The Musical time Jukebox


El tema elegido es la música, por la motivación que genera en el alumnado . Va dirigido al tercer ciclo de primaria y primer ciclo de secundaria. El proyecto es trimestral con tres sesiones a la semana. Es un proyecto para el área de Inglés pero que puede complementarse con el área de lengua castellana o el área de francés y el área de música. 

La tarea para el alumnado consiste en expresar oral y por escrito sus gustos en relación a la música: estilos, instrumentos, letra, melodias, ...



Music vocabulary words:

Kind of music:


Music is...:




A song review: Stand by me

Song Review. Listen to the song and write: Stand by me.

- Have you EVER listened to this song?

- What kind of music is it?

- What instruments do you listen to?

- Do you like the lyrics? and the melody? and the singer?

- What's your favourite line/verse?

- Do like the song?

I have never listened to this song. It's the first time I listen to this song. I think it's jazz because it's quiet and I can listen to a bass. I can listen to drums, a violin, a piano and a guitar. I don't understand the lyrics because it's an English song. I need to listen to the song with the lyrics again. I don't like the singer but he is good at singing. The best of the song is the melody. My favourite line is the chorus. I think it's a love story. 



Hi, Alexa!!!

Manolo: Alexa! Can you play the song "We will rock you"? 

Alexa: I'm sorry, I don't understand you. Can you repeat it, please? 

Manolo: Yes, of course. I want to listen to the song "We will rock you"? 

Alexa: I'm sorry but the song is not on Amazon Music. Do you want to try another different song? 

Manolo: No, I want to listen to the song "We will rock you" because it's my favourite song. I love listening to that song everyday in my bedroom. 

Alexa: Who is the singer or what is the music band? 

Manolo:It’s a music band called Queen. It’s a rock band.

Alexa:Is it a Spanish music band?

Manolo: I don't know. I think it's an English band. 

Alexa: Can you sing the song? 

Manolo: No, I'm not good at singing. 

Alexa: I think this song is boring! 

Manolo: What? But you have to play my song! You are my Alexa! 

Alexa: Really? 

Manolo: Yes! 

Alexa: I don't think so... 

Manolo: I think you are crazy! 

Alexa: Playing the song "Crazy"... 

Manolo: Shut up!!!!! I hate it!!!! 

Alexa: I love you... 


Most popular kind of music

El tipo de música más popular en mi clase es la música RAP. Me gusta la música rap, pero no es mi tipo de música favorita. Prefiero la música Reggaeton porque me gustan las melodías de las canciones. Me gusta Bud Bunny. Él canta en español. Es de Puerto Rico pero vive en Miami. Tiene veinticinco años. El tiene los ojos azules. Creo que es bueno cantando. Siempre escucho a Bud Bunny en el dormitorio en Spotify. Mi canción favorita es "Te amo". A mi mamá no le gusta Bud Bunny porque piensa que la música reggaeton es aburrida y no le gusta la letra de las canciones de reggaeton. A mi mamá le gusta la música pop y su cantante favorito es Pablo Alborán. Creo que es música pop y no me gusta la música pop porque es triste. Prefiero la música reggaeton porque se puede bailar y es divertido.

I love music

Hola! Buenos días! Me llamo Manolo y tengo 11 años. Me gusta el deporte pero en mi tiempo libre me encanta escuchar música. Yo quiero tocar la batería pero a mi padre no le gusta una batería en casa. Mi padre prefiere una guitarra pero yo pienso que es muy difícil tocar la guitarra. Yo escucho música en mi cuarto cada día. Me encanta el heavy metal porque el heavy metal es potente y me gusta la música potente. Yo tengo el pelo largo y suelo llevar "leggings" y camisetas de color negro. Me gustaría tener un pendiente pero mi madre no le gusta la idea. Cuando yo sea 18 años de mayor yo quiero tener un pendiente. Mi banda favorita es Europe y me encanta la canción de "Final countdown". La melodía de la canción es épica. No entiendo la letra pero me encanta el estribillo "It's the Final Countdown". Me gusta cantar la canción en mi cuarto saltando encima de la cama. Mi cabeza se mueve arriba y abajo y en círculos. Es una locura pero me encanta. Mi hermana Paquita piensa que el heavy metal no es música. Ella prefiere el pop y el reggaeton. A mi no me gusta el reggaeton porque no me gusta bailar. Soy muy tímido. 

