes. Still, you must use grant money for its intended purpose and document your team’s work. Grants are awarded by grantors, or the group that is the source of the funding. There are three different types of grantors including nonprofit foundations, corporations, and the state and federal government. Individuals, families, or nonprofit community organizations fund private foundation grants. Businesses fund corporate grant gifts.  Finally, the federal government funds state and nationally controlled library grants through the IMLS.


Who Qualifies for a Grant?


There are four different categories to determine qualifications for grant funding. Nonprofit organizations that are registered as a 501c3 corporation and religious organizations come under nonprofit grantee receiver status. Grants for individuals, including students, researchers, scholars, and artists fall into another category. Finally, there are grants for tax-supported organizations such as schools, first responders, and government agencies like libraries.

Still, private organizations with public interests such as library Friends groups, and fundraising charities also qualify depending upon tax status. Grantors will clearly state grant requirements. For example, if a tax ID is needed in the application.


How to Library Grants


There are several ways to research grants for your library’s funding needs. For example, attending workshops and professional development meetings related to your project’s cause is one way. Subscribing to specific grant websites such as is another method to find grant money. You can also search specific projects at a one stop listing for upcoming grants. However, partnering with local corporations regarding unique grant opportunities for literacy or educational funds is also helpful. Reaching out to other unconventional civic groups which support mutual goals for the library and the group is another idea. 


Furthermore, the best way to find out if your library qualifies for a grant is to read the application instructions. The application will explain funding goals, demographics of those served, and the documentation required after the grant is earned. Give it a try and good luck!

Goal Setting For Your Career      September 2021   


Goal setting is a useful tool to guide your career in any industry, especially in libraries. Read on for tools to help in setting goals and developing your career plan for future growth. With work- place cultures changing due to COVID, realigning your goals now might be right for you.


Gap Analysis


A standard gap analysis determines your current status, and where you’d like to end up.  The gap or what’s missing is in the middle. Does this gap need to be filled with education, another job, increased salary, or a new geographic asset? Only you can determine what is the most important factor and how to obtain your goal. Having your plan benchmarked with SMART goals and establishing a plan to close gaps will get you there. Smaller goals should build upon one another to fill the gaps and ultimately help you achieve your main career objective. 




Finding a trusted mentor you can rely on will help in your career plan. Finding more than one will help even more, especially if a few are outside of your industry. Jobs and careers are made with relationships and connections. Networking and finding mentors might be a little more difficult with more industries working remotely. However, volunteering for service events, attending conferences, and adding value in your current job, position you as a leader. Mentors are drawn to natural leaders, so just ask if you feel a connection with a colleague. The more genuine connections you make with people, the more likely you will find someone to help you.


Use LinkedIn


Finally, use LinkedIn and use it a lot. If your partner’s career dictates your geographic location and possibly your career goals now, then pivot.  What I mean is, what smaller achievements can you accomplish which will help you get toward that larger career goal.  Think about teaching, volunteering, or shadowing someone in your desired industry or job.  Anything to make yourself more valuable to a future employer will help you in the long run. To overcome a geographic obstacle be sure to link with colleagues in your desired location.  You never know what opportunities might open or when you might make a physical move. 


Having a career plan is a way to keep your goals on track, yet flexible for life. Especially with the pandemic having families rethink priorities, having a career plan in place will make you feel more in control of your future.  Best of luck!

Career Mentoring for Success     August 2021

Being a mentor or getting mentoring advice will help your career success in many ways you might not realize. Here are a few reasons why putting yourself out there to provide advice to a colleague helps you and your mentee. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a mentee is “one who is being mentored a protégé.” 

Job Satisfaction

Studies have shown that sharing your job knowledge and leadership experiences gives you a more satisfied feeling in your role. Furthermore, we feel good when we have mastered a skill. We feel even better when we can share that with others. Mentors show commitment to their profession and their teams. Sharing a bit of ourselves and our experience broadens our relationships. A trusting mentor/mentee relationship is invaluable for job satisfaction.

Succession Planning

When you receive mentoring from a leader or another colleague you are learning valuable lessons from a seasoned employee. Someone who has already been through an experience or solved a particular issue. This creates a great learning opportunity to gain knowledge and have exposure to real-world examples. These topics you might never even know existed, if not for your mentor. Like the old saying goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Hearing and learning firsthand from a mentor are valuable ways to expand your toolkit for heading up the career ladder and in turn assisting your organization’s leadership.

Additional Exposure

For men and women mentoring gives an opportunity to show your company what you’ve got to offer and can open additional opportunities for your career growth.  Professional conferences, industry memberships and networking events can all be a form of mentoring or passing on valuable experience to help others in your industry. With travel opening more, considering a more formal platform to share your skills and experience with others.

Not able to travel? How about a more organic platform to mentor colleagues and share your experiences openly. I remember a roundtable of community stakeholders that would assemble once a quarter to discuss current business trends. This group discussed challenges and upcoming concerns others might not be aware of. This was a group method of passing on important information while keeping our networks active. While not as personal as one on one mentoring, connections were made and relationships were forged during our gatherings four times each year and continue today.

If you have an idea on a mentoring strategy let me know. We all should be sharing and learning!