My resolutions

Christmas is Over!

Well, children...Christmas holidays are over ... 

...but Summer is coming!!! 


Good bye 2023!Hello 2024!!  

Happy new year!!

My Goals

This year...


                       To  listen  to  my  parents          to listen to my teacher

                To improve my grades              to help in the house

               To be a better  friend              to be a better son/daughter       

              To make new friends   /    go to the gym    /     to believe that I can

            To study more                        to visit my grandparents

           To be peaceful    /    to be loving /     to be caring

       To  help others /   to respect / to spend more time with my family/ classmates and friends

       To value more my parents          to read more books         

      to laugh more       to do some  exercises    to play baseball

      to play basketball    to eat more healthy   



My list of resolutions (worksheet, worksheet 2, worksheet 3)

My 2020 (worksheet)

I hope 2021 is the year you...

...filled With Health, Prosperity, Love And Loads Of Fun!

Christmas holidays

Ideas previas

Activity 1: ¿Has oído en casa este fin de año algún propósito para el 2023 de algún familiar? ¿Te has planteado alguna meta para este año nuevo? Mejorar tus calificaciones, pasar más tiempo con tu familia o amigos, aprender a tocar un instrumento,... ‌

Escribe tus propósitos para este 2024 (español)

1. Quiero sacar a mi perra a pasear todo los días porque me da pena que no salga.

2. Me gustaría visitar a mi primo en Francia.

3. Quiero mejorar jugando al fútbol.

Activity 2: Read your last resolutions (2023)

En Padlet (muro colaborativo) leeremos nuestro propósito en inglés.

Activity 3: My year 2023. The best and the worst.

¿Qué ha sido lo mejor y lo peor del año 2023?


my birthday, Christmas party, summer holidays, meet new friends,...

Activity 4: Write your new resolutions for this year 2024

My resolutions for this year:

1. I want to take my dog "Linda" for a walk everyday because my dog likes going to the park. I'd like to do it after lunch every afternoon.

2. I want to BE BETTER AT playing football. I'd like to score two goals because I love playing football. I want to train with my coach Miguel in Jimena everyday. 

3. I want to help my family at home because my mother often gets angry with me because I don't usually help at home. This afternoon I want to pick up clothes and order my clothes in my wardrobe.

4. I want to score 40 goals or more in the football league because I'd like other coaches see me playing football.

5. I want to take my dog "Mali" for a walk. I want to go to the park "La Venta" because my dog likes running on the grass.

Activity 5: Why do you want to better at football? How do you get be better at football?

Hello! Good morning!! My name is Manoli. This year I want to be better at playing basketball because It's so funny. I have a red ball. It's a Christmas present. I play basketball in a basket team in Algeciras. I play basketball on Tuesdays and Fridays. I hope to get it!!!! See you in 2023!!! Bye! 

‌Final Activity.

My resolution for this year 2024 (En un comentario en el propósito del 2023 en Padlet).



**Alumnado que presenta dificultades y por tanto reforzar:

- Se facilitará mayor apoyo visual en actividades de comprensión oral. 

- Se le dará mayor importancia a la fluidez que a la precisión (pronunciación).

- El tipo de actividades adaptadas han de diseñarse para que el alumno pueda trabajar de manera autónoma en el aula. PRINCIPALES ESTRATEGIAS DE TRABAJO: Revisar los ejemplos  de la libreta de clase y/o de la plataforma (EDMODO), utilizar el corrector ortográfico, buscar el significado y la pronunciación de las palabras que desconozcas en un diccionario online (, copiar los  textos escritos en inglés en el traductor para comprobar el sentido de las ideas y para escuchar la pronunciación del texto escrito, lectura de textos escritos a un compañero/a en voz alta para comprobar errores.

- Se procurará que el alumno esté integrado en la clase participando en las mismas actividades que el grupo con material adaptado y prestándole mayor atención y ayuda.

- Para los trabajos individuales, no se le exigirá la misma extensión y se le dará opción de realizar el trabajo en distintos formatos.

- En el caso, de las pruebas individuales, se le proporcionará mayor apoyo visual, así como, mayor número de actividades de reconocimiento que de recuerdo.

- En cuanto a las actividades orales, el alumnado tiene  la posibilidad de consultar su cuaderno de clase para responder a las distintas cuestiones, con el fin que logre mayor autonomía, a la vez que va interiorizando las estructuras y vocabulario necesarios para el desarrollo de las destrezas básicas.

**Alumnado que necesita ampliar:

- Se le pedirá mayor número de palabras en las producciones orales y una mayor precisión en la pronunciación de palabras.

- Uso de estructuras con mayor complejidad y mayor riqueza de vocabulario.

- Se valorará el grado de autonomía para realizar las actividades sin apoyo visual, sin ayuda del maestro y sin consultar la libreta.

My resolution 2022 by Manoli

Hello! Good morning!! My name is Manoli. This year I want to be better at playing basketball because It's so funny. I have a red ball. It's a Christmas present. I play basketball in a basket team in Algeciras. I play basketball on Tuesdays and Fridays. I hope to get it!!!! See you in 2023!!! Bye! 

My resolution 2023 by Manoli

Hello again, good morning! I'm Aitor. This new year 2023,  I want to be better at playing football because I want to play football in the Jimena's football team in August. I love football. It's my favourite sport but I like playing basketball or paddle too. So, I want to play football with my brother and my father in the sport centre everyday. My brother is Rubén and my dad is Juan. My dad is so good at playing football.  

I have a second resolution for this year 2023. 

See you in 2024. Bye, bye!!!! 

My resolution 2023 by Manoli

Hello, good morning!!! My name is Antonio and today I have school because it is Wednesday. I don't like Wednesdays because we have English and I don't like it because it's very difficult. On Wednesday afternoon, I usually play basketball with my brother Paco but today I want to play football with my friends. We go to the sports centre this afternoon at half past six. I don't like playing football but this year 2023 I’d like to do exercise and my classmates always play football at the break in school.  This year 2023, I want to be better at playing football because I'd like to be a better player and one day I'd like to score a goal in school. I'm going to play football every afternoon with my friend Juan Miguel. He is a good player. He plays in a football team and he can help me to be better at football. I'm going to train so hard everyday because I want to score my first goal in school. I hope to get my resolution. I didn’t get my last resolution for the year 2021. I wanted to run 10 km with my dad, for this I had to exercise every day, I also had to eat very healthy and very few sweets. But  I didn't get my resolution. 

See you in the year 2024!!!! Happy New year!!!! 

My resolution 2024 by Manoli

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