My firsy English song

Today is Friday, 17th May, 2024

Yesterday was Thursday and tomorrow is Saturday. On Saturdays I don't have school and I usually listen to music and I play my guitar.  

I love rock and roll and heavy metal. I want to learn how to play the song "Eye of the tiger" on my guitar. It's my favourite song because I love the melody of the song. It's so energetic. I listen to this song when I practise sports. 

This weekend I want to create a song. I think it's difficult because you have to write the lyrics, play the melody and sing the song but I can use AI to create my first song.

This is my prompt:

[solo drum]



[Verse 1]

Welcome to San Pablo de Buceite

6º primaria is in the house

Manolo is in the area

Bonjour les enfants!!!!

Salam mu alikum Bro!!!!

Buna Siua Robert me dice

Highway to the school

I'm on fire

Final countdown 3 (3), 2 (2), 1... Here we go!!!!

[Verse 2]

Today is Monday

I hate English at 9 o'clock

I can't stand the English teacher

I prefer Physical education

'cause I play footbaseball

but my friends and I are angry  


I will reggaeton you (reggaeton you)

Look my twerking, shake it, shake it 

I will reggaeton you (reggaeton you)

Look my twerking, shake it, shake it 



[trumpet solo]


I will reggaeton you (reggaeton you)

Look my twerking, shake it, shake it 

I will reggaeton you (reggaeton you)

Look my twerking, shake it, shake it 

Put your hands up

Everybody Put your hands up

Put your hands up

Everybody Put your hands up

Biribai bai bai, 

Biri boom! boom!

One love!

One heart!!

One world!!

Be water my friend

All together now!!!!

You can listen to my new songs here: 


What is music to you?

- Aitana: Do you like music?- Ángela: Yes, I like. And you?

- Aitana: Yes, I love music. What is music to you?

- Ángela: It's fun, energy and party. And you, Aitana?

- Aitana: It's cool and energy. What's the most popular kind of music in 6º?

- Ángela: I think it's reggaeton and RAP.

- Aitana: I don't think so. The most popular kind of music is pop. What kind of music do you like?

- Ángela: I always listen to reggaeton music.  Do you like reggaeton?

- Aitana: Me too. Yes, I like. It's my favourite kind of music. Who's your favourite singer?

- Ángela: My favourite singers are Zaira and Keen Levy. Do you like Zaira and Keen Levy?

- Aitana: Yes, I like. My favourite song is  "Veneno" by Zaira. What's your favourite song?

- Ángela: I like "Veneno" too because I love the melody of the song.

A new song

- You: ¿Quién es tu cantante favorito?

- Me: Mi cantante favorito es Justin Bieber.

- You: ¿En serio? ¿Por qué te gusta Justin Bieber?

- Me: Porque él canta muy bien. ¿Te gusta a tí Justin Bieber?

- You: No, no me gusta por que sus canciones están en inglés. No entiendo la letra de las canciones.

- Me: ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta?

- You: Me gusta el reguetón y mi cantante favorita es Karol G. ¿Te gusta Karol G?

- Me: Me gusta las melodias de la música reguetón pero prefiero la música pop.

- You: ¿Cuál es tu canción favorita?

- Me: Mi canción favorita es "Baby". Es muy guay.

- You: ¿Puedes compartir la canción por Spotify?

- Me: Sí, claro. Adiós.

I'm not so good

- What's up? (WhatsApp)

- This weekend is the final concert of my favourite music band.

- I don't have favourite singer.

- Have you ever listened to "One Direction"? (forever: para siempre / never:nunca / ever: alguna vez).

- Do you want to listen to the song? Yes, I want to listen to it.

- The most popular song is "What makes you beautiful"

- I don't have my smartphone here. 

- Yes, of course.

- Teen pop music

- I'm good/bad at singing/dancing. I'm not good at singing.

- Don't worry! Can you sing the song? Sing the song!

- Ready? Yes, I'm ready to listen to you.

- OMG (Oh my God!). You sing horrible! Please, stop!

