Our Commandments

As a business, Intra Int’l is a conscious of its corporate social responsibility towards all the individuals or entities which are connected in some way to our business: our staff, our clients and our partners.

To our staff

We have a legal obligation to provide a safe workplace and fair employment policies. We give them the tools needed to do the job expected of them for best results. Beyond that, we trust their skills and give them the freedom to use such skills. We believe if they are part of our team, then they deserve it, and all the respect and consideration that go with it.

To our clients

As with our staff, we treat all our clients fairly. We believe attracting new clients costs as much as maintaining existing ones. In that respect, we make sure honesty and transparency govern all our collaboration. We commit to meet your needs and solve your problems with all respect and professionalism because they are important to us. We are available when we say we are and we ensure to honour our appointments. You are always our priority and the main source of our attention.

To our partners

We make sure we respect all the terms of our partnerships because we trust you. We value your support and we see it as a sign that you believe in what we do. We are always open to your advice and help. Honesty and transparency are our watchwords because we value our partnerships.

The ten commandments (Code of Ethics) of Intra Int’l can be summarised as follows:

  1. We make sure to protect the interests of our clients by respecting the rules of secrecy and protect them from any negative effects that may arise from our services.

  2. We strive to respect verbal and written directives of our clients or, by default, the state of the art. We ensure to respect deadlines and standard quality criteria.

  3. We are obsessed by a constant search for technical and professional quality.

  4. We work hard to respect imperatives of coherence and consistency in all our services.

  5. We ensure not to do what we do not understand or are not trained for. We make sure we fully understand our clients needs before we undertake anything.

  6. We commit to always acknowledge our limits, uncertainties and doubts, and inform our clients and partners.

  7. We commit to render professional and pleasant services. We pursue the objectives of clarity, concision, simplicity and transparency.

  8. We make sure we take into account, after eventual negotiation, our clients’ remarks, contributions and feedback. We combine our professionalism with our clients’ specific needs.

  9. We constantly seek to improve our skills and performance by staying up to date with the latest developments in our fields of expertise and others.

  10. We commit to take nothing for granted and remain professional always.