
Photo Credits: The author's ; My Arizona Garden - Zone9b -Spring, 2024

Downsizing Your Home

Starting on the journey of downsizing your home involves a thoughtful process of simplification, organization, and evaluation of your possessions. Whether motivated by a desire for a simpler lifestyle, financial considerations, or a change in priorities, downsizing can be a positive experience with planning and the right mindset.

Your Priorities

The first step in downsizing is determining your needs and priorities. What aspects of your current lifestyle are essential, and what can be discarded? Consider the function of your current space and identify elements that align with your lifestyle goals for the future. This reflective phase sets the foundation for a more intentional and streamlined living space.

Decluttering with Purpose

Downsizing involves decluttering, a process that goes beyond merely discarding items. It's an intentional decision about keeping items that hold sentimental value or serve a practical purpose. Begin with one room at a time, categorizing items into keep, donate, sell, or discard. This step not only lightens the physical load but also contributes to a decluttered mental space.

Space Optimization

A smaller home translates into strategic space optimization. Invest in multi-functional furniture to maximize utility without sacrificing style. Consider creative storage solutions, such as under-bed storage, wall-mounted shelves, or furniture with hidden compartments. The goal is to create an environment where every inch serves a purpose, creating an efficient and organized living space.


When the decluttering process is underway, start planning the details of the move. Whether hiring professional movers or opting for a DIY approach, create a timeline that includes packing, transportation, and unpacking. Label boxes clearly, emphasizing essential items for immediate use. Downsizing offers an opportunity to reassess furniture needs, potentially selling or donating pieces that won't fit in the new space.

Positive Mindset

Downsizing is not merely a reduction in physical space but a conscious shift in mindset. Embrace the positives of a smaller home, focusing on the benefits of simplified living, reduced maintenance, and potentially lower expenses. Cultivate an optimistic outlook throughout the process, emphasizing the new opportunities and freedoms that downsizing can bring.

Settling into a Smaller Space

Once the move is complete, allow time for adjustment. Experiment with furniture arrangements and unpacking your essentials to find the most functional and visually pleasing setup. Embrace the sense of coziness and intimacy that often accompanies a smaller home, creating a space that feels welcoming.

Downsizing is a journey of intentional living. Each decision contributes to a more streamlined and fulfilling lifestyle. By assessing needs, decluttering with purpose, optimizing space, and maintaining a positive mindset you’re halfway there. The process becomes an opportunity for growth, simplicity, and a newfound appreciation for the essentials in life.


Vision Boards Are Made for Success

What is a vision board? How can they help you create and achieve your goals this year? Read on for 3 simple steps to make a vision board and have your dreams come true this year.


Visualize Goals


First you need to visualize your goals or what you want out of 2024. Whether it’s a new job, relationship, or home, create a picture in your mind of exactly what that looks like. Remember little details to truly create a vision in your mind’s eye of how achieving your goal would feel.


Next, have at least 3-5 big ideas for the new year. Write down the words that describe those successes and don’t hold back.  Words that come to mind can be fearless, courage, abundance, joy, self-care, so use your imagination.


Illustrate Your Big Ideas


I’m not an artist, so illustrating for me may be different for you. I like to use Pinterest as a very easy way to capture my thoughts and inspiration. Studies have proven if you can visualize your goals, you will increase your chances of achieving them. Digital photos, drawings, doodles, anything that brings your big idea to mind is an “illustration” for your board.


I tend to create simple drawings and also attach photos for inspiration on my vision board. Whatever is easiest, illustrate your ideas so you have a roadmap to your action steps.


Map Out Steps


Mapping out specific actions, no matter how small, for each goal is your next step.  For example, if you want to learn Spanish by the end of year, your actions might resemble:


1.     Check out free language resources at the library

2.     Research local teachers or community organizations for classes

3.     Block off time on my weekly calendar for lessons/practice

4.     Book my trip to Mexico for the summer or in 2025

5.     Continue conversational Spanish with my neighbor two nights a week


When goals are written down, visualized and acted on, they are more easily achieved. The vision board for this big idea might include Yucatan travel photos or common conversational phases. Having a goal that is broken down and committed on your calendar is also more likely to be completed by your timeline. This is only one big idea example, so think of more and don’t limit yourself.


The most difficult part of a vision board is deciding what you want from 2024 with so many possibilities today. Don’t limit yourself, and make this new year, a year to remember and celebrate.  Here’s to a happy and healthy year for you and your family and friends!

Heart Health is Important

Prioritizing heart health becomes increasingly important over time for a fulfilling and energetic life. Adopting lifestyle choices that support cardiovascular well-being can contribute to a healthier and more active aging process. Here are simple tips to stay heart-healthy as you navigate this new year.

Heart-Healthy Diet

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining heart health, especially as we age. Embrace a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Choose nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Minimize salt intake to support healthy blood pressure levels. Consider the Mediterranean diet, known for its heart-protective qualities, emphasizing olive oil, fish, nuts, and plenty of plant-based foods. Consulting with healthcare professionals or a registered dietitian can help your dietary choices based on your health needs and preferences.


Engaging in regular physical activity is a cornerstone of heart health, regardless of age. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, incorporating activities that elevate your heart rate. Walking, swimming, cycling, and low-impact aerobics are excellent choices.

Additionally, include strength training exercises to maintain muscle mass, supporting overall cardiovascular fitness. Consult with a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Manage Stress

This is difficult for most of us, but stress management is integral to heart health. Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues. Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or spending time in nature. Cultivate hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation, providing a healthy outlet for stress. Prioritizing mental well-being contributes not only to heart health but also to overall quality of life.

Regular Health Check-ups

Regular health check-ups and monitoring are necessary components of heart health maintenance. Schedule routine visits with your healthcare provider to assess blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and overall cardiovascular health. Early detection of potential issues allows for proactive interventions and lifestyle adjustments. Stay informed about your health metrics and collaborate with your doctor to create a personalized plan for heart wellness.

Stay Hydrated

Maintaining proper hydration is often overlooked but is crucial for heart health. Ensure an adequate water intake to support overall bodily functions. Additionally, limit alcohol consumption, as excessive alcohol can contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular concerns. When alcohol is interfering with family, friends, or your job it’s time to rethink your drinking and seek help.

