Next-Generation Integrated Circuits and Systems Design Lab
<2025/2026학년도 학석연계/석사/박사/석박통합 대학원생 모집>
광운대학교 차세대 집적 회로 및 시스템 설계 연구실에서 학석연계/석사/박사/석박통합 대학원생을 모집합니다.
NICS Design Lab.은 4차 산업혁명의 트렌드에 대응하기 위한 다양한 차세대 집적회로 및 시스템 설계와 관련된 연구를 진행하고 있습니다. 이 과정에서 인공지능/시스템/메모리 반도체 설계의 최신 토픽을 연구하고 주도하고 있으며, 이를 바탕으로 다양하고 흥미로운 분야로 연구를 확장해가고 있습니다. 해당 연구는 삼성전자, SK hynix, LX세미콘 등을 비롯한 다양한 인공지능/시스템/메모리 반도체 설계 기업에서 큰 관심을 가지고 있으며, 본 연구실에서 관련 연구 및 프로젝트를 통해 다양한 연구 및 실무 경험을 쌓을 수 있습니다. 반도체 설계 분야는 석박사인력에 대한 수요가 매우 크므로 활발한 연구활동을 수행하고 우수한 결과를 내고 있는 본 연구실을 통해 더 큰 세상으로 나아가길 바랍니다.
인공지능/시스템/메모리 반도체의 차세대 집적회로 및 시스템 설계에 관심이 있고, 열정 및 뚜렷한 목표 의식이 있는 학생들은 자기 소개와 성적표를 첨부하여 다음의 이메일 주소로 (jhchae at 연락주시길 바랍니다.
지원 자격: 회로 설계 관련 교과목 (회로이론, 전자회로, 집적회로 설계 등) 이수
모집 인원: 2025년도 2학기 - 2명 (마감), 2026년도 1학기 - 2명, 2026학년도 2학기 - 2명
학석연계/석사/박사/석박통합 - 지원자가 많을 시 석박통합과정 지원자 우선 선발
NICS Design Lab. 대학원생 지원 사항
인공지능/시스템/메모리 반도체의 최신 산학연 연구 프로젝트 참여
등록금 및 최고 수준의 연구비 (기본급 + 프로젝트 참여에 따른 추가 급여) 지급
연구 실적에 따른 다양하고 풍부한 인센티브 지급
쾌적한 연구 환경 제공 / 국내외 학술대회 발표 및 출장, 참가 경비 지원 / 국내외 워크샵 및 다양한 교육 기회 제공 / 국내외 최우수 대학 및 연구 기관, 대기업과의 학술 교류 및 인턴십, 박사 및 박사후연구원 연계, 취업 관련 기회 제공
석박통합 및 박사과정 진입 시 논문 제출 여부와 관계없이 본인이 원하는 해외 Top Conference 참관 및 관련 경비 지원✈️
다양한 기업들과의 산학장학생 및 인턴십 프로그램 기회 제공
*학부 연구생 활동(Full/Part Time)을 원하는 학생들은 연구책임자의 이메일 주소(jhchae at로 자기 소개/성적표를 첨부하여 연락주세요.
- 선정 조건: 1. 디지털공학, 회로이론, 전자회로 과목 등 이수, 2. NICS Desing Lab. 대학원 진학
Latest News in NICS Design Lab.
[2025.03] Welcome🙋 Jongmin Lee and Chaehyeon Lim have joined our research group as graduate students.
[2025.02] NICS Design Lab has attended the 32nd Korean Conference on Semiconductors and had a pleasant time.
[2025.02] Welcome🙋 Jungsung Park and Seungwook Kim have joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2025.02] Welcome🙋 Jinseok Baek has joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2025.01] Three research papers have been presented in the International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) 2025.
[2025.01] NICS Design Lab start the research project titled "Memory Interface Architecture 탐구 및 검증."
[2025.01] Congratulations👏 Our KR patent has been registered (KR 10-2740335).
<2021-24년도 정보는 우측의 화살표 클릭>
[2024.12] Congratulations👏 Our research paper has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers.
[2024.12] Our research paper has been published in the Electronics Letters. [Link]
[2024.12] Our research paper has been published in the IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society (OJ-SSCS). [Link]
[2024.12] Congratulations👏 Our research paper has been accepted to Electronics Letters.
[2024.12] Congratulations👏 Ju-Hyeong Yun, Yong-Gyu Yu, and Jongmin Lee have won Bronze Prize in the 2024 한국 대학생 반도체 회로설계 경진대회.
[2024.11] Congratulations👏 M. Jeon and J. Lee have won the Best Paper Award in Autumn Annual Conference of IEIE, 2024.
[2024.11] Our research paper (with Sejong Univ.) has been published in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers. [Link]
[2024.11] Congratulations👏 Chanheum Han has been selected as an awardee of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Student Travel Grant Award (STGA) for 2025 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).
[2024.11] Our research paper has been presented in the 2024 IEIE Autumn Annual Conference.
[2024.11] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "DRAM interfaces" at Samsung Electronics (HSIO Expert Program).
[2024.11] Our research paper has been published in the IEEE Access. [Link]
[2024.11] Our research paper has been published in the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM). [Link]
[2024.11] Congratulations👏 Our two research papers have been accepted to International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) 2025.
[2024.11] Congratulations👏 Our research paper has been accepted to IEEE Access.
[2024.10] Congratulations👏 Our research paper has been accepted to IEIE Autumn Annual Conference.
[2023.10] Congratulations👏 Chanheum Han and Ki-Soo Lee have won 기업특별상 (삼성전자) in the 25th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition.
[2024.10] Congratulations👏 Our US patent has been applied (US 18/913,317).
[2024.10] Congratulations👏 Our KR patent has been applied (KR 10-2024-0136286).
[2024.10] Our research paper has been published to Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems (JICAS). [Link]
[2024.09] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk in the Samsung Science & Technology Foundation Global Technology Conference.
[2024.09] H.-S. Lee has entered M.S. and Ph.D. integrated course.
[2024.09] Our joint research paper (with KAIST, UNIST, and KNU) has been presented in the 2024 European Solid-State Electronics Research Conference (ESSERC).
[2024.09] Congratulations👏 Our research paper has been accepted to IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC).
[2024.09] Congratulations👏 Our KR patent has been applied (KR 10-2024-0121537).
[2024.09] Congratulations👏 Our review paper has been accepted to IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society (OJ-SSCS).
[2024.09] Congratulations👏 Our research paper (with Sejong Univ.) has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM).
[2024.09] Congratulations👏 Our research paper has been accepted to Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems (JICAS).
[2024.09] Welcome🙋 Yong Gyu Yu, Joohyeong Yun, and Eunbi Koh have joined our research group as graduate students.
[2024.08] Congratulations👏 Hosung Lee and Juncheol Lee have been selected as recipients of "2024 석사과정생연구장려금."
[2024.08] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk in the AI-SRC Summer Education Workshop .
[2024.08] Our research paper has been published to IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. [Link]
[2024.08] Congratulations👏 Our research paper (with Sejong Univ.) has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers.
[2024.08] J. Lee and H. Lee have presented their research results in 21st International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC).
[2024.08] Prof. Chae has presented a short tutorial in 21st International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC).
[2024.08] Welcome🙋 Geonwoo Ha has joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2024.07] NICS Design Lab (KWIX team) has presented our research work in the 2024 ISE Summer Annual Conference.
[2024.07] Congratulations👏 NICS Design Lab (Chanheum Han and Ki-Soo Lee) has won the Best Poster Award in the 2024 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest (CDC).
[2024.07] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "Recent R&D trends for next-generation memory interfaces" at Samsung Electronics.
[2024.07] Welcome🙋 Chaehyeon Lim has joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2024.07] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "DRAM interfaces" at Samsung Electronics (HSIO Expert Program).
[2024.06] Congratulations👏 Our research paper about "SRAM CIM" has been accepted to 2024 ISE Summer Annual Conference.
[2024.05] Congratulations👏 Our two research papers about "DRAM and SRAM for CIM" have been accepted to 21st International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC).
[2024.05] Congratulations👏 Our joint research paper (with KAIST, UNIST, and KNU) about "Processing-in-Memory" has been accepted to 2024 European Solid-State Electronics Research Conference (ESSERC).
[2024.05] Research description of our new project supported by Samsung Science & Technology Foundation has been posted on the website (Link).
[2024.05] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk of this year's our ISSCC paper at ISSCC 2024 Review Workshop.
