Here you will find links to access the course Workshops (which are conducted in Zoom sessions), as well as a detailed agenda for each workshop. There is also a brief overview of each workshop located on the Calendar page of this site, which will help you keep track of when assignments are introduced and due for grading.
The agenda content listed below may change as late as the day of the workshop, so please take a moment to review it again before you enter each session.
NOTE: Agendas will be updated the night before each workshop.
Workshop Links for Fall 2021
For each workshop, you will use this link:
All Zoom sessions are on Tuesdays from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Pacific Time.
This class requires the use of breakout rooms to discuss topics in small groups. This means you must use the Zoom desktop or mobile client. The browser platform will NOT work with this. See:
Workshop #1: 31 August
Click here for Agenda and Recording
Workshop #2: 14 September
Click here for Agenda and Recording
Workshop #3: 28 September
Click here for Agenda and Recording
Workshop #4: 12 October
Click here for Agenda and Recording
Workshop #5: 26 October
Click here for Agenda and Recording
Workshop #6: 9 November
Click here for Agenda and Recording
Workshop #7: 23 November
Click here for Agenda and Recording
Workshop Participation:
Due to the collaborative nature of our workshops (class meetings), attendance and participation are required.
There are seven workshops scheduled for this course. Ten points are awarded for being present for the entire collaborative workshop. Attend all seven workshops for 10 points each; 70 points total.
If you miss all or part of the workshop, watch the recording (link above) and write up review notes on what you missed and submit them to Canvas as a text entry under the “ Workshop #” assignment listing. Dr. L will decide whether to award you more than five participation points.
Missed workshop summary notes must be received within one week of the workshop. Late notes receive zero points.