Membership Form and Payment

Use the Google form below to renew/enroll for the 2023-2024 membership period starting on August 1st.

Please click on the YELLOW link below to access the Google Form and enter your information for ITCCOA Membership

Please make sure you scroll to the top of each Google Form page to complete the form in its entirety. 

Membership Dues are $30.00 annually

If you would like to make an electronic payment we can accept payments directly using Zelle.  If you bank electronically your bank may already have Zelle payments.  There is also an app you can download onto your phone.  After installing the app or logging in to your bank the information you will need to make a payment is the Name and or the e-mail.  

Zelle:  The name to enter is ITCCOA.  The e-mail is 

(You may need to add ITCCOA to your contacts if you are using your phone.  Put ITCCOA in the first name, and Sec in the last name and then put in the e-mail field.) 

If you would like to mail a check please make the check out to 

ITCCOA for $30 and mail to:

Andy Bergstrom ITCCOA Secretary

5197 Crofton Dr.

Rockford, IL