[2024.04] Congratulations👏 Our research proposal for Tbps-scale light-field display system has been accepted. This research is supported by NRF.
[2024.04] Congratulations👏 Our one KR patent has been registered (KR 10-2658272).
[2024.04] Congratulations👏 Our research proposal for next-generation HBM interconnect has been accepted. This research is supported by NRF.
[2024.04] Congratulations👏 Our research proposal for design optimization of high-density parallel data bus has been accepted. This research is supported by Samsung Science & Technology Foundation and will be start in June 2024.
[2024.04] Congratulations👏 Three KR patents have been applied (KR 10-2024-0045093, KR 10-2024-0048764, and KR 10-2024-0048769).
[2024.03] C. Han has entered M.S. and Ph.D. integrated course.
[2024.03] Congratulations👏 Our one KR patent has been registered (KR 10-2646553).
[2024.03] Congratulations👏 Our two KR patents have been registered (KR 10-2644052 and KR 10-2644034).
[2024.03] Congratulations👏 Our research paper (with SNU & Sejong Univ.) about "ZQ calibration" has been accepted to IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC).
[2024.03] Welcome🙋 Juncheol Lee and Ikhyeon Jeon have joined our research group as graduate students (M.S. Course).
[2024.03] Welcome🙋 Jongmin Lee has joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2024.02] NICS Design Lab (Chanheum Han and Kisoo Lee) has presented our work in the 2024 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).
[2024.01] Congratulations👏 NICS Design Lab (Hosung Lee) has won the Bronze Prize (Best Paper Awards) in the 2024 international Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC).
[2024.01] NICS Design Lab (Hosung Lee) has presented our work in the 2024 international Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC).
[2024.01] NICS Design Lab has presented our work in 2024 international Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC).
[2024.01] Congratulations👏 NICS Design Lab (Jongchan Lee, Chanheum Han, and Kisoo Lee) has won the Silver Prize in the 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) University LSI Design Contest.
[2024.01] NICS Design Lab (Jongchan Lee, Chanheum Han, and Kisoo Lee) has presented our work in the 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) University LSI Design Contest.
[2024.01] Our research paper has been published to Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems (JICAS). [Link]
[2023.12] Our research paper has been published to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers. [Link]
[2023.12] Our lab held the recruiting event from Samsung Electronics (Foundry Division).
[2023.12] Congratulations👏 Our KR patent has been applied (KR 10-2023-0175770).
[2023.12] Congratulations👏 Our research paper has been accepted to Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems (JICAS).
[2023.11] Congratulations👏 Ikhyeon Jeon has won two prizes (과학기술정보통신부 장관상/광운대학교 총장상) in the 2023 AI Semiconductor Idea Contest.
[2023.11] Congratulations👏 Our research paper has been accepted to 2024 international Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC). This work will be presented on Jan. 2024.
[2023.11] Congratulations👏 Our KR patent has been applied (KR 10-2023-0153680).
[2023.11] Welcome🙋 Y. Yu and J. Yun have joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2023.11] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "DRAM interfaces" at Samsung Electronics (HSIO Expert Program).
[2023.10] Prof. Chae has presented two invited talks titled "RX equalization" and "Adaptive equalization" at Samsung Electronics (HSIO Expert Program).
[2023.10] Our research lab has successfully presented our work in 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems (ISICAS).
[2023.10] Congratulations👏 Our research paper (C. Han and K.-S. Lee were equally contributed) has been accepted to 2024 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC). This work will be presented on Feb. 2024.
[2023.10] Our research paper has been published to IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM). [Link]
[2023.10] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "PIM circuit design basics" in the Semiconductor Engineering Short Course.
[2023.09] Congratulations👏 KR patent about "Transmission circuit" has been registered (KR 10-2583820).
[2023.09] Qualitas Semiconductor ( has presented seminar and recruiting session.
[2023.09] Congratulations👏 US patent about "Data alignment" has been registered (US 11,756,598). [Link]
[2023.09] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "Energy-efficient data-dependent equalization for memory interfaces" in the 23rd RF/Analog Circuit Workshop.
[2023.09] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "Introduction to memory interfaces" at Korean Intellectual Property Office.
[2023.09] Congratulations👏 Hosung Lee's team has won 기업특별상(실리콘마이터스) in the 24th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition.
