Should civilian stories involving aliens be taken serious ?

The image from video provided by the Department of Defense labelled Gimbal, from 2015, an unexplained object is seen at center as it is tracked as it soars high along the clouds, traveling against the wind. A report was soon released explaining the image from the U.S Pentagon.

The main topics ill be going over are

A Statistical Survey

An Interview

My opinion

A research paper

And various images with descriptions

Do you believe that there is life outside of our planet ?

This survey was interesting. I say interesting because it gave me a general idea of how my friends/peers think when it comes to outside of this world. My findings showed a clear split between my group.


I interviewed one of my good friends Manuel. And i had asked him whether or not he believes that there is life outside of our planet, in other words, Aliens as we call them. And his answers were that there is no way that there isn't something out there. His reasoning behind his answer was that we are like a drop of water to the universe, and the universe is is ocean. It is so massive and mysterious, and dark matter makes things hard to see out there. But whenever we do see something, We investigate. He has brought up that there was an incident where something popped up in a NASA live video from the ISS, and they quickly cut of the feed so that people wouldn't see what they were trying to hide. But his words were that there is no way there isn't something else out there.

My Personal Opinion

I find it hard to believe that there isn't going to be something out there. Life threatening or not, there has got to be something. Maybe in the future we'll be interacting with outside life, or we will discover it. Whether it be in our lifetime or the next few generations, hopefully we'll have made peace or already interacted with other life.

There are 200 Billion Trillion stars in our universe and we are life that revolves around 1 of those stars. Hearing those odds, do you believe that there is other life out there? Many people among us have speculated that there is life out there and that it's even come to earth to visit us. Because there has been no documented direct contact, it has made the idea that aliens have ever visited less believable, but that didn't stop people from seeing things in the air. I'm going to convince you we’ve had visitors from out of space, from civilian encounters, military and then people encountering them saying that some unnatural things occurred.

Civilian encounters are some of the most unnoticed or uninteresting encounters. They usually roll off the tongue and then never get brought up again. But these gentlemen went to whoever they could at the time. On a documented sighting, it describes “On December 17, 1944, near Breisach, Germany, a pilot was flying at approximately 800 feet when he saw 5 or 6 flashing red and green lights in ’T’ shape.(source)” The lights seemed to follow him, closing in “to about 8 o’clock and 1,000 ft.” before disappearing as inexplicably as they came.”. This may be put off to the side because it is a small yet unheard of story. The pilot however did get a description of what looked to be flying behind him. Another story describes “Godfrey, a no-nonsense Yorkshireman born and raised in Oldham, is long retired from the force but still recalls the events of that night when he came face to face with the peculiar object – a diamond-shaped aircraft hovering 5ft off the ground while spinning on its axis.

He just had time to sketch the UFO on his notepad before he was blinded. In his next moment of conscious awareness, he was sitting in his patrol car. The UFO was gone. “I got out of the car, looked at the road surface, and it was like a whirlpool,” he says. The UFO’s rapid revolutions had arranged the dead leaves, twigs and other debris into an autumn-themed spiral. “. This civilian encounter shows a description of what the civilian saw for once. The victim claims to have a 25 minute memory gap, where he does not remember anything, he last remembered being stopped, and then noticing that he was 30 yards from his previous location. He also stated above that it had created a(n) “autumn-themed spiral”. There is certainly no technology that spins that way and is that big that isn't a plane, and with its description, we can certainly rule aliens coming around this guy.

If that didn't make you raise an eyebrow, surely documented aerial encounters will. A governmental project called Project Blue Book was a government attempt to piece together what people were seeing and claiming were alien ships. An inside look into the project would tell many stories. One is of a Japan Airlines flight 1628 in Alaskan airspace with interview notes taken from three crew members. The pilot “Captain Terauchi stated that while he had a visual on the UAT, he spotted yellow, amber and green lights, and had a rotating beacon, but no red lights, but appeared to be joined together (as fixed to one object).”(source). If you continue to read on in the original report you can read that it stayed portside once it became vertical, it stayed with him while trying to turn and then lost sight of it, and strange things happened while being near it. This commercial pilot had a different encounter, but nonetheless an encounter on the air with a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) that can be vertical and horizontal. Occurring in 1986, we did not have an aircraft that could do this, and even now we don't have one, and with one being spotted in the air by a Japanese pilot. An article told of the intense military encounter when a pilot encountered a UAP during the second world war. The article states “he witnessed what he believed to be the taillight of another craft passing on the right, though the tower had no other object on the radar. Deciding to take a closer look at the unidentified object, Gorman pulled his plane up and closed to within about 1,000 yards. “It was about six to eight inches in diameter, clear white and completely without fuzz at the edges,” he said of the object in his report. “It was blinking on and off. As I approached, however, the light suddenly became steady and pulled into a sharp left bank. I thought it was making a pass at the tower.””. This time a way smaller UAP. The pilot chased it for a while until it went straight up and behind it, his plane had given out forcing him to land when he reached 14,000 ft. The pilot was later interviewed with 2 other witnesses saying they saw it all go down.

Unnatural is defined as Abnormal or not normal/ordinary. If something unnatural were to occur, it would become something that you won't forget. Like ghosts and things like that. But imagine something unnatural in the air. The same pilot I mentioned earlier later shared that “Shaken by the encounter, the pilot went on to report he noticed no sound, exhaust trail or odor from the object. And while he had reached speeds of up to 400 m.p.h. while in pursuit—he couldn’t keep up with whatever it was”. Now this is definitely something unique to tell, because something going at that speed, with no sound or odor, That's something no one could forget due to the speeds and the time. People claim it may have been a weather balloon, but a weather balloon at those speeds is ridiculous. The article later mentions that the pilot said “I am convinced that there was definite thought behind its maneuvers,” Gorman said in a sworn statement to his commander. “I am further convinced that the object was governed by the laws of inertia because its acceleration was rapid but not immediate; and although it was able to turn fairly tight at considerable speed, it still followed a natural curve”. Convinced that there was natural thought controlling it. The witnesses that say this occur said that “the object was “traveling at a high rate of speed” and was “fast enough to increase the spacing between itself and [Gorman’s] fighter.” Johnson described the object as appearing to be “only a round light, perfectly formed, with no fuzzy edges or rays leaving its body.””.

In conclusion, I believe we’ve had over life forms visit us. As for purpose, I could not tell you as we’ve once again never had direct contact with other life forms from outer space. But I do believe in civilian stories told, encounters with the military and the unnatural things that occurred while trying to discover what was flying. Hopefully one day we can make peace or contact with out of earth species, hopefully they are good encounters though. Who knows if they'll be good, But I think as we grow up, the world may find more peace since we are a more pacifist generation.

MLA style

Janos, Adam. “Mysterious Ufos Seen by Wwii Airman Still Unexplained.”, A&E Television Networks, 15 Aug. 2018,

Bertram, Colin. “When a U.S. Fighter Pilot Got into a Dogfight with a UFO.”, A&E Television Networks, 19 July 2018,

Lawrence , Kerri. “Do Records Show Proof of Ufos?” National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, 2 Sept. 2018,