What is your research question? Should the NFL have an equal amount of coaches with different nationalities

Write a brief summary

I basically want to talk about why racism still exists in this generation when it has been going on for 100's of years. I feel as if there should be some type of justice for this subject cause I feel like enough is enough, like why can't African Americans get the same opportunities as white people like it's time to drop all this.

Write a brief description of the project.

Telling people that equality is everything and needs to be put in full affect. Equality in the world should be something that shouldn't have to be something talked about to this day, African Americans should be treated the same as white's should be treated. White people get any thing they want under the sun but a Black person has to work and work to get to a heightened position and half the time that hard work never pays off cause they still get put as being low. Equality should be something that shouldn't even be taught I feel like everybody comes in the world for one goal and that is to be successful in anything

Describe the main issues you are going to cover.

What are 5 main topics that you are going to be discussing? Describe them here.

Job opportunities: African Americans always being put last when trying to be successful, for example not it being enough jobs in black and brown neighborhoods

Police brutality: Officers taking advantage of there job thinking that just because they have a badge that they can do anything to black people, you could be walking home from a store and get pulled over by the cops just because you are black.

Rosa Parks: White driver telling her to sit in the back of the bus.

George Floyd: He asked to have the officers knee off his neck multiple times not trying to resist arrest in which he wasn't.

Tamir Rice: A 12 year old African American boy who was killed in Cleveland Ohio by a 26 year old white officer

Describe the findings of your survey.

What were the results of your survey? Describe your findings here. The results getting deeper into the definition of Equality, telling and showing actually what it means. I feel like this survey has grasped my mind and spectra of racism completely.

Interview Summary

Write your interview summary here.

The summary was that they said that the stories that took place over the course of time has added up to the main topic of racism. They have seen how the killings of these African Americans over the years have been because of poorly trained officers and need to be solved.

Your Personal Opinion

Write your thesis statement and discuss your point of view here. Put in a personal anecdote if you can.

My thesis statement is I want for the world to be equal because it's enough bad going on in the world and we don't need anymore. A personal anecdote would be. My point of view from a activist would be we just want to be left alone, all we want to do is be successful. We don't deserve to be treated horribly when we haven't done nothin to nobody.

Write your paper here. Racism is the topic of the century that has been going on for a long time now. Racism is so important to be talked about and why this is not something that should just never be talked about. Racism is tragic and very sentimental to the black and brown community in so many ways and needs to be ended. I hate that it still goes on till this day. We have been going on with this for too long and still nothing has really been enforced.

Civil Rights Movement

The civil Rights movement for one has played a big role in racism because all the Civil Rights movement was to have black people’s voices be heard against white supremacy. This role was to inspire African Americans and show them that “we have a voice”. 2 Activists who I like were Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King JR, and not to mention Malcolm X and many more but they played an important role in this. This helped the social justice movement and gave African Americans empowerment. This led to being a positive role but later in time it has never changed. You hear more about white officers killing young African American teens all the time over the course of time. I can use Tamir Rice as a prime example of why this is still going on till this day another African American who has lost their life due to police violence.“Racism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully, we shall overcome.” -Rosa Parks

“Differences of race, nationality or religion should not be used to deny any human being citizenship rights or privileges.”-Rosa Parks

We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now." -Martin Luther King Jr

A situation that has occurred with Rosa Parks has really been taken to the heart for the black community when she got on a bus and decided to sit in the front and then was told to give up her seat for a white man to sit down. She has shown black excellence when she refused to get up. This has people feeling like we are trapped

“Each person must live their life as a model for others.” -Rosa Parks

Police Brutality

Police Brutality has also played a role in the black community. When I think about police Brutality I think about the assault on George Floyd, like at that moment the man has his knee on his neck and George Floyd wasn’t even resisting arrest all he wanted to do is breathe. This is without a doubt a symbol of police brutality. Black people literally get harassed just for being black.

A woman who has also been abused by the police was tased by the officer was pulled over at a traffic stop and was told to get out the car before he tased her, when he couldn’t have gone a whole different way about it. This is an important example because it shows that white police officers see African Americans as a threat to them. They see African Americans as wild people, there has been generations of segregation even in slavery showing that white people only see us as objects to work for them, they have no care in the world about us. But when a white person interacts with another white person it’s a totally different scenario. This is discrepancy at it’s finest

“It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they ‘stop killing us,’ We’re going to stand up as a community and fight against anyone who believes that murder or any violent action by those who are sworn to protect us should consistently go unpunished.” — Beyoncé Knowles-Carter

Jim Crow Laws

Jim Crow was a term made for a black man, they really hated that black people were way smarter than them. I feel like Black people have their own voice and that they should be heard, also more and more black communities should all come together and form a group to protest against white supremacy.

The Tamir Rice shooting was also a big impact to the black and brown community. I can’t even imagine getting shot just for being black, like we just are considered a target just for being black. This is such a struggle and it's like we are no danger to anyone but this is what they label us as.

“You can’t ‘get over’ something that is still happening. Which is why black Americans can’t ‘get over’ slavery or Jim Crow.”

Ijeoma Oluo, So You Want to Talk About Race


In conclusion Racism is a huge factor in this modern world and is something that can’t just be left alone. It is certain that it must still be talked about. According to the Tamir Rice case this is impacting young teens and is no way okay for this to be going on at any time. This gets very depressing and has put the black and brown community through a lot. I believe that for the future we actually hire officers who are gonna be patient and respectful to African American women and men and not just abuse them like they are just animals because they are humans just like white people are. But the overall point is to have equality like it would only make the world a better place if everyone just comes together as one and lets stuff go.

Write your bibliography here. MLA style

To answer my research question on whether or not NFL coaches should have more diversity, these evidence that I have used have led me to have people believe that the league should be more diverse instead of like having 2 or 3 African American coaches. I want for all sports to be diverse with coaches not just only football. I feel that it would be equal all across the world. This is the one thing that we need in the world overall and that's Equality. It has been going on for too long and needs to be put to an end. We get stereotyped in so many ways just because of our color of our skin. I am tired of this, we are more than just objects we are smart humans just like the white's, we are all the same no matter where we come from the only difference is the color of skin. To conclude it we need peace and equality.