[2023.09] Congratulations👏 Our design result has been accepted to 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) University LSI Design Contest.
[2023.09] Congratulations👏 Our research paper about "DRAM measurement" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM).
[2023.09] Welcome🙋 Hosung Lee has joined our research group as graduate students (B.S.-M.S. Integrated Course).
[2023.08] Congratulations👏 US patent about "Clocked comparator" has been registered (US 11,735,239). [Link]
[2023.08] Our research paper (with Sejong Univ. and SNU) has been published to IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC). [Link]
[2023.08] Congratulations👏 J. Lee's KR patent has been applied (KR 10-2023-0109808).
[2023.08] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "eDRAM Architecture and Operation" at AI-SRC Summer Education Workshop.
[2023.08] Seven students have participated in 2023 AI-SRC Summer Education Workshop [Link].
[2023.07] NICS Design Lab. has started the research project "차세대 LPDDR5/6급 메모리 인터페이스 IP 기술 개발 (2023.07~2024.12)."
[2023.07] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "Energy-efficient data-dependent equalization for memory interfaces" at Qualitas Semiconductor.
[2023.07] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "High-speed DRAM interface design" at IDEC.
[2023.06] K.-S. Lee, J.-C. Lee, C.-H. Han, and B.-D. Choi have successfully presented their research results in 2023 IEIE Summer Annual Conference.
[2023.06] B.-D. Choi and W.-G. Lee have successfully presented their research results in 38th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC).
[2023.06] Congratulations! our research paper (with SNU, SK hynix & Sejong Univ.) about "FEXT Cancellation" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers. This work will also be presented in 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems (ISICAS).
[2023.06] Congratulations👏 Team CIMson has participated in the 2023-1 Chambit Design Semester and won the prize (우수상).
[2022.05] Congratulations👏 Four research papers have been accepted to Summer Annual Conference of IEIE, 2023.
[2023.05] Congratulations👏 Two research papers have been accepted to 38th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC).
[2023.04] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "DRAM interfaces" at Samsung Electronics (HSIO Expert Program).
[2023.04] Congratulations👏 US patent about "Clock distribution" has been registered (US 11,625,062). [Link]
[2023.04] Congratulations👏 Our research paper (with SNU & Sejong Univ.) about "TX equalization" has been accepted to IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC).
[2023.04] Prof. Chae has presented two invited talks titled "Signaling and transmitter basics" and "Receiver basics" at Samsung Electronics (HSIO Expert Program).
[2023.04] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "Signaling basics" at Qualitas Semiconductor.
[2023.03] Our research paper (with SNU) about "Duty-Cycle Corrector" has been published to IEEE Access. [Link]
[2023.03] Congratulations👏 Our research paper (with SNU) about "Duty-Cycle Corrector" has been accepted to IEEE Access.
[2023.03] Welcome🙋 Kisoo Lee, Jiwon Lee, Jongchan Lee, and Chan Heum Han have joined our research group as graduate students (M.S. Course).
[2023.02] J.-C. Lee and T.-O. Kim have presented their research paper in 2023 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC).
[2023.02] Welcome🙋 I. Jeon, J. Ko, and J. Lee have joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2023.01] Congratulations👏 B.D. Choi's KR patent about "ZQ calibration" has been applied (KR 10-2022-0181582).
[2022.12] Congratulations! Two teams have participated in the 2022-2 Chambit Design Semester, and Team Prevengers have won the prize.
[2022.12] Prof. Chae has presented a lecture titled "High-speed memory interface design," at IC design education center (IDEC).
[2022.12] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "Transmit-side equalizer and its recent trends" at Qualitas Semiconductor.
[2022.11] KR patent about "Triangular waveform generator" has been registered (KR 10-2468786).
[2022.11] Prof. Chae has presented an invited talk titled "Transceiver design technique for highly-reflective memory interfaces" in 2022 IEIE Autumn Annual Conference.
[2022.11] NICS Design Lab has attended 2022 IEIE Autumn Annual Conference, and H. Choen, J. Lee, D.-W. Kang, and S.-I. Kang have presented their research results.
[2022.11] Dr. Duho Kim, CEO of Qualitas Semiconductor (, has presented seminar and recruiting session.
