Celebrating settlements: all cities (except Winterhold), Dragon Bridge, Ivarstead, Karthwasten, Riverwood, Rorikstead and Shor’s Stone. All celebrations are disabled after the Battle of Whiterun until the civil war is completed.

New Life Festival - 1st of Morning Star

Lore: The people of Tamriel hold the New Life Festival in celebration of a new year. Many see this day as a fresh beginning and therefore take the day off, quietly celebrating with friends and family.

In-game: All shops are closed for the day. Many NPCs wear white bandanas. Part of the Saturalia decorations season that lasts from Evening Star 17th to Morning Star 7th.

South Wind's Prayer - 15th of Morning Star

Lore: This prayer is a plea by all the religions of Tamriel for a good planting season. Citizens with every affliction known in Tamriel flock to services in the every temples, as the clergy is known to perform free healings on this day. Only a few will be judged worthy of this service, but few can afford the temple's usual price.

In-game: NPCs celebrate in temples all day. Merchants/laborers retire after 5pm and join the others. Lucky Coins are given out.

Festival of Lights - 16th of Morning Star

Lore: The inhabitants of Dawnstar light up their coastal city every year to guide the souls lost at sea back towards home. Little candies are given out to celebrate.

In-game: Dawnstar NPCs celebrate outside after 6pm. Candles are lit, lanterns are brought out and NPCs celebrate outside.

Feast of the Dead - 13th of Sun's Dawn

Lore: Celebrated in the Skyrim city of Windhelm. During the feast, the names of the Five Hundred Companions of Ysgramor are recited.

In-game: NPCs feast in the Palace of Kings after 5pm. A speaker recites the names after 7pm. No beast or dark elf inhabitants allowed. Extra tables and outside decorations last from the 12th to the 14th.

Heart's Day - 16th of Sun's Dawn

Lore: A holiday celebrated all over Tamriel as Heart's Day. It seems that in every house, the Legend of the Lovers is being sung for the younger generation. In honor of the Lovers, Polydor and Eloisa, the inns of the city offer a free room for visitors. If such kindness had been given the Lovers, it is said, it would always be springtime in the world.

In-game: NPCs celebrate in inns after 5pm. Decorations appear on inns from the 16th to 17th. All rooms of all inns are free. It is possible to find lovers sharing rooms at inns during this night.

First Planting - 7th of First Seed

Lore: The people of Tamriel celebrate this day, symbolically sowing the seeds for the autumn harvest. It is a festival of fresh beginnings, both for the crops and for the men and women of the city. Neighbors are reconciled in their disputes, resolutions are formed, bad habits dropped, the diseased cured. The clerics at the temples run a free clinic all day long to cure people of poisoning, different diseases, paralysis, and the other banes found in the world of Tamriel.

In-game: NPCs celebrate in temples all day. Merchants/laborers retire after 5pm and join the others.

Jester's Day - 28th of Rain's Hand

Lore: Pranks are being set up from one end of town to the other. It is as if a spell has been cast over the community, for even the most taciturn and dignified councilman might attempt to play a joke on his relative. The Thieves Guild finds particular attention as everyone looks for pickpockets in particular.

In-game: NPCs dressed in jester outfits follow and dance with random NPCs in the major cities.

Second Planting - 7th of Second Seed

Lore: This is a holiday with traditions similar to First Planting, improvements on the first seeding symbolically to suggest improvements on the soul. The free clinics of the temples are open for the second and last time this year, offering cures for those suffering from any kind of disease or affliction. Because peace and not conflict is stressed at this time, battle injuries are healed only at full price.

In-game: NPCs celebrate in temples all day. Merchants/laborers retire after 5pm and join the others.

Mid Year Celebration - 16th of Mid Year

Lore: Perhaps to alleviate the annual news of the Emperor's latest tax increase, the cities' temples offer blessings for only half the donation they usually suggest. Many so blessed feel confident enough to enter the (dangerous) dungeons when they are not fully prepared, so this joyous festival has often been known to turn suddenly into a day of defeat and tragedy.

In-game: NPCs celebrate in temples during the day. After 5pm they will come outside and join the merchants/laborers. Decorations are up from the 14th to the 17th.

Merchant's Festival - 10th of Sun's Height

Lore: The bargain shoppers of the known world are out in force today. Every marketplace and equipment store has dropped their prices to half. The only shop not being patronized today is the Mages Guild, where prices are as exorbitant as usual.

In-game: NPCs gather in merchant shops all day. All city and village merchants sell items half off.

Sun's Rest - 20th of Sun's Height

Lore: You will have to wait until tomorrow if you are planning on making any equipment purchases, for all stores are closed today. Of course, the temples, taverns, and Mages Guild in the (city) are still open their regular hours, but most citizens chose to devote this day to relaxation, not commerce or prayer. This is not a convenient arrangement for all, but the Merchants' Guild heavily fines any shop that stays open, so everyone complies.

