Information in 2021
Academic Year

School of Knowledge Science

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)

  • The diploma awarding ceremony was held on March 24, 2022, and Mr. Yasuaki Kai, Mr. QIN, Shubin, Mr. Zhou Haote, and Mr. Soichiro Saito obtained "Master's degree (knowledge science)". [2022/3/27]

  • At the 69th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan (2022 / 3 / 14-19 online), Assistant Professor Shun Kurokawa made a presentation entitled "The effect of the group size on the evolution of cooperation ~mathematical analysis by evolutionary game theory~". [2022/3/15]

  • The dissertation by Assistant Professor Shun Kurokawa was accepted. [2022/3/15]

    • Kurokawa, S. (2022). Evolution of trustfulness in the case where resources for cooperation are sometimes absent. Theoretical Population Biology.

  • An interim presentation was held on March 3, 2022, and M2 Aogu Shimizu made a presentation and asked questions. [2022/3/10]

  • DLUT-JAIST International Workshop 2022, organized by Researcher Guanghong Li with Feifan LIU and Shuang ZHANG of Dalian University of Technology, was held on 2022/3 / 1-2, and the following people made presentations. [2022/3/2]

    • HASHIMOTO, Takashi "Opening speech"

    • KUROKAWA, Shun "What is the adaptive behavior in the case where I do not know whether a partner cooperated or defected? —analysis by evolutionary game theory—"

    • LIAN, Qingxi , "Can mass/count distinction affect accessibility of alternatives for scalar implicature? — Understanding the quantifier ‘some’"

    • LI, Guanhong "Final speech before leaving JAIST: A taoism view on communication, society, and education"

    • FUJIWARA, Masayuki "From modelling and analysis to the neural mechanisms of human communication"

    • QIN, Shubin "The current situation survey of language ability in a Polyglossia society"

    • CHENG, Taijun "How does individual play as intuitive modeling affect team creativity: An experimental examination"

  • Professor Hashimoto will be the discusant at the 26th Evolutionary Economics Society (2022 / 3 / 25-27 Online) "Planning Session (Depending on the host school): Educating Evolutionary Economics". In addition, a co-authored paper "Construction of a social simulation model for EBPM focusing on cognitive bias in behavior change" will be published by Professor Hashimoto and Kazuki Matsui (Fujitsu Limited). [2022/2/24]

  • The following three people made presentations at the MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Evolinguisitcs: Integrative Studies of Language Evolution for Co-creative Communication" (2022/2/22-23 Online). [2022/2/24]

    • Guanghong Li "Next Generation Communication: Noise for Co-creation"

    • Masayuki Fujiwara "EEG analysis of intention sharing in physical and symbolic communication"

    • Takashi Hashimoto "Intention understanding hypothesis by recursive connection and abduction based on physicality, and interaction with robots for future co-creative communication"

  • The following 6 people will make presentations at the 21st Okinawa Complex Systems Study Group (2022/2/23 online). [2022/2/21]

    • Haote Zhou "Study on Dialogue between Robots and Humans to Promote Conceptual Blending"

    • Shubin Qin "Survey of Linguistic Competence in Polygrusian Society"

    • Aogu Shimizu "Burning as a Third Party Punishment: Elucidation by Social Media Analysis"

    • Soichiro Saito "What kind of robot does a person feel is irreplaceable? -Examination by human-robot interaction experiment-"

    • Taijun Cheng "Analysis of the mechanism by which personal play as an intuitive creation affects team creativity"

  • The final examination of M2's master's thesis by Mr. Yasuaki Kai, Mr. QIN, Shubin, Mr. Zhou Haote, and Mr. Soichiro Saito was held on Thursday, February 10, 2022. [2022/2/14]

  • The round-reading session of "Cognitive Semantics (Series Cognitive Linguistics Introduction 3)" (Yo Matsumoto (ed.), Taishukan Shoten, 2003) will start on February 2, 2022. It's online. If you would like to participate, please contact the host, Huang Wenlian (M1) or Professor Hashimoto. [2022/1/30]

  • Zhou Haote (M2) will made a presentation at HAI Symposium 2022 (2022/3 / 2-3 Chukyo University Nagoya Campus & Online) under the title of "A Study on Dialogue between Humans and Robots Evoking Conceptual Blending". [2022/1/29]

  • Misato Hoshizumi (M2) made a presentation at at the 2021 meeting (2022/2/26, Kwansei Gakuin University Marunouchi Campus & Online) of JAECS SIG_Corpus and Language Variation, titled "A study on the relationship between the process by which words that are currently considered discriminatory words obtain negative semantic prosody and society. —Using discourse analysis supported by the corpus" [2022/1/29]

  • Masayuki Fujiwara (D3) presented a paper entitled "A Framework for Understanding the Neural Underpinnings of Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Communication Based on Global Synchronization in Human Brain Activity" on International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics 2022 (2022/1/20-23 online). [2022/1/21]

  • Qin, Mujun has been newly assigned to Hashimoto Lab as an M1 student. [2021/12/16]

  • Assistant Professor Shun Kurokawa and Aogu Shimizu (M2) gave poster presentations at the Japan Society for Human Behavior Evolution (2021 / 12 / 4-5 online). [2021/12/10]

    • The existence of cooperative action in large groups can be explained by opt out (Shun Kurokawa).

    • Adaptability of indignation considering the transmission of intention (research plan) (Oagu Shimizu, Takashi Hashimoto)

  • The paper that Professor Hashimoto co-authored has been published.