Staying heart-healthy involves a holistic approach encompassing dietary choices, regular exercise, stress management, and proactive health monitoring. Adopting heart-protective habits enhances the quality of life, allowing you to age gracefully while prioritizing cardiovascular well-being. Remember, consulting with healthcare professionals and making gradual changes, helps a heart-healthy lifestyle and supports a fulfilling and vibrant life.  

Originally published on my Elephant site.

New Self-Care Focus for 2024

As we start a new year, it's  a perfect time for reflection and renewal. While resolutions abound, certain overarching themes can guide us towards a more fulfilling and purposeful journey in the coming months. Here are three vital themes to remember for the new year.

Mindful Well-Being in 2024

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to neglect our well-being. As we step into the new year, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and cultivate a mindful approach to health. This includes not only physical wellness but also mental and emotional balance.

Consider incorporating practices such as meditation, regular exercise, and adequate sleep into your routine. These small yet impactful habits can significantly contribute to overall well-being. In a world that often glorifies busyness, valuing moments of rest and self-reflection becomes a cornerstone for a healthier, more resilient you.

Embracing Learning and Resilience

The new year offers a blank slate for personal and professional growth. Embracing a growth mindset involves seeing challenges as opportunities for learning and viewing failures as stepping stones toward success. This approach not only fosters resilience but also fuels a continuous desire for improvement.

Set achievable goals that push your boundaries, both personally and professionally. Whether it's acquiring a new skill, pursuing further education, or taking on challenging projects, the growth mindset propels you forward. This also fosters a sense of accomplishment and adaptability during unforeseen challenges.

In a rapidly evolving world, the ability to embrace change and learn from experiences is a powerful asset. Cultivating a growth mindset ensures that every encounter contributes to your journey of becoming the best version of yourself. Whether that personal experience is positive or negative, you grow from it.

Nurturing Relationships

In the digital age, genuine connections and meaningful relationships hold incomparable value. As we navigate the new year, prioritize the nurturing of both existing and new connections. Whether it's strengthening family bonds, fostering friendships, or building professional networks, investing time and energy in relationships enriches our lives.

Take a proactive approach to communication, be present in your interactions, and seek out opportunities for collaboration and shared experiences. These connections not only provide emotional support but also contribute to a sense of belonging and purpose. In a world that can sometimes feel isolated, the power of genuine human connections is a beacon of light. A light guiding us through the challenges and joys of life to be happier.

As we embark on 2024, let mindfulness, growth, and connection be our guiding lights. Prioritizing well-being, adopting a growth mindset, and nurturing relationships pave the way for a year of purpose, resilience, and fulfillment. Here's to embracing the opportunities that 2024 brings and creating a meaningful tapestry of experiences and growth.

Happy New Year! 

Originally published on Elephant Journal 

Why We Love Taylor and Travis    December 2023

In the vast landscape of popular culture, certain figures captivate our attention and hold our fascination. Two who seem to effortlessly command the spotlight are Taylor Swift, the iconic singer-songwriter, and Travis Kelce, the NFL player. What is it about these two seemingly contrasting personalities that ignites our collective obsession?

Taylor Swift: The Evolution of Empowerment

Taylor Swift's journey from country sweetheart to pop sensation has been nothing short of a cultural phenomenon. Swift's ability to authentically narrate her personal experiences through music has created an intimate connection with her audience. From teenage love anthems to mature reflections on heartbreak and self-discovery, Swift's discography resonates across generations.

Her openness about relationships, friendships, and the challenges of fame endears her to fans. She makes them feel like they're on a journey of self-discovery alongside her.

Additionally, Swift's skilled use of social media invites fans into her world, fostering a sense of community. Her engagement with fans, candid posts, and witty interactions contribute to the perception that she is not just a megastar.  She is also a relatable individual navigating life's ups and downs.

Travis Kelce: Beyond the Gridiron

Travis Kelce, known for his exceptional skills on the football field, has transcended the confines of his profession. Beyond his athletic expertise, Kelce's magnetic personality has made him a favorite in and out of the sports arena. The tight end's charisma, evident in his touchdown celebrations and post-game interviews, sets him apart. Kelce's authenticity shines through, showcasing a genuine and approachable side of professional athletes often overlooked by the public.

Kelce's involvement in philanthropy and community outreach further cements his status as a well-rounded and socially conscious figure. Fans are drawn to his genuine passion for making a positive impact off the field. He creates a deeper connection beyond his achievements in football.

Art Meets Athletics

The convergence of Taylor Swift's musical prowess and Travis Kelce's athletic excellence may seem unexpected. However, it underscores a broader truth: our fascination often lies at the crossroads of diverse talents. Swift and Kelce represent more than their respective crafts; they embody resilience, authenticity, and the pursuit of excellence in their chosen fields.

In essence, our obsession with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce is not merely about their talent; it's a celebration of their humanity. Through vulnerability, relatability, and a commitment to authenticity, these icons become mirrors reflecting our own desires, struggles, and triumphs. In a social media age of curated personas, the genuine nature of Swift and Kelce becomes our beacon. They are guiding our fascination and deepening our connection to their stories with our own. 

Setting Healthy Boundaries  November 2023

In our fast-paced and demanding world, self-care and setting healthy boundaries is essential. This practice sets you up for maintaining a happy and joyful life. Establishing boundaries allows us to prioritize our well-being, protect our energy, and create space for self-nurturing activities. By cultivating healthy boundaries, we can enhance our overall quality of life and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

Personal Limits

One fundamental aspect of self-care is recognizing and honoring our personal limits. This involves acknowledging our physical, emotional, and mental capacities and understanding when to say no. It is crucial to listen to our bodies and minds and respond with kindness and compassion. By setting boundaries around our time and energy, we create the opportunity to engage in activities that replenish us.

Whether it's taking a restorative break, engaging in a hobby, or spending time with loved ones, you need it.  Prioritizing our needs and well-being is not selfish but rather a prerequisite for living a fulfilling and joyful life.


Communication plays a vital role in establishing healthy boundaries. Clearly and assertively expressing our needs and limitations allows others to understand and respect our boundaries. It is essential to practice effective communication by expressing ourselves honestly.  You also need to be open to listening to the needs of others as well.

