Accomplished Runner

Hardworking and Dedicated

In his spare time, Jason is well-known for his various running exploits. He has completed the Boston Marathon three times, is the first person from Kentucky to complete all six World Marathon Majors, and has run a marathon on all seven continents.

Jason's dedication and drive have helped him overcome many obstacles in his running career. He ran the London Marathon on a broken foot and still finished in the top 10% of all runners. He fractured his leg during a half-marathon at LBL but nevertheless finished the race. Jason literally ran to the point of his body shutting down in Brazil and was hospitalized after finishing the marathon. He trains when it's 1 degree or 101 degrees, and all temperatures in between -- rain, sleet, snow, or shine.

Jason's drive in his running is evidence of his work ethic in his profession also. He is driven to do his best in all aspects of his job, and he has high expectations for himself ethically, morally, and professionally. His personality doesn't allow him to neglect any of his responsibilities.