Assignment 1: Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed - blur to freeze action

July 12, 2023. Shutter Speed Assignment with umbrella, Cambridge MA USA. Photo by Javier Madrigal 

ISO 200, f13 1/15s

ISO 200, f10 1/30s

ISO 200, f7.1 1/60s

ISO 200 f4.5 1/125s

ISO 800, f7.1 1/250s

ISO 1600, f6.3 1/500s

ISO 3200, f7.1 1/1000s

ISO 6400, f5.6 1/2000s


July 12, 2023. Panning objects on Oxford St, Cambridge MA USA. Photo by Javier Madrigal 

A person biking through Harvard

ISO 100, f10 1/60s

Black SUV on Oxford Street heading toward Harvard Square

ISO 100 f10 1/60s

White car on Oxford Street heading toward Porter Square

ISO 100 f10 1/60s


The shutter speed assignment was an exciting shoot. It was separated into two parts focusing on the shutter speed of a spinning umbrella and panning a moving object to a still background. My challenge with this shoot was figuring out if I was taking the picture correctly. I had a relatively easy time understanding the mechanics of the camera and how to adjust my f-stop, shutter speed, and ISO. It took me a while to understand that as I went up in shutter speed, the wrinkles in the camera started to show. This happened because the shutter speed was freezing time on the umbrella. Panning was tricky for me. I did not understand the concept at first. When I understood the concept, having the moving object clear and everything else blurry was challenging. I assume that I should have taken the picture correctly. 

The rewarding part of this assignment was feeling comfortable with the camera and being able to critique my pictures to make them presentable.