[2022.11] We have introduced our Lab in 2022 KW Semiconductor Industry-University-Institute Cooperative Symposium.
[2022.11] Congratulations! Three papers (① H. Cheon, ②J. Lee, and ③ D.-W. Kang and S.-I. Kang) have been accepted to 2022 IEIE Autumn Annual Conference.
[2022.11] Our research paper (with SNU) about "Transmitter equalization" has been published to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCAS-II). [Link]
[2022.10] Congratulations! J.-C. Lee and T.-O. Kim's paper has been accepted to 2023 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC).
[2022.10] Prof. Chae has presented a lecture titled "DRAM interfaces" in Samsung Electronics HSIO Expert Program.
[2022.10] Prof. Chae has presented a lecture titled "Equalization" in Samsung Electronics HSIO Expert Program.
[2022.10] Welcome! Ho Sung Lee has joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant. He will join as a B.S.-M.S. candidate next year.
[2022.09] Two US patents have been registered (US 11,450,365, US 11,435,381). [Link1] [Link2]
[2022.09] Prof. Chae has presented a talk titled "Channel basics for high-speed interfaces," which is invited from Qualitas Semiconductor.
[2022.09] Welcome! Hyeonjun Cheon and Jiang Jiao have joined our research group as graduate students (M.S Course).
[2022.08] Prof. Chae has presented a lecture titled "High-speed memory interface design," in AI-SRC Summer Education Workshop.
[2022.08] AI-SRC (which NICS design lab is participating in) has held Summer Education Workshop, 2022. [Link]
[2022.07] Prof. Chae has presented a lecture titled "High-speed memory interface design," at IC design education center (IDEC).
[2022.07] Welcome! Jongchan Lee has joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2022.07] Prof. Chae has presented a talk titled "I2C and USB2.0 interface," which is invited from Uniqconn.
[2022.07] Congratulations! B.-D. Choi (M.S. candidate) has won "우수학생논문상" in Summer Annual Conference of IEIE, 2022. [Link]
[2022.07] NICS Design Lab has attended Summer Annual Conference of ISE, 2022.
[2022.07] Welcome! Jiwon Lee, Juncheol Lee, and Taeoh Kim have joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2022.06] NICS Design Lab has attended Summer Annual Conference of IEIE, 2022. [Link]
[2022.06] Congratulations! our research paper (with SNU) about "Transmitter equalization" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCAS-II).
[2022.06] Congratulations! our research paper (J.-S. Shin and B.-D. Choi) has been accepted to Summer Annual Conference of ISE, 2022.
[2022.06] "KW 반도체 회로 설계 인재 양성 (2022.07~2025.02)" program has been accepted.
[2022.06] KR patent about "Receiver circuit" has been registered (KR 10-2409744).
[2022.06] Congratulations! J.-W. Song, K.-S. Lee, and W.-K. Hong have won the "우수상" in the 2022-1 Chambit Design Semester. [Link]
[2022.06] We have presented Lab introduction in 2022 IEEE AICAS. [Link]
[2022.05] Congratulations! our three research papers (① B.-D. Choi, ② D.-W. Kang and S.-I. Kang, and ③ K.-S. Lee, J.-W. Song, and W.-K. Hong) have been accepted to Summer Annual Conference of IEIE, 2022.
[2022.05] KR patent about "Transmitter equalization" has been applied (KR 10-2022-0056390).
[2022.05] Prof. Chae has presented a talk titled "High-bandwidth memory interface design and challenges," which is invited from Qualitas Semiconductor.
[2022.04] NICS Design Lab. has started the research project "DRAM 기반 고성능 PIM 메모리 반도체 기술 개발 (2022.04~2025.12)."
[2022.04] NICS Design Lab. has started the research project "엣지용 연산기능강화 DRAM PIM 반도체 기술 개발 (2022.04~2025.12)."
[2022.04] Congratulations! our research paper about "Regulator-based Flexible Feed-forward Equalizer" has been accepted and published to IEEE Access. [Link]
[2022.03] NICS Design Lab. has invited CEO (Jaegan Ko) of Ramschip and held seminar and recruiting session with SeoulTech.
[2022.03] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "Transmitter for dual-rank mobile memory interfaces" has been published to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I). [Link]
[2022.03] Prof. Chae's room has been moved to Room #804, Chambit-Kwan.