By setting clear expectations and boundaries in our relationships, we foster healthier dynamics and promote mutual understanding and respect. Effective communication also helps us navigate any unforeseeable conflicts. This ensures that our boundaries are upheld and our well-being is also prioritized.

Recognizing Energy Drains

Maintaining healthy boundaries also involves recognizing and managing emotional and energetic drains. It is crucial to identify relationships or situations that consistently deplete our energy and create emotional distress. Setting boundaries allows us to protect our emotional well-being and invest energy in relationships and activities that bring us joy.

This may involve creating distance from toxic relationships, limiting exposure to negative influences, seeking support from trusted friends or professionals. For example, I had a job that was truly unhealthy and leaving was the best thing that happened to me.

Foster Positive Relationships

Self-care and healthy boundaries are not about isolation but rather about fostering relationships that align with our values and needs. It is about surrounding ourselves with people who uplift and support us, and engaging in activities that nourish our souls. By nurturing ourselves and setting healthy boundaries, we create the energy to show up fully in relationships, work, and personal pursuits.

It enables us to be more present, engaged, and authentic in all aspects of our lives. Setting boundaries fosters a deeper sense of fulfillment and joy.

Embracing healthy boundaries and practicing self-care are essential components of a happy, joyful life. Be sure to prioritize your well-being, communicate needs, and manage emotional drains you experience.  We all create a foundation for personal growth, contentment, and vibrant relationships when boundaries are respected.

Remember, setting boundaries is an act of self-love and respect. It is empowering all of us to live authentically, cultivate joy, and thrive in all areas of our lives. Live well and enjoy!

Self-Care and Meditation   October 2023

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to get caught up in demands and responsibilities surrounding us. As I've journeyed through my own life experiences, I've come to realize the importance of self-care and the power of meditation. Taking the time to prioritize my well-being and cultivating a regular meditation practice has been nothing short of life-changing. Here are some insights I'd like to share with you about embracing self-care and the art of meditation.


First, self-care is about acknowledging and honoring your own needs. It's not selfish; it's an act of self-love and preservation. Begin by carving out dedicated time for self-care activities that resonate with you. It could be as simple as taking a warm bath, reading a good book, or taking a walk in nature. Whatever it may be, the key is to make it a regular practice. This ensures it becomes a non-negotiable part of your daily routine.


Meditation is an incredible tool for finding stillness amidst the chaos and noise of the outside world. It doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Start by setting aside just a few minutes each day to sit quietly, focusing on your breath. Allow yourself to observe your thoughts without judgment, letting them come and go like passing clouds. Gradually increase the duration of your practice as you feel comfortable. Through regular meditation, you'll experience a profound sense of calm, clarity, and inner peace.

Physical Well-Being

One aspect of self-care that often gets overlooked is nurturing your physical body. Engaging in activities that promote physical well-being is an integral part of self-care. Whether it's practicing yoga, going for a run, or dancing to your favorite music. You need to find an exercise routine that brings you joy and makes you feel alive.

Additionally, pay attention to your nutritional needs. Fuel your body with nourishing foods that provide energy and support overall health. Remember to stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and listen to what your body is telling you it needs.


Another powerful self-care practice is cultivating meaningful connections and setting healthy boundaries. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you, and who truly care about your well-being. Learn to say no when necessary and honor your own limits. Setting boundaries allows you to preserve your energy and protect your mental and emotional health. Prioritize activities and relationships that bring you joy and fulfillment. Also, remember to gracefully let go of those people that no longer serve your growth and happiness.

I've discovered that self-care and meditation are not merely acts of indulgence but components of a fulfilling and balanced life. They provide the foundation for personal growth, inner peace, and resilience in the face of life's challenges. Embracing self-care and making space for meditation allows us to tap into our true selves. It nurtures our mind, body, and soul, to live authentically happy lives.

So, I invite you to embark on this beautiful journey of self-care and meditation. Start small, be gentle with yourself, and be open to the transformation that awaits. Prioritize your well-being, and watch as your inner light shines brighter, radiating love, peace, and harmony into the world. Remember, you deserve every moment of self-care and the deep nourishment it brings

Solo Health Retreats  August 2023 

Going on a health retreat by yourself can be a great way to take some time for yourself. You can focus on your physical and mental well-being. However, it's important to do your research and choose a retreat that meets your specific needs and goals. Here are some things to look for when going on a health retreat solo.

The program


Make sure that the retreat offers a program that aligns with your goals. If you're looking to lose weight, a retreat that focuses on yoga and meditation may not be the best fit. Also, if you're looking to detox and cleanse your body, a retreat that focuses on clean eating is a better fit.




The location of the retreat can have a big impact on your overall experience. If you're looking for a peaceful and secluded retreat, consider a remote location. A location that is far from the hustle and bustle of daily life is a good match.  If you're looking for a more active retreat, consider a location offering outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, or swimming.



The staff


The staff at the retreat can make or break your experience. Look for a program that has experienced and qualified staff who are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. Read reviews and testimonials from past guests. These will give you an idea of the level of care and attention you can expect from the staff.




The accommodations at the retreat can affect your overall experience. Look for a retreat that offers comfortable and clean rooms that will help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Consider the type of space that best suits your needs, such as a private suite or a shared room.


Your Budget


Look for a program that fits your budget. Retreats can vary widely in price, so it's important to find one that meets your financial needs. Keep in mind that a higher cost doesn't always guarantee a better experience. Do your research…always!


Length of Your Stay


Look for a schedule that offers the length of stay that best fits your individual needs. Some retreats offer a day, a weekend or a week-long program.  Consider the success (and joy) you’ve had on similar trips. You are the best judge to know your limits, so don’t push it.


Finally, look for a retreat that offers follow-up care, such as coaching or support groups. This is to help you maintain the progress you make during the retreat. Sustainable habits will last a lifetime and so will your memories.

Remember, taking care of yourself is a lifelong commitment. Your first health retreat can be an excellent step towards that goal.

Beach Reads    July 2023

As summer ramps up and vacation calls, it's the perfect time to read a good book while lounging beachside. As a librarian, here a few “beach read” recommendations sure to please any reader.  Each title promises to transport you to different worlds and capture the heart of this summer season.

