Create Your Own Obstacle!

This Pinball Machine is designed to be added to by students! The peg board acts a default set of obstacles, but we know that MakeLab students can design far more creative ideas! The peg board can be used as a support system to hold the obstacles that students create. Obstacles that students create can be made by hand, 3D printed, or laser cut. 

The following tutorial leads you through the basics steps of creating an obstacle which can be laser cut. 

Step 1: Create a New Part

In SolidWorks, Click File --> New --> Part 

Step 2: Create a New Sketch

Click Sketch & Pick a Plane for your sketch

Step 3: Draw Your Obstacle

There are many options for shapes in SolidWorks that can be used to create your design. You can create a design out of circles, hexagons, rectangles, or use the lines to create your own new shape. 

You can also overlay shapes to create more interesting designs. Feel free to keep it simple or create it as complex as you'd like! Also use the links at the bottom of this page to learn more about these features. 

As you design think about what holes you may want in your shape as well. 

Step 4: Use Smart Dimension

Smart Dimension is a tool that allows users to specify specific lengths of components in a sketch and specific distances between components in a sketch. 

To use this tool, click Smart Dimension then click what ever component you would like to define. If there is more than one hold the CTRL key and click on both elements. 

By double clicking on the dimension you can adjust it at any time. 

If the number turns yellow, it means that you have over defined the sketch and the smart dimension may conflict with other specifications you have made. If the number turns red, the smart dimension is directly conflicting with other constraints that you have specified. If this happens, either delete the dimension or check other part of the components to see where the conflict may be. 

Step 5: Ensure Design Fits within Design Constraints

See the design constraints section below for specifics on the constraints. Overall, your design can be anything you can imagine. However, if you would like it to act as an obstacle it must fit on the pinball board. If any parts are supported by or go around the pegs on the board ensure your dimensions are correct in these areas so that your design fits properly. You can add holes or use Smart Dimension to adjust your design accordingly 

Step 6: Extrude Base 

Once your sketch is completed, click Feature then Extrude Base. This feature extends your drawing vertically. 

Specify the height that you want for the component. If you plan to use 1/8th inch plywood, it should be extruded by 4mm. Click on all the regions you wish to be printed. Ensure any regions that are holes are not selected. 

Step 7: Save as a DXF File 

(Steps 5 & 6 can be seen in the image above) 

Step 8: Laser Cut

Work with your MakeLab's Lab Technician to laser cut your DXF Files

Step 9: Play!

Add your design to the pinball board and try it out! 

Design Constraints

The area where the obstacles can be placed is about 19 inches by 12 inches. In this space, there are is a peg board whose dimensions are shown on the left. 

Each peg is about 0.25 inches in diameter and 0.75 inches off the obstacle board. For clearance, if you are designing a component to go around these pegs. Assume the peg is 0.4 inches in diameter and 1 inch off the obstacle board. 

Example Obstacles 

DXF File for an Example Obstacle 

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