My publications, patents, and fundings


Google Scholar seems to be the most convenient but most exhaustive site to see my publications inculding some international patents, conference proceedings, and so on. Click the banner to go to my site of Google Scholar:

ORCID is like a CV. You can see not only the publications but also other information including fundings. Click the banner to see my ORCID page:

Researchmap is a Japan's version of the ORCID, so that it provides my CV. It is compulsory for all the Japanese researchers in any fields to have an account on researchmap, otherwise we cannot apply for KAKENHI, a largest national research grant for fundamental research. Click the banner to see my page:

ResearchGate is a kind of SNS site for researchers. Everyday, it reports recent publications of my collaborators, friends, rivals, and acquaintance, which eventually frees up my time from regularly checking tons of papers published in a lot of journals. I have not used the SNS-like feature so far, but may start using it in the near future. Click the banner to see my page :


Google Patents can show some of my international patents. Click the banner to see them:

RS-DB (産総研リポジトリ) is a database of AIST. All the information are written in Japanese. Input my name 井上 公 with a space between the family name 井上 and a given name 公. Then, press 検索開始. In the next page, press 詳細 button. Finally, in the third page, press 知的財産権リストを表示 button. You can see all my open patents assigned by AIST. You can also see, by clicking 研究業績リストを表示 button, a very detailed list of the presentations in which I was a coauthor. Click the banner to go to RS-DB:


KAKEN is a site to see what kind of KAKENHI, a national grant given by JSPS, I have been received so far. Click the banner to see my page:

Other research grants that I have been given until present, except for KAKENHI, will be listed here shortly.