Strong Women


Dive into a story of love, self-discovery, and sandy shores with "The Summer of Lost and Found" by Mary Alice Monroe. The story is set in the enchanting coastal town of fictional Sullivan's Island. This novel brings together the lives of three generations of women as they navigate their personal journeys. With vivid descriptions of the beach and an exploration of family dynamics, this book is a perfect beach read. For those seeking an emotional and touching summer read about family, chose this story.




If you're craving a suspenseful thriller, "The Woman in the Window" by A.J. Finn is sure to keep you riveted. Set in the bustling city of New York during a hot summer, this psychological thriller follows an agoraphobic woman. (She’s deathly afraid of going outside of her home.)  She believes she witnesses a disturbing event in her neighbor's house. As secrets unravel and tensions rise, the story will keep you on the edge of your seat, turning the pages. 


Hollywood Glitz


If you want a blend of romance, history, and exotic settings, "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" is for you.  By Taylor Jenkins Reid (author of Daisy Jones & the Six) this book is a must-read! A captivating novel taking readers on a journey through the glamorous and wild life of Evelyn Hugo a fictional moviestar. With its rich character development and fascinating narrative, this book brings you into the world of Hollywood and forbidden love.




If you're in the mood for a light-hearted and delightful summer read, "Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine" by Gail Honeyman is an excellent choice. Meet Eleanor, a socially awkward woman with a strictly structured life. Join her on a heartwarming journey of self-discovery and unexpected connections. This uplifting novel explores themes of loneliness, friendship, and the transformative power of compassion. This book makes a perfect companion for lazy days by the seaside.

No matter which book you choose for your summer adventures, find one that speaks to you. A book’s well-crafted story has the power to transport you to far-off places, stir your emotions, and leave lasting impressions.

So, grab your beach towel, slather on some sunscreen, and lose yourself in the pages of an enthralling summer read. Whether it's a tale of romance, mystery, or self-discovery, these book recommendations are sure to boost your beachside bliss. Make your summer even more memorable and check out a book today from your local library! 

Desert Gardening   June 2023

I garden to relax and unwind, but I also live in Arizona. Planting a vegetable garden in a desert zone 9B can be intimidating. The hot, dry climate can present unique challenges for growing vegetables. With some planning and preparation, a bountiful harvest is possible in a few months. 

Garden Location

The first step in planting a desert vegetable garden is to choose the right location. Look for a spot that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. The soil must be well-draining and not too clay-like. If your soil is heavy or clay-like, consider adding compost or other organic matter to improve drainage and fertility.

Best Vegetable Type

Next, choose vegetables that are well-suited to the dry climate. Some good plating options include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, beans, and okra. These vegetables thrive in hot, dry weather and are relatively low-maintenance.

When planting your vegetables, be sure to space them out properly to allow for adequate air flow and sunlight. This can help prevent disease and promote healthy growth. Additionally, consider using mulch to help retain moisture in the soil and prevent weed growth.


Watering is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to gardening in a desert climate. To conserve water and promote healthy growth, consider using a drip irrigation system. This will allow you to water your plants directly at the root zone, minimizing evaporation and runoff. You can also try using a soaker hose or watering by hand. However, be sure to water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth.


In addition to watering, it's important to fertilize your plants regularly. In a dry climate, nutrients can be quickly depleted from the soil. Consider using organic fertilizers or compost to provide a slow-release source of nutrients. I use Arizona’s Best which is a solid multi-purpose fertilizer available at garden centers.


Finally, be prepared to deal with pests and diseases. Common pests in a desert garden include aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. Consider using natural pest control methods. These include ways to naturally deter common pests, like companion planting or insecticidal soap, to keep these pests at bay. If you do notice signs of disease or infestation, be sure to act quickly to prevent the problem from spreading.

Planting a vegetable garden in zone 9B can be challenging. Be sure to check climate charts, against your seeds so they root during your season. Or you might need to use a green house or inside germination for your sprouts. 

With the right planning and preparation, it can be a very rewarding experience. Choose the right location, select well-suited vegetables, space them out properly, conserve water, fertilize regularly, and deal with pests regularly. With a little patience and persistence, you'll be enjoying a bountiful harvest of fresh, delicious vegetables all season long.

Travel Makes Brings Me Joy!  May 2023 

What brings you joy? What gets you up in the morning every day even when times are tough? Travel brings me joy, and here’s why it fills me with happiness every time, every trip.


New Experiences


As we get older you experience the highs and lows of life. As a wise soul once said, you can’t see the light without experiencing the darkness. You also find that one (or two) joys in life will fill you up, bring you light.  New experiences that bring me happiness, contentment, and joy involve traveling. I don’t have to travel far.  Learning about historic waterfalls in my neighborhood was a fun and enjoyable bike ride. I just love learning and planning out my new experiences, which a good part of that involves seeing new places.


Solo travel


Recently, I’ve started enjoying my travels solo. Discovering new destinations on my own, has given me the freedom to see more and do more. I won’t let the lack of a travel partner hold me back. I plan the trip on my own, and have the flexibility to enjoy the location I want to see. I’ve become a better navigator and risk taker, with solo travel too. Traveling gives me confidence to do even more in life. And now, I’m planning much longer trips in the future for summer and fall.  




Traveling bring me joy afterwards with the photos and memories I bring home. I’ve become a better photographer through practice and a lot of trial and error. Enjoying the images from my trips, allows me to relive those joyful experiences. Traveling feeds my photography hobby as well as and providing me great pleasure in discovering my next shot. Capturing landscapes during different seasons and my own flower garden photos to share, gives me another creative outlet.




Finally, planning and taking a trip on my own builds my self-reliance to do more and take more risks.  If you’re not growing, you’re not living. And I want to continue to grow, experience new countries and cultures and build new memories.


What will you be planning today?

The Good Life - Finding Happiness  March 2023

I just finished a new library book focused on happiness; The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness. Two doctors relate through short stories the simple ways to increase your happiness, based on an 80-year scientific Harvard study. Here are the simple, proven ways to find happiness in your life every day, which don't include traveling.

Increase Positive Relationships

It goes without saying, that when you feel good physically, you feel good mentally. You need to increase the frequency and quality of the positive relationships in your life to be happy.  It doesn’t have to be friends or family either that make you happy. The authors relate the positive interaction with a bus driver who makes your commute easier daily. Or how about the teacher who helps your child overcome learning obstacles, which helps you and your family. When you interact and connect with others that “lift you up,” your happiness increases.

Get Rid of Distractions

In addition, a distracted mind is unhealthy for your mental well-being and physical health. For example, have you ever worried so much about something that has never happened? You wasted time and energy for nothing. The authors suggest keep your focus by clearing your mind of past mistakes and future worries with meditation.

Meditation calms your heart rate, breathing, and allows your mind to focus on the present and to be in the moment. Being in nature helps with focus as does removing yourself from negative people. (An overlap from the first point made about increasing your quality relationships.) The authors remind us that the more you practice, the easier it becomes.

Social Media Engagement

Finally, the authors don’t dismiss social media, but rather supply the research to back up the positive engagement of online platforms. The 2020 pandemic is a perfect example of the damaging social isolation we all experienced. When we lack the social (in person) interaction with others it is damaging to our well-being. Studies have proven (in Norway) that when children engaged on social media they were happier. This versus just scrolling through and “liking” a post. Social engagement even online benefits your health and happiness for all ages.

Simple but proven ways to keep your mind and relationships healthy and active throughout your life. Finally, staying curious and continuing to learn is a simple way to be happy, no matter your age. Money does not make you happy, but being grateful does. The insights in Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz’s book showed me how happy I really am too!

When Does Healing End?   February 2023

If you’ve been hurt from a relationship breakup or sudden traumatic event, ever wonder when the healing ends?  When do you feel good about yourself and normal again?

Healing Process

Healing seems to be a fluid process of stops and starts. Whether it’s emotional healing from a break up or the physical setbacks we all have in life. The old adage, “Two steps forward, one step back” seems to apply in most cases when you’re healing.

What I mean by that, is everyone is different emotionally and physically. The degree of pain is felt differently when two people experience a similar loss or crisis. For example, a broken heart or the death of a loved one affect me differently than a close friend depending on the circumstances. That’s what makes healing so complex and difficult to understand. Recovery takes on so many facets of our lives. It’s hard to wrap your head around a true timeline to “feel normal again.”

Personal Journey

Some people never feel normal, and that’s okay. You need to understand that a traumatic event changed you, and you’ll learn to live with it moving forward. Some people’s outlook on life and relationships change forever. Some fall into the “victim pattern” of feeling helpless and out of control.

While others take on challenges no matter how tough and are determined to succeed no matter what. Healing is such a personal journey that only you can understand it, many times alone. The circumstances of your pain, while temporary or permanent, stay with you in some form.

Positive Influences

Positive influences do help the healing process for many who experience a crisis or unexpected trauma. Stories of “miraculous healing” or opportunities coming out of nowhere, seem to dominate positive thinkers. Does it help, seeing the “silver lining” in events in your life?  Could it hurt?  Some say positive thinkers live longer, happier lives no matter what life throws them.

I believe things do happen for a reason, even if we don’t realize them at the time. Healing is a part of life. Learning to cope with the positive and negative events in your life teaches you resilience and helps you heal. Stay strong and positive.

2023 New Years Resolutions  January 2023

With a new year right around the corner, will you consider your 2023 resolutions? Have you struggled in years past to make positive changes? You might need a new perspective to succeed with your New Year’s resolutions for 2023 and here’s how.

Habits take time

If you want to change a habit, don’t identify it as “good” or “bad.” Humans are creatures of habit and to change a habit you need to create another habit or routine instead. The Research supports motivating a habit change, such as losing weight, as fairly straight forward. Changing your routine to provide your body a different rewarding habit sounds simple but takes patience and time.

Another strategy is to visualize your successful habit change, so your new resolution becomes a matter of “practiced self-control.” The theory states that self-control, like muscle memory, becomes easier with practice. This works for me, but not everyone has a habit that can be changed with self-control and visualization.

Provide Physical Reminders

The first step in changing a bad habit according to The American Heart Association is recognizing what cues lead you to that pattern. Once you know what the trigger for overeating is for example, then replace that habit with a new positive habit.  You might consider taking a walk after lunch. Chewing gum after dinner or walking the dog, is a different cue to signal your need to stop eating.

You will need to continue this change in your routine to succeed in your resolution for at least 8-9 weeks. Two months is the approximate time it takes for the new habit to take hold in your mind.

You might see positive results, which further encourages your new habit.  This is also the reason why many resolutions falter in early February. People don’t give themselves enough time for the habit to take hold and create change in their behaviors.

Think About Lasting Results

Finally, you need to consider the long-term effects of your new habits and changes.  It took you more than a month to develop the habit you are resolving to change. Give yourself the grace and time to achieve and make that change.

A recent survey discovered 80% of people abandon their New Year’s resolution goals in February. You might want to gain the support of family or a colleague, so you are also accountable for lasting results.

Change is growth and very doable if you make the right decisions and change the habits holding you back.

Feeling Sad (Rather Than Glad) This Holiday Season?  December 2022

As I get older and wiser, I wonder why I sometimes feel a little sad during the holidays? I’ve come to understand why the holidays bring many different emotions and how to help myself feel better. Read on for tips if you are feeling a bit melancholy this holiday season.


Change is Hard


Change is hard for some, especially if your mind is processing a change as “negative” rather than more growth oriented.  For some, their parents are aging, and daily life is more difficult. Science has proven seniors tend to get depressed, especially during the holidays.   Being alone, memories of “what was,” and realizing past choices have affected their wellbeing play a part in mental health.


You need to continue to be active mentally as well as physically. Remaining fit with puzzles or games to keep your mental agility in tip top shape. Even a daily walk for 30 minutes has proven to keep your flexibility and mobility in best form. I am learning these two important lessons from my parents. Understanding what needs to be done now, for the future is a healthy start.


Traditions Equal Memories


The holidays are a time for family traditions, and some are not the same as time marches on. As your children grow up and have families of their own, new traditions also bring up memories of times past.


