Should people be more aware of companies animal testing?

The first animal that was first used was a cow. The procedure was done on a dead cow in order for the surgeon to practice their skills. Later on they started using live animals for there products. Animals continue being used in many of our favorite products. Some products are Balenciaga, Johnson & Johnson, loreal, mac , Calvin Klein, and many other small and big companies..

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

  1. methods that can be used instead of animals

  2. how many people have made a difference

  3. animals that have been tested on

  4. companies that have used animals

  5. Banning animal cruelty will be one step forward of recovering the earth

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

In the survey I found that everyone's answer was the same. Out of 25 people that I interviewed 76% said yes to people should be more aware. Most of following had the same answer showing that they are aware and have made a difference or saying yes because its the right answer to say.

Interview Survey

The purpose of the interview was to find out how many people would want to do better things in the world. I know that there are people out there that don't care as long as they don't involve them. Doing this interview and survey helped me see how many people in Curie actually care about the animals and how many people are aware of what's going on with them. The person I am interviewing today is Sandra Lara. Sandra is a Hispanic 17 year old female student in Curie High school. Sandra is someone who is very shy and likes to keep things to herself, I wanted to see her opinion on animal testing. I made sure that she was comfortable with the question, especially having to talk about animals being injected. The questions that were the most important were, Would you stop using your favorite products that do not say cruelty free? And Should animals really be tested for the products? Those two questions brought my interest because of the way they answered. When you are asked should animals be tested you right away say no because it is cruel and obviously that is the right answer. When you actually have to give up products because they are not cruelty free, that's when you say that it doesn't matter because you don't wanna give those products. Sandra said in all the questions that we should bring awareness and it should be stopped because it's cruel. When I asked her to stop using the products that aren't cruelty free she said, “no because she doesn't want to give the item since it's her favorite.” This is why I chose these questions because I knew everyone would say no until they actually have to put in the effort to be able to stop it. Something I learned from the interview and the topic was that it's hard to stop something that nobody wants to fix. I learned that companies don't actually need the animal to test if the product would harm us. Companies are able to stop animal testing if they wanted, its no longer in our control but the companies. It will be hard to convince people to use products that are cruelty free but it can be done just like everything else.

Your Personal Opinion

Animal testing is dangerous to animals and I feel like scientist should have never started testing on them. It has been proven many times that animals are different from humans, which is one of the many reasons animal testing should stop. My opinion is that it's 2022 and we no longer need animals because we have better methods to test.

What's your opinion on animal testing? Many people say they are against it because it's the “correct answer". People can assume they are against it but they are one of many people who don't do anything to change it. In a survey I created, it revealed that people say yes to animal testing being wrong but their explanation is all the same that it's abuse. Speaking about it and making a change are two different things. Although people just ignore what companies do, there many people who reveal behind the scenes about animal testing. Lets start by putting an end to animal cruelty and stop testing dangerous products on put animals as its harming them and potentially destroying their lives.

It's been proven that animals are more scared of us than any predator. Animals throughout the years have learned to stay away from humans. But humans can not leave animals alone. Humans have been taking advantage of animals for many years and animal testing is a big problem that they are facing. They justify themselves by taking advantage of animals so when they test them with our product they aren’t doing a bad thing. Star College claims, “ many people believe that animal testing is justified because the animals are sacrificed to make products safer for human use and consumption.” (Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing, 2022). This indicates that there are people who make themselves feel less guilt for animal suffering because it is "benefiting” us… The company PETA is trying to reveal the reality of animal testing. They inform you about how animals feel in the process. How many places like schools and labs use animals to test many products and many other things. In the process, all the animals being used suffer and die. Peta and Lone Star College are trying to get others aware of other test methods like sophisticated tests using human cells and tissues, advanced computer-modeling techniques and human volunteers are testing alternatives to use instead of using animals.

Pain is not a good feeling, especially when you're getting hurt on purpose. Animals are very aware of everything you do to them just like we are aware. Treating animals poorly because you think they don’t understand you are cruel. Peta addresses, “They languish in pain, suffer from extreme frustration, ache with loneliness, and long to be free.”( The Truth About Animal Testing, 2022) Millions of animals are locked up in cages right now suffering for our product, etc... Animals should have the same amount of justice as us because they are alive as well as we are. No one likes the feeling of being treated differently so why do we treat animals differently? The article Stanford promotes, “ It is important to stress that 95% of all animals necessary for biomedical research in the United States are rodents – rats and mice.”( Stanford,2018). They try to justify themselves that they are using mice. It doesn't matter if it can be the ugliest animal there is because they don't care to realize that animals are still living creatures. As much as we don't like pain and suffering, animals don't either. We aren't as different from animals as we may think.

Everyone at one point has needed a friend. For many people, that friend is a human being, for others, their life best friend is their pet. Pets have been loved and trusted by humans until one day they go missing or get kicked out. That’s where many companies find their animals to test on. Pets pointed out in their article that 95% of the time animals were failed by humans to keep them safe. Not making an effort to change their safety proves that animals do not need our trust or our love. Stanford goes more into debt by using a video where they display that they aren't harming the animals and they are caring for them. Many companies and places want to hide what they are doing so making that video don't justify that they are still animal testing. It has been shown that animal testing could have been stopped long ago when science became more advanced.

In conclusion, animal testing should be eliminated because it violates animals' rights. In the process, it causes pain and suffering to animals, and other means of testing product toxicity are available. Animal testing can’t be ignored any longer. Animals have been through enough pain. Science has advanced where animals aren’t even needed in testing proving that current cruelty-free products are harming animals and then doing good. With that being said let’s put an end to animal cruelty and stop testing dangerous products on our animals as it is harming them and potentially destroying their lives.

“Animal Testing Facts and Alternatives.” PETA, 9 Feb. 2022,

“Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing |.” Lone Star College, 10 Mar. 2022,

“---.” PETA, uploaded by Peta, 22 May 2019,

Stone, Kristin. “About Animal Testing.” Humane Society International, 27 May 2020,

“---.” Lone Star College, 2 Oct. 2022,

Thomas, James A., et al. “Animal Research at Stanford University.” New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 318, no. 24, 1988, pp. 1630–32. Crossref,