Monster World

Welcome to Monster World

El malvado Dr.Spinner ha robado las 4 artes de las lenguas del mundo de los Monsters "MONSTER WORLD". Ha sido un encargado del más malvado de los villanos...el "Tisher". La mayoría de los habitantes de "MONSTER WORLD". han quedado mudos y han olvidado la escritura en monsteriano, el lenguaje de los Monsters. Así que no podrán contar lo ocurrido a nadie. Para poder contar la malvada actuación del "Tisher" y del Dr.Spinner, ha sido creada una nueva banda de Monsters, los cuales serán los encargador de traer la voz y la escritura a MONSTER WORLD". Para ello, tendrán que aprender el idioma universal de los humanos (English Pitinglish) y poder así atrapar y derrotar al "Tisher" y sus villanos. 

¿Quierés ser uno de los miembros de la banda Monsters

Convierte en un Fire Monster

 o un Water Monster

 , y aprende las 4 artes de las lenguas: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing y derrota al malvado "Tisher". 

Firma el Monster Pact y forma parte de la Monster Band. Un compromiso para aprender a saber ganar y saber perder, a respetar a tus aliados y a tus adversarios en los entrenamientos en las batallas "Monster Battle", a ayudar en la tarea de clase diaria o a respetar a mis aliados en los descansos (Break time).

Avanza por las distintas misiones hasta la batalla final. 

Sube tu nivel de poder, aumenta tus Experience Points (XP) pero no descuides tu salud, tus Health Points (HP). Consigue monedas para conseguir nuevos privilegios.

Are you ready? Go!!!!


1. My monster's body

1. MyMonster.pdf




















➡ Hello! Good afternoon! 

What's your monster's name? 

My monster is...

How are you? and your monster?

My monster is... happy/sad/angry/sleepy

Where is your monster?

My monster is in a monster ball/ box / egg/ case / tupper 

What colour is your monster? 


You are not a boy or a girl. You are monster now!

➡ Have you got a mouth? 

No, I have two mouths

➡ How many eyes have you got? 

I have.... 

➡ What colour are you?




Listen and guess my monster:

Clue 1. I have got three eyes.

Clue 2. I have got two mouths.


Listen and draw my monster:

 I'm a star / circle / square / triangle

I'm red / blue / yellow / ...

I have got four eyes.



Guess my monster:


Have you got EYES?

Yes, I have two eyes / No, I have three eyes.

Are you RED?

Yes, I'm red / No, I'm green.

Are you a CIRCLE?

Yes, I'm a circle / No, I'm a square.

Guess my monster:

Clue 1. I have got three eyes.

Clue 2. I have got two mouths.



Read and guess my monster:

Clue 1. I have got three eyes.

Clue 2. I have got two mouths.



My name is "Papeleto". 

I'm Happy . 

I’m 130 years old.

My birthday is in August

I'm purple

My body is a heart

I have got two yellow   horns

I have got long green hair               

I have got two  brown eyes        

I have got three small noses                  . 

I have got a big happy  mouth  

I have got three legs.

But I don't have arms


1. What's your monster's name?

My name is REBUDIGO.

2. How old are you?

I'm one hundred and eighty eight (188) years old.

3. When is your birthday?

My birthday is in JULY.

4. What is your colour? What is your skin?

My skin is pink.

5. Have you got EYES?

Yes, I have two eyes. 


1. What's your monster's name?

My name is REBUDIGO.

2. How old are you?

I'm one hundred and eighty eight (188) years old.

3. When is your birthday?

My birthday is in JULY.

4. What is your colour? What is your skin?

My skin is pink.

5. Have you got EYES?

Yes, I have two eyes. 

Monsters Cards


Flashcards games

Guess my monster 1

Monsters 23-24 - Documentos de Google.pdf

You are PARAMULUQUI!!!!!

Guess my monster 2

Monsters 23-24 - Documentos de Google.pdf

Yes, I have one nose

No, I have

Yes, I have two mouths

You are LACASITO!!!!!

What's missing?

How many cards are there on the blacboard?

Let's count...

Close your eyes

Open your eyes

And now, how many cards are there?

What's missing?

Turn the first card

Turn the second card


Clever parrots

You are not a boy or a girl...

You a re an animal...

You are a parrot. A parrot is a bird. They can fly but can they speak?

They can repeat after you: Hello, my name is...

But they can talk about videogames or sports.

Let's play.

Repeat after me like a parrot: "Head", "Hand",...

This game is not very funny...

You are a parrot but you are intelligent like a smartwatch, a smart TV, a smartphone,...

You have to repeat the card is right.


Open your eyes

Pay attention

Can you see the card?

No, you can't. 

Turn the card and try to guess the part of the body

1, 2, 3 Turn!!!

What's the card?

Are you sure?

Hands up if you think it's a mouth

