Topographical Survey for IISc Campus using LiDAR Technology


On August 14th, 2015, a Mobile LiDAR and Static LiDAR survey was conducted to capture the data for the generation of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of 0.2 x 0.2 m resolution for half of the IISc campus (195 acres). IISc aims at developing, calibrating and validating a hydrological model inside the controlled catchment of IISc campus. This includes integration of LiDAR generated very high resolution terrain information into the hydrologic model. Using LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data, topographic information at a very high resolution (0.2 - 0.5 m) is generated. M/s Geokno India Private Limited is assigned to carry out Topographical Survey for half of IISc Campus using LiDAR technology to capture fine resolution topographic data showing ground features like building, trees etc at a very high level of accuracy which helps in obtaining the 3-dimensional mapping of the IISc campus.

Geokno India Private Limited (Geokno) is a technology oriented company working in the upcoming domain of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and related ultra- modern technologies like LiDAR based surveying. The company focuses on innovative and path breaking solution development using Laser Scanning from Airborne, Terrestrial and Mobile Sensors, and WebGIS. Geokno has completed some of the very exciting projects on the use of laser scanning, e.g. 3D Modelling of Urban Infrastructure, Mine Surveying, Barrage Site Mapping , Dam Spillway profile measurement and 3D modelling of heritage monuments. Geokno has a chosen team of thorough professional in all the major domains of geospatial technology and applications drawn from some of the premiere institutions in India. The Expertise of team includes LiDAR, GIS Mapping, GPS/ DGPS, Photogrammetry and Land Surveying.

Click here to read more on Geokno Pvt. Ltd.

Geokno assembles a team of professionals to offer IISC a worlds best-practice solution for the Topographical Survey for half of IISc Campus using LiDAR Technology towards ITRA-Water Integrated Urban Flood Management: Technology driven Solutions.


The Laser Scanners are Class 1 Eye safe and will not cause any harm to the People and Environment. The grey areas that were unaddressed in the Mobile LiDAR and Static LiDAR survey are looked into by the Total Station Survey.