Making new traditions now with your family is the best way to feel happier and accept the new memories. Again, this might take a few years to work out your feelings of acceptance. Give yourself time and grace to make new memories and try out new holiday traditions that work for your family.




Lastly, we need to be patient and accept things will never be the same. The pandemic has changed many holiday activities we enjoyed in years past. My parents and kids are older, so priorities have also changed. Having patience to accept that we have our health and our love to keep us strong into 2023 keeps me grounded in a positive mindset. Remembering these should help make you happier and more accepting of changes.  


If I need a reminder, I’ll re-read this article and reflect on my blessings. Happy Holidays, and hope you enjoy new traditions and memories this year!


3 Meaningful Holiday Gifts  November 2022

Do you feel like gift giving and the holidays have taken on a whole new life of their own recently?  During October, I saw many Christmas displays full of gifts and decorations, but Halloween hadn’t even been celebrated! Here are three ways to make your holiday gifts more meaningful this year without buying stuff.


Give Experiences


Enjoying an experience with a dear friend, colleague, or your family is my first choice when thinking of gift giving. Something as simple as driving to a friend’s home and enjoying lunch together. Having a heartfelt conversation with your parents or a trusted colleague, seems so simple, but how often does it happen? Science has proven that personal connections with those we love and care about provides us health benefits. Friendships and positive relationships enrich our lives on many levels, so take advantage of the holidays to show you care.


Give Your Time


I’ve written about volunteering before and can’t stress enough what you receive when you volunteer. Donating time to your community is a service that keeps giving throughout the year.  I’ve donated my time to local art organizations and events. Having a common goal with these groups connects you to your community. I’ve donated to animal rescues in my father’s name, since we both love helping animals find their forever homes. Dad still talks about it being the best gift ever! Give your time to assist with a shelter’s website, an adoption event, or fundraise for larger projects and supplies.  The sky’s the limit, and you feel so good after volunteering!


No Gifts Rule


The final option is something I use with my husband and very close friends, and that is “no gifts please.” We just don’t exchange gifts, period. The “no gift rule” is something I’ve used during many anniversaries, birthdays, and Christmases. No gifts, just re-enforces the other two options highlighted earlier.  I love to give my time to these very special people and nonprofit agencies. These are “my tribe,” who have given me so much over the years. My gifts are the memories of a special meal together or reminiscing during a walk around the park. Time together to make new memories is our gift to one another.


You should try something new this year. You might be surprised how the pressure to the find the “perfect gift” has been lifted for both of you. If you bring up one of these gift ideas, you might spark a new tradition this holiday season. 

Fall Farm Stands Make a Fun Weekend   October 2022

Part of autumn is enjoying the cooler weather, changing leaves, and the new season for fresh produce.  Nothing says autumn like a weekend getaway to a local orchard to pick your own fruit or select that pumpkin for Halloween. Here are a few suggestions for city dwellers to enjoy the natural wonders of fall while learning about local farming.


Local Orchards


Check out local farm to table gardens and fruit orchards. Learn about free tours or fall festivals hosted by local farms over the weekends in November. Many local growers depend on city folks to increase exposure to not only how food is grown and delivered to the grocery store but also the work involved with running a successful farming operation. The land and resources might be scarce but urban farms thrive in many areas. Here’s one example in Wilcox, Arizona of an apple orchard and sustainable farm that has onsite apple picking for families. Be sure to plan your day on a weekend to take advantage of lunch on the farm and the pumpkin patch nearby.


Pumpkin Patches


If you still need to pick out your pumpkin for Halloween, check out local farms for pick-your-pumpkin weekends or special harvesting events. An Arizona farm in Dewey, Arizona which is an hour drive from Phoenix is open year-round and hosts special autumn activities. Kids would love the Corn Maze, hayrides, and pumpkin picking which lasts through October. Enjoy a leisurely Saturday enjoying the cool weather and homemade food in the County Store. Pick out that perfect pumpkin for your next Jack-O-Lantern and capture the memories. Check out the hours of operation to plan your perfect day.


Don’t limit yourself to the autumn season to visit local farms. Many parts of the country enjoy a mild winter and growing seasonal fruits and vegetables happen year-round. This gives you and your family a few ideas to check out on your next free Saturday or Sunday while providing a real-life farm experience on how our food supply operates. You also learn what it takes to bring your family fresh produce to your dinner table every night.  Enjoy your local farmers and be sure to check back every few weeks for other travel ideas for your family. Safe travels!


The post first appeared on Kathy Husser | Travel from Kathy Husser | Travel

Where to See the Fall Leaves  September 2022

If you’re like me, I love the cooler weather that autumn brings. A quick weekend trip to refocus and rejuvenate is a healthy stress reliever too.  Finding the changing leaves and other fall foliage is always a beautiful travel getaway, and you should plan now. Here are the best locations to see fall colors and the changing leaves near you. Be sure to enjoy those crisp, cool nights too!


Northeast United States


The most colorful spots to view the changing fall colors are listed on this map.  New England with its higher altitudes and much lower temperatures, compared to the rest of the United States, will bring out the reds, yellows, and oranges in the hillside landscapes. Why do the leaves change? The chlorophyll breaks down in trees  due to the cooler weather. The green color in a leaf fades to make way for the bright autumn colors like orange, red, and yellow.


Be sure to plan your getaway between September 20th and October 11th for the very best viewing of changing colors near you.   Remember, the leaves are at peak during early October and will vary by elevation and tree type. As you progress South, colors will be vibrant through mid-October.


State by State


A more comprehensive map by the Farmers’ Almanac encompasses all the states, for you to narrow down your travel plans. Even in my home state of Arizona, the trees change in the Northern part of the state near Sedona and Flagstaff. These higher elevations are prime locations to view fall colors not seen on the desert floor near Phoenix.


National Parks


Our National Parks are also a terrific way to sneak in a fall break vacation with the kids and enjoy the changing seasons. 15 of the top locations for fall foliage are in National Parks.  Roads and amenities are still easily accessible for the most part, during the September and October timeframe. Take advantage of less crowded accommodations and campsites this autumn and make your trip to see Mother Nature in action.  Happy Travels!


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Fostering a Growth Mindset    August 2022

The term “growth mindset” is a term leaders and entrepreneurs use to discuss learning, success, and a way toward achieving goals or fulfilling a lifelong dream like more travel. What is growth mindset and how can you improve it?


