
Suffering in a Halfway

Here are activity records of seminars, reading clubs, and study sessions in 2020 academic year.
You can also check our past records in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and before 2018.


18th/Mar/2022Fri)15:0- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: A Contrastive Study of Japanese and Chinese Homomorphic Polysyllables “上・下” from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistics

  Speaker: Wenlian Huang

Progress Report: Mass/count Distinction as a Visual Context Cue for Scalar Inferences in the Case of Understanding ‘Some’ Under the Context-based View

  Speaker: Qingxi  LIAN

Progress Report: Coexistence of novelty and commonality in language

  Speaker: Kazuyuki  OTOMO

18th/Mar/2022Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: A Contrastive Study of Japanese and Chinese Homomorphic Polysyllables “上・下” from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistics

  Speaker: Wenlian Huang

Progress Report: Mass/count Distinction as a Visual Context Cue for Scalar Inferences in the Case of Understanding ‘Some’ Under the Context-based View

  Speaker: Qingxi  LIAN

Progress Report: Coexistence of novelty and commonality in language

  Speaker: Kazuyuki  OTOMO

17th/Mar/2022Thu)17:00- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Discussion of the research plan to establish data value estimation methods for data transactions

  Speaker: Taichi MASUI

Progress Report: A Study on the Conditions of Service Ecosystem Considering the Increase of Public Interest

  Speaker: Yusuke ISHIMORI

11th/Mar/2022Fri)18:00- |Webex

Progress Report: Discussion of the research plan to establish data value estimation methods for data transactions 

  Speaker: Takashi MATSUMOTO

4th/Mar/2022Fri)16:00- |Collaboration Room 3 & Webex

Research Introduction: Verification of the Emergence of a Hierarchical Structure of Language through Cultural Inheritance with Consideration of the Mother Tongue

  Speaker: Taichi MASUI

Progress Report: Analysis on Mechanisms for Individual Play as intuitive modelling to affect the team creativity 

  Speaker: Taijun CHENG

25th/Feb/2022Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Mass/count Distinct as a Visual Context Cue for Scalar Inferences in the Case of Understanding ‘Some’ Under the Context-based View  (For PR revision)

  Speaker: Qingxi LIAN

Progress Report: A Contrastive Study of Japanese and Chinese Homomorphic Polysyllables “上・下” from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistics ~Toward Submission of RP~

  Speaker: Wenlian HUANG

18th/Feb/2022Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Coexistence of novelty and commonality in language

  Speaker: Kazuyuki OTOMO

Progress Report: A Study on the Conditions of Service Ecosystem Considering the Increase of Public Interest ― A Case Study of Convenience Store’s Franchise System ― 

  Speaker: Yusuke ISHIMORI

5th/Feb/2022Sat)15:30- |RP Room & Webex

Presentation Practice: How do robots make themselves feel irreplaceable to people?

  Speaker: Soichiro SAITO

Presentation Practice: A study on Dialogue between Humans and Robots Evoking Conceptual Blending 

  Speaker: Haote ZHOU

4th/Feb/2022Fri)15:30- |RP Room & Webex

Progress Report: Multiple Interpretations of speech Act in Relational Negotiative Interaction A Study of Cultural Evolution ― Constructing a story structure for a master's thesis presentation

  Speaker: Yasaki KAI

28th/Jan/2022Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Paper Introduction: Cognitive map self-organization from subjective visuomotor experiences in a hierarchical recurrent neural network (-pp.146)

Bibliographic information:

Wataru Noguchi, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Masahito Yamamoto. (2017). Cognitive map self-organization from subjective visuomotor experiences in a hierarchical recurrent neural network. Adaptive Behavior 2017, Vol. 25(3) 129–146. PDF: <>

  Speaker: Junki KASANO

Progress Report: Organizing research topics for the construction of methods for estimating data values in data distribution

  Speaker: Takashi MATSUMOTO

21st/Jan/2022Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Paper Introduction: Cognitive map self-organization from subjective visuomotor experiences in a hierarchical recurrent neural network (pp.129-pp.146)

Bibliographic information:

Wataru Noguchi, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Masahito Yamamoto. (2017). Cognitive map self-organization from subjective visuomotor experiences in a hierarchical recurrent neural network. Adaptive Behavior 2017, Vol. 25(3) 129–146. PDF: <>

  Speaker: Junki KASANO

Paper Introduction: Seeing from without, seeing from within: Aspectual differences between Spanish and Russian

Bibliographic information:

Laura A. Janda&Antonio Fábregas (2019), Cognitive Linguistic, 30(4): 687–718


  Speaker: Wenlian HUANG 

12th/Jan/2022Wed)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Paper Introduction: Understanding trendy neologisms

Bibliographic information:

Adrienne Lehrer, Understanding trendy neologisms, Italian Journal of Linguistics Vol. 15(2), pp. 369-382, 2003. PDF:

  Speaker: Mujun QIN 

Paper Introduction: Cognitive map self-organization from subjective visuomotor experiences in a hierarchical recurrent neural network (pp.129-pp.135)

Bibliographic information:

Wataru Noguchi, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Masahito Yamamoto. (2017). Cognitive map self-organization from subjective visuomotor experiences in a hierarchical recurrent neural network. Adaptive Behavior 2017, Vol. 25(3) 129–146. PDF: <>

  Speaker: Junki KASANO

23rd/Dec/2021Thu)15:30- |Collaboration Room 3 & Webex

Progress Report: Consideration of the standards of judgment with distinguishing whether one word is a discriminatory word or not

  Speaker: Misato HOSHIZUMI 

Paper Introduction: Cognitive map self-organization from subjective visuomotor experiences in a hierarchical recurrent neural network

Bibliographic information:

Wataru Noguchi, Hiroyuki Iizuka and Masahito Yamamoto. (2017). Cognitive map self-organization from subjective visuomotor experiences in a hierarchical recurrent neural network. Adaptive Behavior 2017, Vol. 25(3) 129–146. PDF: <>

  Speaker: Junki KASANO

17th/Dec/2021Fri)15:30- |Webex

Progress Report

Title1: Exploring the Mechanism of International Collaboration through Knowledge Management (Main topic with SIIT, Thailand)

Title2: Exploring Knowledge Enablers for Successful Research Projects (Main topic with JAIST, Japan)

  Speaker: Siri-on UMARIN

Progress Report: Evolution of off-record strategy― toward the completion of my master's thesis story

  Speaker: Yasuaki KAI

2nd/Dec/2021Thu)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: A Contrastive Study of Japanese/Chinese Homomorphic Polysemous Verbs UP and DOWN from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistics -Toward Pre-Submission of RP-

  Speaker: Wenlian HUANG

Progress Report: Analysis on mechanisms for play behavior to promote creativity

  Speaker: Taijun CHENG

26th/Nov/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: On the formation of neologisms and language change in product names

  Speaker: Kazuyuki OTOMO

Progress Report: Simulation of Value Co-Creation through Interaction among Three Types of Actors — Toward Pre-Submission of RP —

  Speaker: Yusuke ISHIMORI

19th/Nov/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Paper Introduction: Compound Words’ Classification - A Cognitive Linguistic Based Study

Bibliographic information:

Padmaja Kilambi(2020),International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 8(5), 216-228. (PDF:

  Speaker: Wenlian HUANG

Progress Report: Summary and consideration of scales used when conducting interaction experiments

  Speaker: Soichiro SAITO

12th/Nov/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Paper Introduction: A mathematical model of social selection favoring reduced aggression

Bibliographic information:

Ihara, Y. (2020). A mathematical model of social selection favoring reduced aggression. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74, (91), 1-13. (PDF:

  Speaker: Yusuke ISHIMORI

Progress Report: Human impressions of thought-provoking robots in interaction

  Speaker: Haote ZHOU

5th/Nov/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Paper Introduction: “All those Elvis-meets-golf-player looks”: A corpus-assisted analysis of creative compounds in fashion blogging

Bibliographic information:

Camiciottoli, Belinda Crawford. "“All those Elvis-meets-golf-player looks”: A corpus-assisted analysis of creative compounds in fashion blogging." Discourse, Context & Media 12 (2016): 77-86. (url:

  Speaker: Kazuyuki OTOMO

Progress Report: Consideration of how many before and behind word should be contained when that discriminatory word be analyzed

  Speaker: Misato HOSHIZUMI

29th/Oct/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Proposal of a model: An evolutionary simulation of a swarm when swarming individuals are disadvantaged by collective behavior

  Speaker: Hiroyuki HOSHI

Progress Report: The Results of Language Investigation in Shanglin, Nanning, Guangxi, China

  Speaker: Shubin QIN

22nd/Oct/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Paper Introduction: Availability of Alternatives and the Processing of Scalar Implicatures: A Visual World Eye-Tracking Study

Bibliographic information:

Degen, J., & Tanenhaus, M. K. (2016). Availability of alternatives and the processing of scalar implicatures: A visual world eye‐tracking study. Cognitive science, 40(1), 172-201. (

  Speaker: Qingxi LIAN

Progress Report: Consider tasks to be performed in human-robot interaction experiments

  Speaker: Soichiro SAITO

15th/Oct/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 3 & Webex

Paper Introduction: To play or not to play? That`s a resource abundance question

Bibliographic information:

Jeremy D. Auerbach, Andrew R. Kanarek and Gordon M. Burghardt, To play or not to play? That`s a resource abundance question, Adaptive Behavior 23(6): 354-361, 2015. (PDF:

  Speaker: Taijun CHENG

8th/Oct/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Analysis of japanese‐chinese ideal syncretic verbs: ‘up’ and ‘down’

  Speaker: Wenlian HUANG

Progess Report: About human metacognition that recognizes the feeling of enjoying delusions

  Speaker: Junki KASANO

30th/Sep/2021Thu)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Franchise agreement of convenience stores considering value co-creation

  Speaker: Yusuke ISHIMORI

Progess Report: The nature of emergent naming in product name development

  Speaker: Kazuyuki OTOMO

Progress Report: A survey of papers using CM and metaphor as keywords in cognitive linguistics

  Speaker: Lanxin XU

2nd/Sep/2021Thu)15:30- |Webex

Interim Presentation Practice: Study on relationship between societies and processes by which discriminatory words acquire negative discourse prosody.

  Speaker: Misato HOSHIZUMI

Interim Presentation Practice: Discourse to Promote Blending to Improve Robot’s Human-Likeliness

  Speaker: Haote ZHOU

Interim Presentation Practice: How Do Robots Make Us Feel Their Irreplaceability? 

  Speaker: Soichiro SAITO

11th/Aug/2021Wed)15:30- |Webex

Presentation Practice: How Do Robots Make Us Feel Their Irreplaceability? : Experiment to Evaluate Robot’s Emotion for Sharing Feelings

  Speaker: Soichiro SAITO

Presentation Practice: Discourse to Promote Blending to Improve Robot’s Human-Likeliness

  Speaker: Haote ZHOU

Presentation Practice: Analysis on Mechanisms for Individual Play to Promote Idea Generation in Interaction between Individuals

  Speaker: Taijun CHENG

30th/Jul/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Humanity of robots by concept blend

  Speaker: Haote ZHOU

16th/Jul/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Water-dispenser diagram of scalar implicature under constraint-based framework: do the three cues affect the uncountable object -- water in the same way?

  Speaker: Qingxi LIAN

8th/Jul/2021Thu)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Previous Research Report: Graduation Research —Analysis of Conflicts between Convenience Store Headquarters and Member Stores over Shortened Business Hours—

  Speaker: Yusuke ISHIMORI

Previous Research Report: Graduation Research —Evaluation of aircraft operation techniques—

Speaker:  Kazuyuki OTOMO

Previous Research Report: From the change of "Yabai" to see the semantic misuse in Japanese

Speaker: Wenlian HUANG 

1st/Jul/2021Thu)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Examination of the results of the off-record strategy model

Speaker: Yasuaki KAI

Previous Research Report: Reconsidering the Theory of the Japanese: Focusing on "Chrysanthemum and the Sword" and "Bushido"

Speaker: Lanxin Xu

Previous Research Report: Graduation Research: An Attempt at Deep Learning in C

  Speaker: Junki KASANO

10th/Jun/2021Thu)16:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Explanation of  the Off-Record Model through the difference with previous studies

Speaker: Yasuaki KAI

4th/Jun/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Robot emotional expression and personality traits for human-robot sharing style

Speaker: Soichiro SAITO

27th/May/2021Thu)15:30- |Webex

Progress Report: Analysis and results of 2 preparatory surveys for the formal investigation 

Speaker: Shubin QIN

20th/May/2021Thu)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: The explanation of conversational implicature from the perspective of relevance theory -- is it possible to make clear the factors and their relations during inference process? 

Speaker: Qingxi LIAN

Progress Report: Self Introduction & Research Outline (Mathematical study based on evolutionary game theory with respect to the evolution of cooperation) 

Speaker: Shun KUROKAWA

13th/May/2021Thu)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: Distinction between concept blend theory and concept combination model--About Prototype theory and Exemplar theory

Bibliographic information:

Antonio Lieto(2012)Non classical concept representation and reasoning in formal ontologies, Dissertation Università Degli Studi di Salerno 

Speaker: Haote ZHOU

Progress Report: Dyadic Morality Online

Speaker: Aogu SHIMIZU

27/Apr/2021Wed15:30- |Collaboration Room 3 & Webex

Paper Introduction: But’ Implicatures: A Study of the Effect of Working Memory and Argument Characteristics 

Bibliographic information:

Janssens, L., & Schaeken, W. (2016). ‘But’Implicatures: A Study of the Effect of Working Memory and Argument Characteristics. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1520. 

Speaker: Qingxi LIAN

Paper Introduction: Sketching Muslims: A corpus driven analysis of representations around the word ‘Muslim’ in the British press 1998–2009.

Bibliographic information:

Baker, P., Gabrielatos, C., & McEnery, T. (2013). Sketching Muslims: A corpus driven analysis of representations around the word ‘Muslim’in the British press 1998–2009. Applied linguistics, 34(3), 255-278. URL:

Speaker: Misato HOSHIZUMI

22th/Apr/2021Thu)15:30- |Collaboration Room 3 & Webex

Paper Introduction: Sketching Muslims: A corpus driven analysis of representations around the word ‘Muslim’ in the British press 1998–2009.

Bibliographic information:

Baker, P., Gabrielatos, C., & McEnery, T. (2013). Sketching Muslims: A corpus driven analysis of representations around the word ‘Muslim’in the British press 1998–2009. Applied linguistics, 34(3), 255-278. URL:

Speaker: Misato HOSHIZUMI

Progress Report: Self Introduction & Research Outline (Mathematical study based on evolutionary game theory with respect to the evolution of cooperation)  

Speaker: Shun KUROKAWA

15th/Apr/2021Thu)15:30- |Collaboration Room 3 & Webex

Abstract Introduction: A robot with prototype concept combination system  

Speaker: Haote ZHOU

Abstract Introduction:Analysis of mechanism of play to promote creativity 

Speaker: Taijun CHENG

9th/Apr/2021Fri)15:30- |Collaboration Room 2 & Webex

Progress Report: research on the cultural evolution of multiple interpretable speech acts in relational negotiative interaction 

Speaker: Yasuaki KAI

Progress Report: Factor of Interest in Words : Analysis Using Nonsense Words  

Speaker: Moe HOSOMA