Coding with LED Strips


The LED light strip is provided in the MakeLab and can be programmed in Arduino using the FastLED package. 

To download the package, go to the Arudino IDE application, then Tools --> Manage Libraries. Type in FastLED and download from there directly to the Arduino application!

More information on this package can be found at this GitHub link

The link to a playlist on YouTube that runs through how to code with the strip can be found here:

All of the code used in the video playlist can be found here:

The playlist runs through how to initially program with them, how to use color palettes, gradients, and how to blend patterns together. The majority of the code with the LEDs themselves was created using this playlist as a reference.

It was requested by the MakeLab that there be multiple patterns that cycle through every minute. Each pattern exercises a different coding skill learned through watching the playlist: flashes, gradients, and bounces.

The colors, palettes, and multiple patterns videos were extremely helpful in the development of the musical lights installation. Therefore, it is recommended to watch these three videos to learn more about how to create the LED patterns.