Flexible Thinking


The opposite of growth mindset is a fixed mindset. According to Gemma Leigh Roberts, life coach and psychologist, building mental agility and resilience is necessary to learn from life’s challenges. In other words, turning obstacles into learning opportunities, no matter how small, is growth mindset.  This flexible way of thinking and looking at life is a growth mindset.  Like any skill, growth mindset can be learned with practice.


This new perspective allows you to explore and test new ideas creating innovation and internal confidence to achieve just about anything. Whether it’s long-term goals in your career or life, the first step is being able to stretch your thinking. Knowing you can continue to develop skills, learn new ideas, and change your perspective. This will enable you to reach your potential and create cohesive teams as a leader or more well-rounded person. The first step is to develop a plan.


Develop a Plan and Practice


To cultivate your new mindset of growth and learning, you need to practice. Practice switching your perspective to take in new experiences and draw from those lessons. Being optimistic and taking risks to discover new concepts is crucial to adapting life-long learning behaviors.


To develop a personal mindset plan you will need to:

·      be flexible in your thinking

·      stretch your current abilities for achievable goals

·      establish objectives which are measurable toward those goals

·      ask for feedback along the way


Asking for feedback is so important to realize if real growth has happened, since as human beings, we have unconscious bias.


Clear and Measurable  


Being very clear in your objectives, making them quantifiable and detailed. This will provide a roadmap for your growth plan. If things don’t work out, then you must take those lessons and apply them to the next project or plan. The key to success for true evolution as a leader is taking those “disappointments” and learning from them.


Being truly resilient will lead you down a happier life path. Pivoting with the information learned is what makes us happier, healthier, and more successful the next time around. Our mindset really does matter every single day!


For more living well tips follow me on Elephant Journal:

How to Be Happier  July 2022

Entering the third year of a pandemic has changed our lifestyles and habits. From remote work, online school and financially our lives have changed. Finding happiness and being happier in general have been more difficult for many people. Here are simple habits to increase your happiness no matter your situation.

Finding the Good

Harvard-trained phycologist Shawn Achor, has a viral TED Talk that simplifies this notion of finding the good. For 21 days, write to someone different in your life a positive email or text. It only takes two minutes and reinforces that happiness is around you. To reaffirm your happiness, write down three different things that made you happy that day and WHY. You need to perform the exercise for 21 days, and the experiences need to be different.

Both habits have proven to increase happiness levels across the board for people.

The Happiness Advantage

In addition, Achor’s bestselling book, The Happiness Advantage, goes into greater detail about why people were happier after these two easy habits. First, he explains that happiness is contagious and produces more happy people. Second, your happiness is your choice. Finally, you are more productive when you are a happier person, family member, or employee.

Positive Psychology

Finally, the positive psychology, involved with increasing happiness has had a great deal of research across many socioeconomic communities.  Showing gratitude, being mindful, and random acts of kindness have proven to increase happiness across demographics.  In addition, practicing self-care and seeking a healthy balance in your life all benefit your overall well-being.

Being kind to yourself and others truly is the easiest way to increase your happiness and those around you.

Furthermore, you might need to stretch your emotional intelligence muscles to succeed. A happier life is out there and the research proves it. Put the time in and try a new habit for 21 days and see what happens!  Being happier is easier than you think even in a "post-pandemic-ish" world. 

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More Time for YOU!   June 2022

Does time seem crunched as we get back to new routines in work and at home? Gaining more time is easy by changing habits and repeating them. Read on for ideas to streamline the new normal and gain more time for you!


Get More Time Back at Work


Manager tested tips to gain more time at work are as simple as blocking off your calendar or making task lists. Other time saving tips need more behavioral change from you to make the change and form a habit. Planning ahead the night before or tackling more challenging tasks first thing in the morning will give you a sense of accomplishment. Starting the day off with a win, no matter how small, will set you up for success.


Furthermore, plan for the unexpected everyday especially at work. What this looks like is making sure you have at least 15 minutes between meetings even online. Those buffers will help if you have unexpected responsibilities come up or need to take a call. 


Feel More Relaxed at Home


At home, provide a buffer of time between commitments for the unexpected traffic jams or other mishaps. Tasks like picking up the kids or dentist appointments will leave you feeling more relaxed when you allow more time. In other words, over-estimate travel time, waiting in line, etc.  Also find the positive in your task, making it more enjoyable and less burdensome.


Finally, slow down and provide your attention to each task at hand, one at a time. Multi-tasking does not work since each responsibility gets half of your full attention. Even if you need to de-stress and take a quick walk outdoors to calm down, do it! Taking a few extra minutes to regain focus is much more important than driving recklessly or making a decision under duress.


Practice Saying No


Just because someone asks you to do something, does not mean you have to say yes. Practice saying no, to extra commitments that don’t bring you joy or help you with other goals. Some tasks like carpools and school are “must do’s.” However, that extra project at work, bake sale at church or dog sitting for neighbors can be negotiable.


Setting healthy boundaries will keep your most valuable resource, your time, more your own.  Try out a few “No’s” over the next few days or weeks and see what happens. You will thank yourself.  It becomes easier the more practice you give yourself.


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Unique Graduation Gifts    May 2022


Do you need an idea for a graduation trip?  Are you interested in a unique memory for your recent grad?  Here a few ideas to get your creativity flowing for a trip that won’t bust the bank and create memories.


Train Travel


In the United States, think about traveling by train to Boston or Chicago and experience a luxury train ride. Check first for routes and schedules in the United States on Amtrak. Overseas, trains run in most countries on much more frequent schedules. Upgrading to a sleeping berth, will get you to your destination in style while enjoying the countryside. Dining and hotel-like amenities are available and are worth the extra cost for a long trip.  Train travel is a fun unique way to meet other tourists and might be safer than flying currently if you’ve got a solo berth.


Cross the Country by Car


For even more personalized travel experience take your grad along on a cross country car trip. This gives you the flexibility of stopping whenever and wherever you choose.  Combine the trip into visiting your dream locale or relatives you’ve not seen in a while.  Being in a car together encourages great conversation and irreplaceable memories. This might be the last long trip you take together. So, why not take U. S. Route 80 or Interstate 44 for few days of driving fun.


