for Skyrim Special Edition


Villages/cities will visually change as holidays based on TES lore come and go. NPCs will also react to these changes by attending various events appropriate for the holiday.


From festive lanterns to fireworks, a list of currently implemented holidays and their basic effects in-game can be found here. You will be given notice of upcoming holidays through flyers from the courier and/or through a monthly events letter at the bar in each city tavern.

Go Celebrate!

A city's/village's NPCs will celebrate in temples, shops, inns and/or outside depending on the holiday. Merchants/laborers may retire early in order to attend events. All cities and villages in Skyrim will have NPCs who celebrate provided the settlement has the specific location required for the holiday (e.g. the Mid Year Celebration has NPCs gathering in temples and outside that day. Since Riverwood does not have a temple, Riverwood's NPCs will only celebrate outside on this holiday).

Start Date

If starting a new game, you will have the option to manually set or randomize the month, day and/or time your adventure begins and your birthday.


  • A "Festivals of Skyrim" book detailing all non-dynamic holidays in this mod has been added to the book clutter leveled list. It has a low chance of appearing in various locations throughout Skyrim but will be freely given if SkyUI and SKSE are not installed.
  • Saturalia decorations will appear on Whiterun's Gildergreen only when it is fully grown and healthy.
  • "A New Life Carol" book series (5 total) is a Skyrim adaptation of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" by princess_stomper and is more likely to be found during the Saturalia holiday season.
  • After the Battle of Whiterun, this mod will be disabled until the civil war is completed. However, this can be overridden using the override feature at your own discretion.
  • All times listed are estimates. NPC travel time should be taken into account.
  • Using the Wait function to pass time until an event occurs tends to cause NPCs to bunch up in one location. Allowing NPCs to arrive naturally results in a more natural dispersion.
  • Winterhold does not hold any celebrations.


  • No NPCs are directly modified making this mod fully compatible with all NPC mods. Since the primary aim of this mod is to make use of the in-game population, it is highly recommended that you install mods which will populate your Skyrim.
  • NPC AI packages from Wet and Cold, Run For Your Lives and When Vampires Attack will have priority in the event that NPCs seek shelter.
  • There may be some minor clipping with the decorations if any other mod that modifies cities or villages is installed. Mods that make drastic changes will result in more severe clipping and floating decorations.
  • A compatibility patch for Open Cities is available (optional file on the Nexus page, [PC, XB1]). This patch must be loaded under "Open Cities Skyrim.esp". "Holidays.esp" must be loaded anywhere above "Open Cities Skyrim.esp".