Lab Members

Lab Head (PI):

Dr. Indranath Chatterjee,

Professor, Department of Computer Engineering,
Tongmyong University,
Busan, South Korea

Lab Members:

Mr. Partha Pratim Deb
Ph. D. Student
(In collaboration with NIT, Agartala, India)

Ms. Isha Gupta
Ph. D. Student
(In collaboration with MRIEU, India)

Ms. Akansha Gautam

Ph. D. Student
(In collaboration with DU, India)

Ms. Tamara Hummadi
M. Phil/Ph. D. Student
(In collaboration with AUS, UAE)

Ms. Videsha Bansal
Research Assistant

Ms. Lea Baumgärtner
Visiting Research Student
(In Collaboration with Media University Stuttgart, Germany)

Ms. Bisma Hilal
Research Assistant 

Ms. Hyejoon Park  
Research Assistant

Ms. Susweta Das
Research Assistant

External Students and Supervision:

Ms. Khushboo Mittal
Student (DU, India)

Ms. Namrata Jawanjal

Ph. D. Student (PKNU, South Korea)

Research Collaborators:

Prof. Naveen Kumar
Professor (DU, India)
[Ph. D. Supervisor]

Prof. Virendra Kumar
Professor (AIIMS Delhi, India)

Prof. Migyung Cho
Professor (TU, South Korea)

Dr. Adeel Razi

Associate Professor (Monash University, Australia)

Dr. Daniela Dentico
Former Assistant Scientist (Center for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)

Dr. Wael Mohamed
Physician Neuroscientist & Assistant professor (MU, Egypt & IIUM, Malaysia)

Dr. Sahil Bajaj
Director (MCNL) (Center for Neurobehavioral Research, Boys Town National Research Hospital, USA)

Prof. Gyusung Cho
Professor (TU, South Korea)

Dr. Diptendu Bhattacharya

Associate Professor (NIT, Agartala, India)

Dr. Manoj Agarwal
Associate Professor (DU, India)
[Ph. D. Supervisor]

Prof. Suk-Hwan Lee

Professor (Dong-A University, South Korea)

Dr. Navin Lakhyani
Senior Radiologist (Delhi, India)

Dr. Bharti Rana

Assistant Professor (DU, India)

Mr. Ajay Kumar
Assistant Professor (CUHP, India)

Dr. Mayuri Mehta
Professor (Sarvajanik University, India)

Dr. Sheetal Zalte
Assistant Professor (Shivaji University, India)

List of supervised/ ongoing students:

List of supervised/ ongoing students:

Ph. D. Thesis Students:


M.S. / M. Tech Thesis Students:


B. S. / B. Tech Thesis Students:


M. Sc. Final Dissertation (Project) supervision:


B. S. / B. Tech Project Students:

