Lab Members

Ms. Hyejoon Park

I have been motivated to do research in the area of Molecular science and have done my undergraduate degree in Biotechnology & Life sciences, and my masters in Molecular Scientific fields from ‘Dongeui University’ and ‘Busan National University’, respectively. Moreover, I have studied at ‘Australian National University’ for English certification and at ‘The university of Queensland’ for BEP (Bridging English Program) course. I also had the experience of coursework of Neuroscience at ‘The University of Queensland’ in Australia. Along-with my research work, I have worked as TA (teaching assistant) & RA (Research Assistant), and worked as a teacher, invigilator, and class manager. All these experiences helped me in learning about how to teach and gained more knowledge in teaching field. In Australia, I voluntarily worked as a teacher for Korean language for my university & community fellows there, and I found myself very motivated about learning, teaching and coaching. After returning back to South Korea, I have had worked voluntarily as an English teacher, tutor, as well as a Korean language teacher at different places and found myself more dedicated to work as teacher plus mentor.
