Should everyone have accessibility

to free Medicare?

Its a human right!

Brief Description:


  • Finance Stability

  • Unemployment

  • Citizenship

100% of Curie students agree that everyone deserves the right to free medicare

Everyone I interviewed agreed with my personal opinion that everyone has the right to be provided with Medicare.

Interview Results

This interview is mainly done in order to have teens more aware of problems that may be seen as something that is dealt with from an adult because asking around Curie High school made me realize how there is people who have experiences with struggling with the expenses of Medicare maybe not them but they have witnessed it and it is just not a problem that is commonly talked about within teens. My friends Yajaira Daza who was the interviewee for this question she is a student here at Curie and is also a junior she's a female and is 17 years old was born here but is Mexican American and this is what lead for me to decide to ask her because as she said and as I expected she has struggled with her mom to pay for Medicare and there has been times where her mom has an emergency so she decides to go to the hospital but later on decides not to pay for the bills and it is not because she is trying to have the debt but simply because it was an emergency to have to go to the hospital but there is no way for her to be able to cover for all those expenses since the hospital is super expensive for any little visit you need to make. Something that really stood out to me about what she said was how only her mom has to struggle with this problem because her dad is provided with Medicare since he has diabetes and so it made me wonder what is it that someone needs to have in order to Medicare and what can be improve to make for especially the ones in need with poverty to be able to be provided with free Medicare. This is why Medicare is an important topic to talk about amongst teens in order to get their ideas on what they have experiences other people struggle with so we understand their point of view and how they feel about these injustice.

Personal Opinion

Have you ever been faced with an economic struggle with Medicare? So many people in the US are also having these same issues and no one is doing anything to change this. In a survey I conducted at Curie High School when the students were asked if they believe people should have the right to free Medicare 100% of the students said that yes everyone should be given the right to not have to pay for their well being. Although providing healthcare to all can cause for the US to be more in depth. Nevertheless there are many reasons as to why Medicare should be more accessible to anyone. However some of the main reasons include: looking at how many people that don't have Medicare avoid going to the doctor because they know they cannot afford to pay bills, also the serious outcomes that not getting checked up can lead to so many people in the US are faced with death since they avoided going to the doctor, finally the US always claims how it is a free country and there is many things that are provided here but how come not everyone is given the right to Medicare something to save one's life other countries do so why doesn't the US take more action.

Have you ever been faced with an economic struggle with Medicare? So many people in the US are also having these same issues and no one is doing anything to change this. In a survey I conducted at Curie High School when the students were asked if they believe people should have the right to free Medicare 100% of the students said that yes everyone should be given the right to not have to pay for their well being. Although providing healthcare to all can cause for the US to be more in depth. That should not be the impact for people to not receive Medicare, there are many reasons as to why Medicare should be more accessible to anyone. However some of the main reasons include: looking at how many people that don't have Medicare avoid going to the doctor because they know they cannot afford to pay bills, also the serious outcomes that not getting checked up can lead to so many people in the US are faced with death since they avoided going to the doctor, finally the US always claims how it is a free country and there is many things that are provided here but how come not everyone is given the right to Medicare something to save one's life other countries do so why doesn't the US take more action.

Primarily having the entitlement to be able to afford to pay your bills is not something everyone can do. One of the sources implies, “Finley is one of millions of Americans who avoid medical treatment due to the costs every year.”(Sainato), It is giving an example of one particular person [Finley] but goes on to say how she is not the only one being faced with these problems. It also gives statistics more into debt, “A December 2019 poll conducted by Gallup found 25% of Americans say they or a family member have delayed medical treatment for a serious illness due to the costs of care, and an additional 8% report delaying medical treatment for less serious illnesses.”(Sainato) This goes to show how many people will just put aside their illnesses because they seem to have bigger problems to worry about and their well is not their priority. Making something as serious as being healthy, is not something that should ever be put aside and this “norm” needs to be stopped. Which is exactly why everyone should be allowed to have Medicare. There would be so many more healthy people if they were not afraid of the money they would owe. Why is it that the US picks and chooses who can live more peacefully? Everyone deserves the right to a healthy lifestyle.

Another issue that is due to the fact of not having Medicare is, along with having money issues, not being able to afford to be checked on, can lead to drastic problems such as death. From these people that can’t pay the bills many of them die since their illness is not taken care of so it worsens over time. An example of someone dying due to lack of Medicare was in this article, "After losing her job in May 2016, Finley also lost her health insurance coverage and struggled to find a new job. Three months later, Finley was found dead in her apartment after avoiding going to see a doctor for flu-like symptoms”(Sainato). So many people in the US will depend on their Medicare coverage from their jobs but what happens to the unemployed, either because they cannot work due to their disability or can’t find a job. This is why solutions should be made. There should be other ways that people are able to obtain Medicare. It makes no sense to me as to how people are seeing the numbers in the deaths that are caused by this and nothing is being done. A research done in Harvard found, “lack of health insurance is associated with as many as 44,789 deaths per year, which translates into a 40% increased risk of death among the uninsured.”(Sainato). This is such a high percentage of people that are dying because they are not given the resources they should be provided with. Something that should be a basic human right is not in the US and it needs to be talked about more in order for change to be made, people should not be dying from lack of getting the medical attention they need so many more healthy people would be living and working if Medical help was provided to them.

Finally, why does it seem like such a hard thing to provide these resources to those in need isn't this supposed to be a helpful country and allow us to live the American dream then why is no one helping so people can live longer. So many other countries create resources to make sure their civilians are well yet the US does not seem to take these problems into their hands. One of my resources established, "Many European countries with a universal right to health care, such as France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, have a lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita than the United States, yet they provide a right to health care for all their citizens.”(Pro Con) This is such a wealthy country that money should be used to stop allowing deaths from occurring due to lack of affordability. Although my main focus is Medicare, there are many other factors in which America lacks to provide those in need. Another quote states, “In 2017, about 33% of all Americans with medical bills reported that they were unable to pay for basic necessities like food, heat, or housing.”(Pro Con). There is so much change that needs to be done in the US with the great wealth it has which is why those in need should be receiving benefits, this should be a basic human right.

Overall there are many reasons as to why Medicare should be free or be provided to anyone that needs it. So many people in the US struggle with obtaining Medicare and so they avoid going to the doctor because they are aware they will not be able to afford to pay the bills. There is also the problem of being unemployed so many people rely on the medical help given by their work but when they do not have that then they are faced with not many other options. It can even lead to them avoiding the hospital so much that they are faced with death. There is a 40% of deaths for people that do not have insurance. The US is known as a wealthy place and so I do not see what the issues of helping out people can be. There are many other countries that do it so why isn't the US one of them? What will they really lose if there are less people dying?

Works Cited:

Paragraph 2 & 3:

Sainato,Michael.The Americans dying because they can’t afford medical care. The Guardian, 07 Jan. 2020

Americans-healthcare-medical-costs. Accessed 09 March 2022

Paragraph 4:

Should All Americans Have the Right(Be Entitled) to Health care? ProCon. 14 Feb 2019 . Accessed 10 March 2022