
Research group

 2021 SGR 0271 / 2017 SGR 1446 /  2014 SGR 1003

Recerca en Ensenyament i Aprenentatge de Llengües amb Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació 

Principal investigator

REALTIC comes from the acronym in Catalan of "Recerca en ensenyament i aprenentatge de llengües amb tecnologies de informació i la comunicació". It is a consolidated research group, recognized by the AGAUR (Agency for Management of University and Research Grants). 

It involves researchers from two Catalan universities (Universitat de Barcelona, and UOC) with the collaboration of a European university (SDI München). The members of the group are interested in research into the use of ICT in the teaching of first and foreign languages. Specifically, we study, on the one hand, the development of digital communicative competence in different environments and cyber-genres within the educational world and, on the other, we study the didactic processes that generate the use of ICT in the teaching of languages ​​in diverse virtual environments. learning (formal and informal, for example MUVE - multi-user virtual environments) with various tools (electronic portfolios, blogs, wikis ...), and through various modalities (face-to-face, semi-face-to-face, distance learning, in closed or open courses such as the MOOC).

Further information


digiTED@EU - 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000031115

Promoting Digitalisation Among Teacher Educators in Europe 

UB Coordinator

The overarching goal of the digiTED@EU Project is to improve the quality of teacher education by promoting the digitalisation among its most crucial actors, the teacher educators. The project reacts to the vast digitalisation and constantly growing range of digital tools, platforms and innovations in nowadays education systems.

Further information

This project aims to:

By fostering their active participation and transnational collaboration among teacher educators in Europe (and beyond), we aim at supporting teacher educators in their complex and increasingly digital and crosslinked working context.

REDICE Project - REDICE22-3300   

Pràctica reflexiva en interacció: la retroacció entre tutors i tutoritzats a les pràctiques formatives de postgrau  


This research project is carried out by the UB members of the RealTIC research group,  some of whom have been researching reflective practice in the teaching and learning of foreign languages ​​for several years. 

The main objective is to understand how reflective practice is developed in the interactions between tutors and pre-service teachers of Spanish in their Practicum period, how their professional development is established based on tutoring, and what discursive strategies tutors use when giving them feedback. 

The data will help us to know how their interventions develop in the interactions that take place after the teaching practice of the pre-service teacher in their Practicum training. The results of the research will serve to better understand the tutoring processes in the training of ELE teachers, what tutoring implications have for teacher training, and how good tutoring practices are carried out. 

GamiTIC Project - RTI2018-096489-B-I00

Gamificación y TIC para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras: análisis de intervenciones didácticas  

Principal investigator

This research project aims to deepen the analysis of gamified didactic proposals that use ICT in the field of foreign language teaching and how they influence the development of students communicative competence. For this purpose, after conducting a teacher training course on gamification and the use of ICT in the classroom of foreign languages, an analysis of the implementations of the gamified teaching units designed by the language teachers attending the course will be carried out following a DBR approach. Recording  classes under the methodological parameters of educational ethnography will enable an analysis of the gamified didactic proposals, of the teacher's performance in their implementation process and of the activities that the students carry out. In addition, the perception of teachers and students, based on a series of questionnaires and interviews with the participants, can also be analysed in relation to the gamified didactic proposals with the use of ICT and gamification in general. Thus, the various analyses proposed in this research project will allow us in depth knowledge of how teachers carry out gamified didactic interventions, the interrelation between the development of communicative competence, the use of ICT and gamification in the foreign language classroom and, ultimately, offer a better understanding of the pedagogical affordances of this methodological strategy.

Previous research projects

ERASMUS+ 2017-1-DE01-KA203-003547 

Promoting Professionalism, Innovation and Transnational Collaboration in Foreign and Second Language Teacher Education (ProPIC) 


Erasmus+ project that runs from September 2017 to September 2020. It is coordinated by the University of  Karlsruhe and brings together 5 European partners: Newcastle University (UK), the University of Barcelona (Spain), the University of Boras (Sweden), the University of Kiel (Germany) and the University of Education Karlsruhe (Germany). The project aims to engage foreign and second language teachers and teacher educators in lifelong learning processes that foster a culture of self-reflection and innovation with the aid of mobile technologies and digital tools.

Further information

Propic Study Week in Barcelona focuses on the development and improvement of the pre-service teachers' learning ePortfolios attending this 30-hour study programme.

Two cohorts of pre-service teachers  from Newcastle University the University of Boras, the University of Kiel  and the University of Education Karlsruhe have already attended.

Time to evaluate the project, to think back and reflect on our own development within this project.  This time last partner meeting took place online due to COVID-19.

This project helped to improve our approach to teacher training and reflect on how to develop CPD in Higher Education. 


La gamificación en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en adultos: un estudio basado en diseño.

Principal investigator

Este proyecto  de investigación se centra en el estudio de los efectos de la gamificación en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras en adultos en centros de idiomas tanto privados como públicos en el estado español. El estudio sigue una metodología basada en el diseño lo que permitirá la elaboración, la implementación y la posterior evaluación de diversas intervenciones didácticas gamificadas (IDG).

Further information

2015 ARMIF 00015


Un projecte lingüístic de centre per a una millora lingüística i cultural dels futurs mestres. 

Further information

2014 ARMIF 00017     


Millora de la competència comunicativa (lingüística i cultural) dels futurs mestres.


Principal Investigator

La incidència que diferents plataformes per desenvolupar el portafolis electrònic tenen en els processos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge de llengües.

2013 MOOCS 00017     


Spoken Communication: English/Spanish in Tandem.


Principal Investigator

L'impacte del portafolis electrònic per al desenvolupament de competències transversals en la formació universitària.


Principal Investigator

La interactividad en los materiales de lengua: análisis para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en primaria y ESO.


Principal Investigator

L'impacte del portafolis electrònic per al desenvolupament de competències transversals en la formació universitària .


Principal Investigator

La comunicación en la Web 2.0: categorización de los cibergéneros para su aplicación en la didáctica de lenguas.