[2022.03] Welcome! B. Choi has joined our research group as graduate students (M.S Course).
[2022.03] Prof. Chae has been selected for 2022 IC Design Education Center (IDEC) participating professor.
[2022.02] US patent about "Offset detection of receiver" has been registered (US 11,239,872). [Link]
[2022.02] Prof. Chae has presented a talk titled "Digital serial interfaces: I2C, SPI, UART, USB, LVDS, and CSI," which is invited from SeoulTech and Dong-A University.
[2022.02] NICS Design Lab. has joined "AI Hardware Center (인공지능 반도체 융합연구센터)." [Link]
[2022.01] Research paper (with SK hynix) about "GDDR6 memory design" has been published to IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits(JSSC). [Link]
[2022.01] Welcome! S. Kwon and J. Shin have joined our research group as undergraduate research assistants.
[2021.11] NICS Design Lab. has invited CEO (Duho Kim) of Qualitas Semiconductor ( and held seminar and recruiting session.
[2021.11] NICS Design Lab. has joined the "Intel FPGA Joint Laboratory".
[2021.11] KR patent about "duty-cycle corrector" has been registered (KR 10-2327498).
[2021.10] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "dual-rank mobile memory interfaces" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I).
[2021.10] KR patent about "impedance calibration" has been registered (KR 10-2310508).
[2021.09] Prof. Chae has presented the invited talk "high-bandwidth memory interface design and challenges for AI applications" in 21st RF/Analog Circuit Workshop.
[2021.09] US patent about "PAM4/NRZ receiver" has been applied.
[2021.09] Research paper (with SK hynix) about "GDDR6 memory design" has been accepted to IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits(JSSC).
[2021.09] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "dual-rank mobile memory interfaces" has been published to IEEE Access. [Link]
[2021.09] Research project "development of next-generation memory interface based on GDDR for high-bandwidth AI semiconductor" has been started.
[2021.08] Prof. Chae has presented the invited talk "new trends and challenges of memory for AI era" in 2021 SoC Conference.
[2021.08] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "dual-rank mobile memory interfaces" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
[2021.08] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "high-capacity memory interfaces" has been published to IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits(JSSC). [Link]
[2021.07] KR patent about "duty-cycle corrector" has been registered (KR 10-2279606).
[2021.07] Welcome! Y. Kim, W. Lee, W. Hong, K. Lee, J. Song, and J. Shin have joined our research group as an undergraduate research assistant.
[2021.07] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "PAM-4 transmitter with adaptive impedance matching" has been accepted and published to Electronics. [Link]
[2021.07] Research project "digital interface for automotive semiconductor" has been started.
[2021.06] Research project "next-generation system IC research and developer nurturing project" has been started.
[2021.06] KR patent about "PAM4/NRZ receiver" has been applied (KR 10-2021-0082613).
[2021.06] CN patent about "on-chip clock transmission" has been applied (CN 202110632882.3).
[2021.06] US patent about "data receiving circuit" has been registered (US 11,011,214). [Link]
[2021.05] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "quadrature clock signal correction" has been presented to IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). [Link]
[2021.05] US patent about "noise removing method" has been applied (US 17/308,458).
[2021.04] US patent about "on-chip clock transmission" has been applied (US 17/226,952).
[2021.04] US patent about "clocked comparator" has been applied (US 17/221,312).
[2021.03] Research project about AI semiconductor has been started.
[2021.03] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "ZQ calibration for PAM-4 signaling" has been published to IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits(JSSC). [Link]
[2021.03] US patent about "data-dependent equalization" has been registered (US 10,944,600). [Link]
[2021.03] Prof. Chae has been selected for 2021 IC Design Education Center (IDEC) participating professor.
[2021.02] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "high-capacity memory interfaces" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits(JSSC).
[2021.02] Research paper (with SK hynix) about "24Gb/s/pin GDDR6 (the fastest data-rate/pin among the existing DRAMs so far)" has been presented to IEEE International Solid-State Circuit Conference(ISSCC). [Link]
[2021.02] Homepage for Next-Generation Integrated Circuits and Systems(NICS) Design Lab. has been opened.
[2021.01] Research paper (with AMiC Design Lab. in SNU) about "quadrature clock signal correction" has been accepted for presentation in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS).