• 02/2020: University of Potsdam: KoUP grant for joint research with Willem Boshoff (Stellenbosch University)

  • 01/2018: Stellenbosch University: Organization of a conference "Imperfect forms of collusion"

  • 09/2017: Travel grant for a conference (German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD)

  • 03/2017 – 04/2017: Invitation by Prof. Willem Boshoff (Stellenbosch University) to conduct joint research

  • 08/2015 – 12/2015: Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law: Grant for the establishment of the peer mentoring group Scientific Career and Networking

  • 10/2014: Research grant for early career researchers (Justus-Liebig-University Giessen)

  • 09/2014: Research grant for the establishment of international cooperations (German, Science Foundation, DFG)

  • 08/2014: Travel grant for my presentation at EARIE conference (German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD)

  • 04/2013: Member of Wissenschaftsmentoring JLU Gießen

  • 11/2011: Dr.-Herbert-Stolzenberg-Preis - Awarded for my research on the "Formation and Stability of Cartels" and my additional body of work

  • 10/2011 - 09/2016: Member of the ZiF Network of Young Scholars at Bielefeld University

  • 10/2011 - 02/2012: Fellowship within the Postdoc-Program of the German Academic Exchange Service (visiting researcher at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore)

  • 9/2011: Travel grant for my presentation at EARIE conference (German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD)

  • 09/2005 - 05/2006: Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (M.A. student at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)

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