Enjoy Your Hometown


Finally, with the recent surges in Covid, a staycation might be the best and safest grad trip this year. Do you live near a beach, museum, or large park?  Research current operational hours and make a huge event or even a long weekend of your time together. Check out that special restaurant for lunch or dinner. The experience should be memorable for both of you, and something to share.


If you live in a rural area, think about a long weekend in the nearest city. Try something new and explore what the city has to offer. Maybe a unique garden or art exhibit is more something you’d both enjoy.  Whatever you plan, make is special, and make it about your graduate’s recent accomplishment.


The last two years have been trying and exhausting. So, by normalizing and celebrating your graduate with a special trip and acknowledgement, you’ll both be creating a memory together. Let me know your plans for your next getaway!

Easy Mothers Day Gifts   April 2022

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 8th this year!

Ever wonder what to get mom this year for Mother’s Day? Gifts can be tricky, especially as Covid continues and visiting might be tricky. Read on for ideas on the easiest Mother’s Day gifts to please any mom or grandma this year.

Mom’s Day Out

Is your mom an art lover or cooking expert?  Come up with a day filled with your mom’s favorites. I’m talking about a trip to her favorite museum or art exhibit and then a picnic lunch. Maybe take a cooking class on expert baking tips or preparing a special dish at your home together. For example, my family makes tamales for the holidays. Learning this traditional dish many years ago, with my mom’s technique was priceless and gave me a great new skill.  What day can you create that your mom will never forget?

Trip to the Park

If Covid restrictions are still in place in your area, what about a day at the park? Even if it’s just the two of you, think about her favorite foods and bring along alfresco fixings for lunch.  If you have grandchildren or even pets who can tag along, even better.  Think of some fun hide and seek or a nature scavenger hunt games that are easily played in your park. Maybe a long walk with the dog or a visit to a rose garden would make her day.  Again, get creative to make a memorable day outdoors with the one she loves…you!

Letter of Love

If mom lives far away and getting together is not an option, think about a thank you letter to her.  Even moms in assisted living have caretakers who can read them letters from their children.  Thank mom for the support and love she provided you while growing up. Think of a special memory and put it in writing for you both to remember year after year. It’s amazing what kids remember and how differently moms could recall the same event. Take some time and craft a letter and make sure to keep a copy for yourself.  You will thank yourself that you have those memories written down as time moves on.

If mom isn’t here any longer, take the day to remember the good times.  Time is fleeting and our moms gave us the ultimate gift...the reason to breathe! We need to celebrate life and the love they provided. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and grandmas out there and make it special in your own way.

Originally published in Kathy's Elephant Journal

Decision Making Made Easier   March 2022 

Ever wonder how some people make big life changing decisions so easily? Do you struggle taking the first step for a life-changing decision? In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, read on for tips to make the decision-making process a bit easier and less stressful.


Do Your Research


Doing your research should be the first step in any decision, big or small. You don’t need anything complicated but learning the facts regarding your decision is very important. For example, understand the cost involved owning a pet, before you adopt one. Learning about a company before you accept a job offer. Some things you are not able to learn, until you are in the situation, such as work culture. However, asking questions of various contacts in your network is important research to help with your choice.  Do as much as possible for a well-informed decision.


Consider Your Expectations


Next, what are your expectations for the outcome of your decision? What do you envision after you make the decision: to change jobs, have a child, or move across country? You need to keep your expectations in check. You also need to realize that nothing will be perfect after your decision is made. Blind spots are just that, you don’t know what you don’t know. Understand, your support system and family are important. They have objective eyes on your situation and will help you with feedback, whether you want it or not.  It’s important to accept feedback as a “reality check” before, during, and after your decision is made.



If you are not able to decide, then don’t. No action is a decision, and the status quo is sometimes better than making an even worst mistake. You might be experiencing a greater block, such as depression. Don’t make major decisions while depressed or in a state of anxiety. This is recommended since you are unable to distinguish the facts from your feelings. You might need to seek out a counselor for help. Getting enough sleep, avoiding alcohol, and learning about your vulnerabilities will help you understand your mental state.  Seek out help before you act on an important choice. Finally, understanding that you are not in the right frame of mind to decide is so important. Patience and time will help you navigate the right path for you! 

It's Tough Caring for Aging Parents  February 2022

Did you think once you got your kids off on their own, your caregiving duties were behind you? I sure did, until my parents and in laws reached 75 years old. It can be tough caring for aging parents. The following tips are what I wish I knew then, and hopefully can help you:

Role Reversal

It took two medical emergencies for me to fully grasp that the tables were now turned. Be prepared for parenting your own parents, and dealing with child-like behaviors. Warning signs to get more involved in your parents’ care include memory problems, poor decision-making skills, and personality changes.

Changes in personality can include excess shopping, hoarding items, excessive eating or sleeping. These can all be signs of depression or a deeper emotional need that is not being fulfilled. Many times, older adults that have retired and lost their purpose don’t even realize they are depressed or lacking purpose.


Speaking with your parents early on and knowing their lifestyle will help you determine if their priorities have changed recently. If you don’t live in the same city or state, make sure to keep in touch via Zoom or regular phone calls. Being on top of their habits is important to keep seniors focused on their health and realizing possible limitations.

Communication also includes knowing your parents’ close friends, neighbors and other people who can provide support in a crisis. My family keeps a binder with all medications, doctor appointments, and lab results handy. This way, anyone can easily access medical information in an emergency. I wish I had a binder when I had to call the fire department for my father. One of the first questions asked is, “What medications is he taking?” Having an up-to-date binder in a common area of the house is important.

Empathy and Patience

Above all the most important aspect of caring for your aging parent is having patience and a lot of empathy.  You might be dealing with toileting issues, memory loss, or just plain denial of reality with your parents. They are the child, and they will act like it!

Remembering to speak calmly, with simple words, and repeating items is often helpful. Having extra help is also going to make your job and the decisions you make easier on everyone. Support groups are easily found in most cities, so check them out if you need someone to lean on.

Above all, know that you will be in a similar situation at some time down the road. Kindness goes a long way and is always remembered.