5월 1주


이번 주는 신나는 어린이 날이 있어 출석 체크가 없습니다.

즐겁게 단어 찾기 게임도 하고 가볍게 선생님이 만든 영상 보고 가세요.^^

Super Star Kids, the Best School Band

Super Star Kids is our school band.

Let’s meet the band!

Hello, my name is Kate Smith.

I’m the singer in my band.

I’m in the sixth grade.

I like singing and dancing.

Hi, I’m the guitarist, Paul Martin.

I’m in the fifth grade.

I can play the piano, too.

I like listening to music.

Hi, I’m the drummer in my band.

My name is Alice Brown.

I’m in the fourth grade.

I like playing the drums.


1. Kate is in the sixth grade.

2. Paul and Alice like singing and dancing.