

🖖Hello! Good morning!

🗣️ SITUACIÓN DE COMUNICACIÓN    "Nice to meet you!"

👋What's your name?

🗣️ SITUACIÓN DE COMUNICACIÓN    "Nice to meet you!"

🌦️What's the weather like today?

Weather worksheet.pdf

📆 What day is it, today?

Today is... 

Thursday, (the) 29th (twenty nineth) (of) September, 2023 (twenty twenty three)

👁️‍🗨️The broken telephone

Sunday -- Sun's day

Middle English....sun(nen)day

Old English....... sunnandæg 

Germanic .............sunnon-dagaz "

Latin ...........dies solis 

Ancient Greek ..........hemera heli(o)u, 

Monday -- Moon's day

Middle English...................s monday or mone(n)day

Old English.......  mon(an)dæg 

Germanic .............sunnon-dagaz "

Latin ........... dies lunae

Ancient Greek ..........hemera selenes  

Tuesday -- Tiu's day

Middle English tiwesday or tewesday

Old English tiwesdæg "Tiw's (Tiu's) day"

Latin dies Martis "day of Mars"

Ancient Greek hemera Areos "day of Ares"

Tiu  is the English/Germanic god of war and the sky. 

Wednesday -- Woden's day

Middle English wodnesday, wednesday, or wednesdai

Old English wodnesdæg "Woden's day"

Latin dies Mercurii "day of Mercury"

Ancient Greek hemera Hermu "day of Hermes"

Thursday -- Thor's day

Middle English thur(e)sday

Old English thursdæg

Old Norse thorsdagr "Thor's day"

Old English thunresdæg "thunder's day"

Latin dies Jovis "day of Jupiter"

Ancient Greek hemera Dios "day of Zeus".

Friday -- Freya's day

Middle English fridai

Old English frigedæg "Freya's day"

composed of Frige (genetive singular of Freo) + dæg "day" (most likely)

or composed of Frig "Frigg" + dæg "day" (least likely)

Germanic frije-dagaz "Freya's (or Frigg's) day"

Latin dies Veneris "Venus's day"

Ancient Greek hemera Aphrodites "day of Aphrodite"

Saturday -- Saturn's day

Middle English saterday

Old English sæter(nes)dæg "Saturn's day"

Latin dies Saturni "day of Saturn"

Ancient Greek hemera Khronu "day of Cronus"

🛑 Numbers

👁️‍🗨️ Origin of the Days of the Week

In ancient Greece, each day of the week was to honour a certain god. The Greeks named the days week after the sun, the moon and the five known planets, which were in turn named after the gods Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Cronus. The Greeks called "days of the Gods". 

Romans took over the custom, but used the names of their own gods: Mars, Mercury, Jove (Jupiter), Venus, and Saturn

The Germanic peoples generally substituted roughly similar gods for the Roman gods, Tiu , Woden, Thor, Freya, but did not substitute Saturn.

✏️ Exercise

what day is today.pdf

🎙️Rap song!

🎙️Days of the week song

🗣️ SITUACIÓN DE COMUNICACIÓN    "Do you like Thursdays?"

- Do you like Thursdays? Why (not)?

Yes, I like Thursdays because it's my favourite subject. My teacher is Maria José. I like sports. My  favourite sports are volleyball and basketball. I play basketball with my friends in the school but I don't play volleyball in Physical Education (P.E.). I sometimes play basketball with my brother and my mum in the sport centre. My brother is Juan and my mum is Lola. He is 15 years old and he studies in Hozgarganta High School in Jimena. Jimena is a small town near San Pablo de Buceite. It's bigger than San Pablo de Buceite but I think San Pablo is more beautiful than Jimena.

I don't like Thursdays because I have Physical Education (P.E.). after break (recreo). We usually are angry after PE because 

Tomorrow is Friday. It's my favourite school day because it's the last school day. I like school but I prefer weekends because I don't have school and I can play videogames or watch TV in the evening, and I can get up so late!!!!!!!!

🎙️Months of the Year Song | Learn English Kids

👁️‍🗨️ Origin of the Months of the Year

✏️ Exercise


The word calendar comes from the Latin word kalendae.

The first Roman calendar was a lunar calendar (based on the Greek lunar calendars where months begin and end when new moons occur, 29.5 days). 

It had 304 days and  10 months starting from March and ending with December.

The second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius ( 715–673 B.C.), introduced the months of Ianuarius (January) and Februarius (February). 

🗣️ SITUACIÓN DE COMUNICACIÓN "When is your birthday?"

- When is your birthday?