Should Hollywood films show adult content about LGBTQ+ in their films?

Showing adult content has always been a controversial thing in our society but more so to the people apart of the LGBTQ+ community.

Hollywood films are a major promotion of American culture. These movies have a high ability in capturing the imagination, a sense of belonging, norms, in society, and so on. Films are meant for everyone to enjoy and relate to.

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

  • The bad representation in films about LGBTQ+

  • The impact films have on society

  • The importance of films in society

  • Why people should be educated on sex-ed involving the LGBTQ+

  • How these films make the LGBTQ+ feel

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here.

The majority of the people I surveyed said yes to having movies or shows show adult content about LGBTQ+ people like they do for heterosexuals. Most of these people stated that it is ethically wrong to not have this kind of representation in media for the LGBTQ+ community as heterosexuals have. In my survey people also stated that it is right to have equal representation on any type of media platform.

Interview Summary

Write your interview summary here.

For my interview, I decided to choose my boyfriend Jesus Garcia (preferred name J) who is 17 years old. J is a senior at John Hancock high school who is very fond of communicating with different types of people. He interacts with many people around him as well as communicates with people with similar interests using a messaging and digital distribution platform called discord, having a diverse group of friends from around the world. The attitude my interviewee had when answering my questions was positive yet very strong opinionated. He answered my question thoughtfully but didn't try to sugarcoat anything with this very touchy subject compared to their peers who are not so honest and would state their actual opinions on this topic. The most important question in my interview was about their opinion on the LQBTQ+ community, seeing if they had any different views on the community and also seeing if any religious beliefs had anything to do with how they reacted toward this subject. Some of the things that I noticed from conducting my interview are people are open to the idea of having the representation of the LGBTQ+ community just that it's so badly represented in media creating this toxic behavior and giving off this vibe or representation of lgbtq+ to heterosexuals and creating this negative concept.

Your Personal Opinion

Write your thesis statement and discuss your point of view here. Put in a personal anecdote if you can.

Hollywood makes LGBTQ+ members feel inferior with the lack of information there is about them and the inaccurate way the film industry portrays them as. Films should be educational and fun and entertaining for all who are watching not to offend a group of people. Although film industries are coming out with more characters apart from the LGBTQ+, nevertheless, films should represent them properly, accurately, and respectfully, because films have a big impact on people. It's what we use as a source of information.

All around the world people watch movies and find some sort of connection to their favorite character or even someone to look up to. Whether it be a character from Avengers that you look up to for their bravery or the new Lily James movie Pam and Tommy for Lily's outstanding beauty and relate to other women for this misogynistic world we live in. From these movies we gain experiences, a sense of fitting into something, finding interest, etc. But, imagine if you didn’t have that connection. Where would you go for advice? Tips? Fashion sense? And so on. Even though the film industry is evolving with having more LGBTQ+ characters in their films it's a toxic, cliche, and offensive way of representing them. In many cases this is what the LGBTQ community feels. Hollywood makes LGBTQ+ members feel inferior with the lack of information there is about them and the inaccurate way the film industry portrays them as. Films should be educational and fun and entertaining for all who are watching not to offend a group of people. Although film industries are coming out with more characters apart from the LGBTQ+, nevertheless, films should represent them properly , accurately and respectfully, because films have a big impact on people. It's what we use as a source of information.

At some point in life we watched a movie, tv show, sagas… of some sort of comedy making fun of people. People need to understand that some of these comedic statements need to have boundaries and sensitivity. These statement offend people they are homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, etc. For example In the article 9 movies that got their LGBTQ representation completely wrong It states "Cumberbatch's character is clearly portrayed as an over-the-top, cartoonish mockery of androgyne/trans/non-binary individuals. This is the modern equivalent of using blackface to represent a minority." (Sarkisian). In the movie Zoolander 2 English actor Benedict Cumberbatch plays a trans supermodel named “All” who portrays an unusual and weird person. By acting demonic while being on the runway calling it modern modeling. This is offensive for its representation of non-binary individuals. Imagine someone representing you by mocking you. It's offensive, it's hurtful, It's disgusting. Making a fool of the LGBTQ+ is the modern equivalent of using blackface because it makes fun of the minority. Blackface is the practice of wearing makeup to imitate the appearance of a black person. This is exacly what is happenig today for the LGBTQ+ community a straight man playing a queer person for a joke spreding harmful statement crossing the line making a group of people feel bad for a laugh. "Bruno," like Borat, is a mockumentary that purposefully depicts stereotypes in order to reveal the prejudice attitudes of the real-life people its colorful main character interacts with.However, it never feels we, LGBTQ people, are in on the joke. Instead, it just feels like we are being made fun of, and gay people once again are made the butt of the joke.”(Sarkisian)