In-game: All shops are closed for the day. Fireworks display in all the major cities after 10pm.

Harvest's End - 27th of Last Seed

Lore: The work of the year is over--the seeding, sowing, and reaping. Now is the time to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of the harvest, and even visitors to the celebrated region are invited to join the farmers. Underfed farm hands gorging themselves and then getting sick in the town square are the most common sights of the celebration of Harvest's End.

In-game: NPCs celebrate in inns during the day. After 5pm they will come outside and join the merchants/laborers. Children play the goat chase game.

Tales and Tallows - 3rd of Heartfire

Lore: A few of the oldest, more superstitious men and women do not speak all day long for fear that the evil spirits of the dead will enter their bodies. Most citizens enjoy the holiday, calling it Tales and Tallows, but even the most lighthearted avoid the dark streets after nightfall, for everyone knows the dead do walk tonight.

In-game: NPCs celebrate outside after 2pm but retire after 7pm to avoid nightfall. Decorations last from Last Seed 29th to Hearth Fire 5th. The dead walk late at night, away from civilization.

Witches Festival - 13th of Frostfall

Lore: When the forces of sorcery and religion clash. Demonologists, conjurors, lamias, warlocks, and thaumaturgists meet in the wilderness outside (the city), and the creatures created or summoned there may plague Tamriel for eons. Most wise men choose not to wander this night.

In-game: Wizards and their elemental summons gather at specific, outdoor locations to celebrate.

Warriors Festival - 20th of Sun's Dusk

Lore: Many of the local warriors, spellswords, and rogues come to the equipment stores and blacksmiths where all equipment is half price. Unfortunately, the low prices also tempt many an untrained boy to buy his first sword and the streets ring with amateur skirmishes.

In-game: Armed NPCs gather in equipment shops or visit blacksmiths all day. NPCs celebrate outside all day cheering on those who are testing their new weapons. All city and village equipment merchants sell equipment half off.

North Wind's Prayer - 15th of Evening Star

Lore: Today is a thanksgiving to the Gods for a good harvest and a mild winter. Some years the harvest was not particularly good and the winter unseasonally harsh. The temples offer all their services blessing, curing, healing for half the donation usually requested.

In-game: NPCs celebrate in temples all day. Merchants/laborers retire after 5pm and join the others.

Saturalia - 25th of Evening Star

Lore: Originally a holiday for a long forgotten god of debauchery, it has become a time of gift giving, parties and parading. Visitors are encouraged to participate.

In-game: NPCs celebrate outside after 5pm and wear festive hats. Part of the Saturalia decorations season that lasts from Evening Star 17th to Morning Star 7th.

Old Life Festival - 31st of Evening Star

Lore: Many go to the temples to reflect on their past. Some go for more than this, for it is rumored that priests will as the last act of the year perform resurrections on beloved friends and family members free of the usual charge. Worshippers know better than to expect this philanthropy, but they arrive in a macabre procession with the recently deceased nevertheless.

In-game: NPCs celebrate in temples during the day. After 5pm they will go outside and join the merchants/laborers. Fireworks display in all the major cities after 10pm. Part of the Saturalia decorations season that lasts from Evening Star 17th to Morning Star 7th.

Day of the Dragonborn - Date Alduin is defeated OR 5th of Rain's Hand (if completed prior to installation)

Lore: The day the Prophecy of the Dragonborn was fulfilled, when Alduin returned to the world and was defeated by the Last Dragonborn.

In-game: Date is automatically set and the holiday becomes active after Alduin is defeated or if the 'Dragonborn' option is toggled off. Date can be modified if needed. NPCs celebrate outside all day. Fireworks display in all the major cities after 10pm. Decorations are up 2 days prior to the date set and last for 1 day after.

Liberation/Reunification of Skyrim - Date civil war ends OR 26th of First Seed (if completed prior to installation)

Lore: The day the civil war in Skyrim ended. Many celebrate this day by giving thanks to the lives lost and mending relationships. It is a chance to unite again under one banner.

In-game: Date is automatically set and the holiday becomes active after the civil war ends. Date can be modified if needed. NPCs hold no public celebrations due to how recent it is. Winning faction’s decorations are up 3 days prior to the date set and last for 2 days after.

Birthday - Date set by you OR save game start date (if not manually set by you)

Lore: The day you were born.

In-game: You will receive a gift and a note. Compatible with all other holidays so can be set to any date you wish.

Create-A-Holiday - Date set by you OR isoku's birth date (if not manually set by you)

In-game: If enabled, NPCs will hold a generic celebration with the settings in the MCM. Can be used to mark an event in your character's story, set up a holiday that isn't implemented, force NPCs to celebrate your birthday or anything else you wish!