    • Kaburlasos, V. G., Lytridis, C., Vrochidou, E., Bazinas, C., Papakostas, G. A., Lekova, A., Bouattane, O., Youssfi, M., and Hashimoto, T. (2021). Granule-based-classifier (GbC): A lattice computing scheme applied on tree data structures, Mathematics, 9(22), 2889;

  • Professor Takashi Hashimoto gave a keynote speech at The 13th International Conference on KNOWLEDGE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (KSE 2021) on November 10, 2021. The title is "From Evolinguistics to Pluralistic Intelligences: Toward Evolutionary Study on Meaning Generation" [2021/11/14]

  • Two papers by Assistant Professor Shun Kurokawa have been accepted.[2021/10/31]

    • Kurokawa, S. (in press). For whom is it more beneficial to stop interactions with defectors: cooperators or defectors? Ecological Complexity.

    • Triki, Z., Li, X-Y., Demairé, C., Kurokawa, S., Bshary, R. (in press). Marine cleaning mutualism defies standard logic of supply and demand. American Naturalist.

  • Hiroyuki Hoshi (M2) gave a presentation titled "A model proposal for evolutionary simulation on the acquisition of defensive behaviors against internal threats in herds" at the 20th Okinawa Complex Systems Research Meeting (2021/10/23 online). [2021/10/29]

  • Ms. Siri-on Umarin, a student of Thailand Dual Program, joined our doctoral program from October 2021. [2021/10/25]

  • Assistant Professor Shun Kurokawa received the 14th JSMB Early Career Award. Listed on the homepage of JAIST. [2021/10/27]

  • The degree awarding ceremony was held on 2021/9/24, and Mr. Takashi Akaike and Mr. Yosuke Nomura got "Master (Knowledge Science)". [2021/9/25]

  • Assistant Professor Shun Kurokawa received the Eminent Evolutionalist Award from the Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan. Listed on the homepage of JAIST. [2021/9/8]

  • The interim presentation was held on September 7, 2021, during which M2 students, Mr. Haote Zhou, Mr. Soichiro Saito, and Ms. Misato Hoshizumi gave presentations and answered questions.

  • The final examination of the master's thesis by Takashi Akaike (M2) and Yosuke Nomura (M2) was held on Friday, August 20, 2021.[2021/8/20]

  • Assistant Professor Shun Kurokawa gave a lecture and poster presentation at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology (2021/9/13-15) titled "Mathematical analysis of the human prisoner's dilemma". [2021/7/27]

  • Assistant Professor Shun Kurokawa will give a poster presentation "The evolution of cooperative behavior in a large group can be explained by opt out" at The 23rd Tokyo Conference of the Japanese Society for Evolution (held on 8 / 18-21 2021). [2021/7/27]

  • Assistant Professor Shun Kurokawa will give a poster presentation "Effect of the group size on the evolution of cooperation in the presence of an exit option" at The 2nd AsiaEvo conference (held on 8 / 16-19 2021).[2021/7/27]

  • Five new M1 students (Yusuke Ishimori, Kazuyuki Otomo, Junki Kasano, Wenlian Huang, and Lanxin Xu) have been newly assigned.[2021/7/22]

  • The following four members will make presentation at The 38th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (will be held from September 3rd (Friday) to 5th (Sunday), 2021). [2021/7/15]

    • Takashi Hashimoto "Evolutionary Scenarios from Behavior Prediction to Intention Estimation and Intention Sharing" (9/4, OS06: Evolution and Future of Human Communication Based on Inference)

    • Taijun Cheng "Analysis on Mechanisms for Individual Play to Promote Idea Generation in Interaction between Individuals"

    • Haote Zhou "Discourse to Promote Blending to Improve Robot’s Human-Likeliness"

    • Soichiro Saito "How Do Robots Make Us Feel Their Irreplaceability? : Experiment to Evaluate Robot’s Emotion for Sharing Feelings"

  • As the representative of special group 2, postdoc researcher Guanhong Li reported on the activities of the special group 2 - non face to face communication, at the 9th general meeting of the "Evolinguistics: Integrative Studies of Language Evolution for Co-creative Communication" on July 10, 2021. [2021/7/10]

  • Aogu Shimizu's essay "Can morality be explained by cooperation?" was published in "Research Notes No. 4 (2021)" of the Philosophy of Science Society, Japan. [2021/6/30]

  • A diploma awarding ceremony was held on June 24, and Yuka Miyagi and Moe Hosoma received a master's degree (knowledge science). [2021/6/24]

  • Postdoc researcher Guanhong Li made a presentation at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence on June 8, 2021 with the title "A Computational Framework for Studying the Co-Creative Communication as a Bridge Between Individual and Social Creativity". [2021/6/8]

  • Assistant Prof. Shun Kurokawa won the Young Scientist Initiative Award of the Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan! [2021/6/5]

  • Miyagi Yuka (Tokyo satellite campus) and Hosoma Moe had their final defense respectively on 8th, May (Sat) and 10th, May (Mon) [2021/5/11 ]

  • Co-written by Professor Hashimoto, the book "Encyclopedia of human behavior understood by evolution" is to be released on 1st, June, 2021. Hashimoto is in charge of the part "To Convey". [2021/4/25]

  • Matsumoto Takashi (Tokyo satellite campus) and Cheng Taijun have joined Hashimoto Lab as doctor course students. [2021/4/1]

  • On April 1st, assistant professor Kurokawa Shun joined Hashimoto Lab. [2021/4/1]

Information in 2022 2020 2019 2018 before 2018.