Hollywood appears to show remorse over the people they hurt in their films, but rather for the rates. Films stick to their offensive ways to earn money and the LGBTQ+ is just there for the punchline.

Everyone loves to be heard, whether it be being praised for the new car part you installed your truck or the way you did your makeup whatever it may be we enjoy it. Now imagine if people started spreading these lies or stereotypes about you or your family. In many tv shows of this generation films love to glamorize toxic behaviors on tv. Think of the show “Eeuphoria” for example a show full of young teenagers who live of drugs, sex, and scadles or the show glee having chleche gay men and fitting into the steriotype. “These movies are creating this toxic environment and portraying them as this toxic person in society” (Verily Bitchie). These movies create this image in peoples heads of the Lgbtq+ community showing them as overly sexual people and even drug addicts. This is a new concept that is still evolving in our society. Having a stereotype represents them. Its offensive and inappropriate people would paint this picture of them and will not define them as a person but a stereotype. As will as gay rights.Movie continuously makes crass joke after crass joke about how horrible it is for straight men to pretend to be gay, and any sort of message about gay rights gets thoroughly lost in the crassness of it all.” (Sarkisian) Movies toss everything aside to keep the cameras rolling and keep the money coming. Allowing straight people to represent the community and having no clue on what they are talking about.

Diversity has always been an issue and still is till this day, especially in jobs. And the same goes for the LGBTQ+ community as well. As the world keeps evolving we are having more and more diversity in our world, especially in the United States. But it still needs fixing."Too often, the few LGBT characters that make it to the big screen are the target of a punchline or token characters. The film industry must embrace new and inclusive stories if it wants to remain competitive and relevant." (TRE’VELL). In order for films to be more relevant to today's day and age, they need to embrace the fact that the world has changed. We are more open-minded and accept new things. There's a lack of LGBT representation in films they always represent the same charter the gay cliche male who loves to shop and wear pink. According to the Los Angeles Times article Here is why Hollywood also has an LGBT diversity issue states “Male characters outnumbered females by a ratio of more than three to one. More than three-quarters of inclusive films (77%) featured gay male characters while less than a quarter (23%) included lesbian characters. As for the representation of the rest of the queer community, only 9% included bisexual characters while only one film was trans-inclusive, Warner Brothers’ “Hot Pursuit.”(TRE’VELL). This is a major issue. We look at these films for knowledge, and information that can help us out. Not someplace where we feel backed up and limited. We should be comfortable with what we are watching, feeling that we fit in and not some sort of alien Hollywood.

Films should include more LGBTQ+ characters and not just this basic cliche character. In conclusion, we should create films of diverse LGBTQ+ characters who represent the community as it is and not some mockery they portrayed them to be. Films where trans can feel safe as their gender, gays can feel welcomed, ans queers can relate to the world. Having a safe environment where everyone can learn from one another and feel a part of society.


In-text: (Good LGBT Representation is Boring (and why that's a problem), 2021)

Your Bibliography: Youtube. 2021. Good LGBT Representation is Boring (and why that's a problem). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 April 2022].


9 movies that got their LGBTQ representation completely wrong

In-text: (Sarkisian, 2022)

Your Bibliography: Sarkisian, J., 2022. 9 movies that got their LGBTQ representation completely wrong. [online] Insider. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 April 2022].


Here is why Hollywood also has an LGBT diversity issue

In-text: (TRE’VELL, 2022)

Your Bibliography: TRE’VELL, A., 2022. Here is why Hollywood also has an LGBT diversity issue. [online] LA Times. Available at: <> [Accessed 1 April 2022].