Information in 2020
Academic Year

School of Knowledge Science

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)

  • During 3/21-23, on research fund A seminar, titled "Interdisciplinary exploration of <the origin and future of morality> through the robotic construction of moral actors" (representative: Shoji Nagataki) M1 student Saito Soichiro presented "Planning of HRI experiment on robot irreplaceability". M1 student Shimizu Aogu introduced and discussed the third chapter "Social Robot" from "Causation in Psychology"(Campbell, 2020) [16th/Mar/2021]

  • At the 5th meeting of the Young Researchers' Group on Co-Creation and Language Evolution held on Nov. 28-29, PhD. Li Guanhong (research fellow) gave a presentation titled "Research on 'Misunderstanding': Toward Elucidation of the Mechanism that Produces Co-Creation", and Takashi Akaike (M2) gave a presentation titled "Cross-disciplinary Fusion and Organizational Development". [3rd/Dec/2020]

  • On the 1st of November, Masayuki Fujiwara (D3) gave a presentation titled "Synchronization and Co-Creation for Intention Sharing" at the 2nd Study Group on Synaesthetic Social Brain. [3rd/Dec/2020]

  • On the 19th of December, Prof. Hashimoto will give a presentation titled "Tacit Knowing in Knowledge Science and Evolutionary Economics" at "Value Creation and Decentralized Market Design" (12/18-19, online). [25th/Nov/2020]

  • Prof. Hashimoto's paper "The Emergent Constructive Approach to Evolinguistics: Considering Hierarchy and Intention Sharing in Linguistic Communication" was published in the Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. [2nd/Nov/2020]

  • On the 6th of November, Prof. Hashimoto will give a presentation titled "Be creative and critical with the digital nature of language in a digitized world" at the Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations conference 2020 (11/4-7, online). Be creative and critical with the digital nature of language in a digitized world. The session is called "Digitalization, Communication, and Robotics". [2nd/Nov/2020]

  • The video introducing our laboratory has been completed. Click here for the video. [23rd/Sep/2020]

  • On the Thu 10th of September, The 3rd Co-Creation Evolutionary Language Seminar will be held on at 10:30. The speaker is Prof. Terrence W. Deacon, and the title is "The symbol un-grounding process and the semiotic basis of grammar and syntax". For more details, click here. [21st/Sep/2020]

  • Meeting of a reading circle of "大学生・社会人のための言語技術トレーニング" (Language Technology Training for College Students and Working Adults) has started on the 31st of August. The purpose of this course is to understand Language Arts, which uses language as a "technology" for thinking, discussion, and expression, and to deepen thinking skills. [8th/Sep/2020]

  • On the Tue 15th of September, PhD. Li Guanhong (research fellow) will present and discuss the topic "Face-to-Face and Distance", which is a problem in communication in the Corona Periscope, at the domain meeting of the new academic domain "Co-creation Language Evolution". [8th/Sep/2020]

  • On the Thu 10th of September, Masayuki FUJIWARA (D3) will give a presentation titled "Neural Basis of Symbolic Communication: Analysis of Functional Connectivity by Phase-Locked EEG" at the Emergent Constructs Group Meeting of the New Academic Field "Co-Creative Language Evolution". [8th/Sep/2020]

  • The Co-Creative Language Evolution seminar series has started, organized by the new academic area "Co-Creative Language Evolution", of which Prof. Hashimoto is the planning group leader. Prof. Hashimoto is The first se organizing the seminar series. Seminar titled "Constructive approaches to language evolution" was held on the 19th of August by Prof. Luc Steels and was attended by more than 100 people from around the world. The next seminar will be held on the 4th of September at 5:00 p.m. by Katsuhiro Sano on "Development of hierarchical structures and language in tools".

  • Prof. Hashimoto gives an invited talk at the 21th annual meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association on 5th September. The title is "Constructive Understanding on Language Evolution and Emergence." [10th/Aug/2020]

  • On the 28th of August, the open campus is going to hold online. Apply here. [10th/Aug/2020]

  • On the 3rd of September, two M2 students are going to give a presentation in an interim report meeting. Moe HOSOMA "Relationship between Word formation and Meaning Predictability: Using Word Forming". Hiroyuki HOSHI「内部脅威に対する防衛を目的としたprey-predatorモデルを用いた群れの進化シミュレーション」[7th/Aug/2020]

  • On the 12th of July, at the workshop of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Foundation A "Interdisciplinary Research on the Origin and Future of Morality through the Robotic Construction of Moral Actors" was held . At there, the discussion about what is the condition for something to have moral agency was developed. Prof. Hashimoto gave a presentation entitled "The Digitality of Language to Preserve Humanity in an Increasingly Digitalized World". [13th/Jul/2020]

  • On the 7th of July, the open campus is going to hold online. Apply here. [25th/Jun/2020]

  • At the meeting of the new academic field "Co-creational Language Evolution" of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI), Prof. Hashimoto reported on the progress of the Emergent Composition Group, which he represents, on the emergent compositional approach to the origin and evolution of intention sharing and hierarchy. [2nd /Jun/ 2020]

  • Meeting of a reading circle of "The Scientific Procedure for Writing a Dissertation" had started on 19th May. This book set the goal to understand the logic of "Hypothetico-deductive method" which is the typical approach for [natural] science.[19th/May/2020]

  • Masayuki FUJIWARA (D3) received a prize of "Poster Award" on an area meeting of "Evolinguistics". [A new scientific field] on 3rd April. [3rd/Apr/2020]

Information in 2022 2021 2019 2018 before 2018.