Lab Members

Ms. Videsha Bansal

Ms. Videsha Bansal is a Chemical Engineering with a keen interest in Neuroscience. Currently, she is working as a Research Assistant in our lab and her primary research is on finding the role of various neurotransmitters in Schizophrenia. Her first paper is in press and another paper in pipeline. She is focused and determined toward her work.

Although she belongs from a different academic background, her dedication and thirst for learning a new domain always flabbergasted me. She is keen to learn and explore new horizons.

You can connect with her on or LinkedIN .

Honored with the Session's Best Paper Award for the paper on "Analyzing the white matter changes in schizophrenia using neuroimaging and machine learning" along with co-author Dr. Indranath Chatterjee at The International Conference on Machine Intelligence and System Sciences (MISS-2021).