Teacher Resources

Mindful Thursdays at Dewey

Mindfulness Room

Practice Mindfulness with Us on Google Meets

We will be available for a 5-10 minute meditation if you'd like to join us on Thursdays Periods 4, 5, 6, & 7 Room 355.  We will also be available afterwards for anyone that wants to learn more about mindfulness or may have questions/concerns about anything.

Mission for Yoga & Mindfulness for All: 

By 2030, all NYCDOE schools will have a certified yoga and mindfulness teacher. 

YMTPP hosts weekly livestream yoga and mindfulness sessions taught by certified YMTP² teachers. Their website offers a variety of wellness resources and virtual practices.

We spend our days taking care of others, so let's remember to take care of ourselves as well!

Mindfulness Exercises

This website shows over 1,500 free mindfulness exercises, ranging from worksheets to audio/video recordings. You can also access workshops, teacher trainings, and guided scripts to practice mindfulness in the way that best suits you and your needs.

Mindfulness is simple, but not easy, and this website can help you practice!