Good & Evil

The world is dictated by these two fundamental forces. Good and Evil may appear to be simple to quantify, but is it really so easy? In this section you will find articles on what is considered to be Good or Evil. 

The Concept of Good & Evil

Good and Evil is perceived by the personal doctrine of the individual. How a character has lived their life will shape what this means, but the generally accepted dogma surrounding Good and Evil is that Good is a monotheistic deity (God), and Evil is that deity’s antithesis (The Devil). 

Corruption is a seed of Evil which draws in further darkness in the form of monsters, but this corruption can be combated and brought back into balance. 

It is imperative to note that Jaegers are not inherently Good. Alignment is irrelevant when facing Evil, so long as one does not succumb to it. Jaegers often find that in order to defeat Evil, they too must wield it and sometimes, Good is not always of the purity and reverence it implies. It is a spectrum of shades, and whilst most people will see only two of those shades, the Jaegers are able to distinguish many more.

Succumbing to Evil can mean a variety of things depending on what the person has done. Technically, all Witches have already succumbed but those who become Jaegers have been able to seek out balance to fight against Evil. No one is ever truly forsaken. 

This section is intentionally kept vague so as to allow players to experiment with their own concepts. However, there are some unifying concepts of Good across all faiths:

The Forces of Evil

Evil seeks to spread and corrupt to make itself the prominent force between Good and Evil. To do this, Evil must manifest in physical form and actively destroy anything it encounters. Monsters are born of this desire through varying means; a corrupted priest, a scorned lover, a well left in disrepair, a forest burned to the ground in spite. Whatever the source, these creatures are seemingly unstoppable to the common person and they are quick to become their victims. 

Jaegers use every tool at their disposal to hunt down these monsters and destroy them, this includes relying on the forces of Evil itself. Witches and those touched by the Fae use their gifts granted by Evil to help in this mission, further complicating the reputation of Jaegers in the eyes of the public. However, the combined methods of the Jaeger are often brutal and effective.

No one is certain where Evil originates. The two known planes of existence, mortal and demonic, are mirrors of one another. Where the mortal plane is mostly Good with Evil, the demonic plane is mostly Evil with Good. The source of Evil in both planes is uncertain, but it is believed that the planes must remain in balance in order to prevent catastrophe.

Witches and Priests

Where Priests walk the path of salvation, Witches chose the path to damnation. 

There is nothing that perfectly illustrates the dichotomy of Good and Evil like Priests and Witches, and the consequences of tethering one's soul either to the Mortal or Demonic Planes of existence. 

Through servitude and devotion to the religious paths of Aynca (The Fayth, Confluence and Heltevei), Priests are able to channel the powers of Good which manifests in blessings, sanctification and consecration. A life long pledge to Good and acceptance of Mortality, to eradicate Evil in all of its forms. 

Conversely, by desiring power beyond the means of the Mortal Plane, a pact must be made between a willing participant and a Demon. A Witch sells out their connection to Mortality, instead forsaking it and embracing Evil in its truest form. This pact grants the use of magic, for the destruction of all that is Good. 

Scholars have studied this carefully, and the currently accepted theory is that Witches and Priests are two sides of the same coin. This also explains why a Witch cannot use Good like a Priest can, and vice versa for a Priest to use Evil. 

Of course, there are those on both sides who arguably do not embody these established rules. There are Priests who use their piety as a means of control over their flock, and Witches who see the error of their ways may sever the link they have to Evil. 


Any Witch wishing to redeem themselves must first figure out a way to free themselves of the unholy bond they made to a Demon. Witches do not know the true name of the Demon with whom they formed a pact, being truly at their mercy, and names are power. 

They must use any means at their disposal to trick, trap, or by learning and using the true name of their Demon; for killing a demon cuts off all access to their magic, leaving a Witch utterly powerless. This process of escaping a pact strips them of much of their previous power now that they are no longer empowered by a Demon. However, they hang onto the wisps, bending this remnant of Evil to what is now finally their own free will.

When Witches were still lost to the shadows there is no doubt that the things they did were Evil, truly Evil. Their soul was severed from the light and never again shall they truly find it, though many reformed witches do what they can to atone. However, this atonement is a personal one and not spiritual, for there is no afterlife for a Witch, no matter the good they achieve later in life. They are stained by a choice they once made long ago.

Some people will never forgive a Witch, both because it can be hard to trust a person who was tempted once not to be tempted again but also, many have first hand trauma that stemmed from a Witch's cruel grasp.


Priests sit diametrically opposed to Witches in the spectrum of Good and Evil. If a Witch gives their life to darkness and Evil, a priest has given their life to light and good. The Fayth is the widest spread religion of Aynca but priests are not limited to that one faith alone. Heltevei and Confluence have it's own priests, who have dedicated themselves to the teaching of those faiths as steadfastly as any other though their practices may differ to what many have experienced.

Priests have chosen to walk a path of enlightenment, spirituality and Good. They represent the ideals of Good embodied in the mortal form. They are strong but they are kind. Paladins and beacons of faith against an encroaching darkness.

By walking this path, Priests are able to utilise Good in subtle but powerful ways. Where magic is visual and overt, faith is demonstrated through 


There are three major religions throughout Aynca, however there are pockets of "other" religions which are more folk in style in more rural areas away from the religious powerhouses. In order of influence they are:

Throughout Aynca, the spread of religion is as follows: