Assignment 8: Portraits


July 26, 2023. Javier dealing with life, Boston MA USA. Photo by Javier Madrigal  

ISO 400, f4.5 1/16s

Portrait using ambient or natural light

July 24, 2023. Cabot Library - Jill Kronberg, Jixiang Liu, & Songyu Wu  , Cambridge MA USA. Photo by Javier Madrigal  

ISO 200, f5.6 1/80s

Environmental Portrait

July 25, 2023. 44 Martin Gym - Trey Sinyard, Cambridge MA USA. Photo by Javier Madrigal  

ISO 6400, f5.6 1/60s


I have been waiting for portraits the entire semester. Two of my photographic interests of mine are fashion photography and body photography. Out of the three photos, the self-portrait was the most challenging picture to take. I did not feel comfortable taking a picture of myself. I could not get my best angle and how to put myself in the frame. I tried my best to look natural in the picture. The portrait for ambient light was the easiest. I could take multiple photos from different angles and directions to get various pictures. I am excited to take more images outside and use natural light. The most fun was the environmental portraits. I took pictures of my best friend in his environment, the gym. I wanted to capture his facial expressions while he was pushing himself and lifting weights. I tried to capture the complex nature of his face. I took the photo in a dark basement with artificial light in three different directions, making the shoot difficult. I want to try this shoot again but outside with natural light.

I am excited to explore portraits and grow in this field to pursue my photographic interest!