- Sing the chorus, please.

- Come on! Three, two, one...sing!


Tarea 1

Ideas previas e intereses del alumnado respecto a la temática. 


 What is music to you?  (Make a list) 

What types of music do you know? (Make a list) 

Define “good” music. 

What type of music do you listen to when you’re stressed/angry/happy/sad? 

Are you a musician? Can you sing?  Can you sing an English song?

Have you got a favourite English song?

What’s more important to you, a good melody or good lyrics? 

Can you imagine the world without music?

Do you need help?

 What is music to you?

Music is my life. Music is dancing. Music is singing. Music is fun. Music is party.  Why?

- Because I like singing with my friend Juan Miguel. We like singing Flamenco. It's very funny.

- Because I like dancing with my friend Carlos. We like dancing Justin Bieber songs. I'm not good at dancing but It's very funny.

Are you a musician? Can you sing? 

I play the guitar / piano / violin / drums / flute / ...

Have you ever listened to this song?

What song is "Stand by me"? 

Who is "Ben E. King"?

What year is this song? 

What is this song about? Why?

Do you think the lyrics of the song are sad or happy?

How many words do you know about this song?

Do you want to sing the song? 

Cover song

What is music to you?

 What is music to you?  (Make a list) 


What types of music do you know? (Make a list) 

Pop, rock, heavy metal, reggaeton, ...

Tarea 2


What kind of music do you like?

 How many types of music do you know?  (Make a list) 

Have you got a favourite type of music?  What types of music do you like?

Do you like Heavy Metal?

Have you ever listened to a heavy metal song?

I don't know. I have never listened to a heavy metal song.

Song: The Final Countdown

Official video



I don't know. I have never listened to a heavy metal song.

Have you ever listened to a heavy metal song?

We listened to a heavy metal song called "The Final Countdown" in the school. 

Do you like heavy metal?

I liked it. It's very energetic. 

What instruments do you listen in the song?

I love the piano in this song and the electric guitar. 

What's your favourite line? Do you like the melody? and the lyrics?

The lyrics are in English and I don't understand the song. The melody of the song is so epic. 

What are the typical rock music clothes?

The singer has got long hair, he has got earrings / piercings and he is wearing slim trousers. 

How can you dance to heavy metal music?

You can dance heavy metal moving the neck / head, up and down, back and forward, in circle way.

Where do you usually listen to music?

I want to save the song in my favourite playlist on Spotify.

Interesting facts

My dad likes heavy metal. He listens to Metallica and his favourite song is One. 

Music band: Queen

Tarea 3

Song review

song review. 23/24
Song Review.docx

Song: Believer

Tarea 4

My first English song


I'm just a young boy

Manolo's my name

Ten years old

With a fire in my veins

Rock and roll runs deep in my soul

But reggaeton

Bro it's not good for the world

In San Pablo city

Where dreams come alive

I'm jammin' to the rhythm

Feelin' so alive

From the avocadoes to the oranges

This is my town

Where the rebel spirit runs all around

[Verse 2]

Cristo Rey is where I go to school

Learning life's lessons

Trying to stay cool

But when that final bell rings

I hit the ground

Runnin' wild with my best friend


All around

Tarea 5


Tarea 6


What is music to you?

- Aitana: Do you like music?- Ángela: Yes, I like. And you?

- Aitana: Yes, I love music. What is music to you?

- Ángela: It's fun, energy and party. And you, Aitana?

- Aitana: It's cool and energy. What's the most popular kind of music in 6º?

- Ángela: I think it's reggaeton and RAP.

- Aitana: I don't think so. The most popular kind of music is pop. What kind of music do you like?

- Ángela: I always listen to reggaeton music.  Do you like reggaeton?

- Aitana: Me too. Yes, I like. It's my favourite kind of music. Who's your favourite singer?

- Ángela: My favourite singers are Zaira and Keen Levy. Do you like Zaira and Keen Levy?

- Aitana: Yes, I like. My favourite song is  "Veneno" by Zaira. What's your favourite song?

- Ángela: I like "Veneno" too because I love the melody of the song.

Tarea 7

Songs in movies

Tarea 8

Sing an English song






Producto final


Music Survey

Productos finales alumnado

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