Should teenagers that have committed murder, be given an adult sentence?

In this day in age many life's are being taken. They are being taken by teenagers in most cases, in a brutal way. Today we will discuss this issue and why this has become a problem and how we should solve the problem.

This project will help form your opinion on if teens should be tried as adults for murder and give further insight on this topic.

Juvenile teens in Hillsborough juvenile detention center.

Topic Being Discussed

  • Teens

  • sentencing

  • Murder

  • Rights

  • Justice

What I Found

I surveyed 25 people and out of the 25 students 20 did agree that teens should be given adult sentences for murder and 5 disagreed. Many people said yes because they should get adult consequences for committing adult actions. This survey influenced me by leaning more to the yes side and agreeing with a lot of their opinions. A trend I saw a lot was their reasoning for their answers like saying, "It depends on the crime." and "If they were grown enough to commit those crimes then they should be grown enough to accept the adult consequences". All the students were very influential but the one that were more impactful were the students that gave a good reasoning.

Interview Summary

I am interviewing English AP teacher, Ms. Carillo. She expressed how she believes that teens aren't mentally developed as much as adults, therefore they shouldn't be given the death penalty. She revealed how children shouldn't be locked up with adults because it can put kids in danger. We talked about how the childhood of these kids can lead to committing these violent actions.

Personal Opinion

I believe that teens who have committed murder should be tried as adults. I believe this because they need to be given adult consequences for committing these horrible actions that have taken other teens life. I believe they should be punished regardless of their age since that took a persons life.

A life for a life. Kids killing kids. A sad reality we face today, teenagers going to prison for committing murder. Many people believe that teens should be tried as an adult for committing murder. Although people believe that teens' brains aren’t as developed as adults nevertheless they should be tried as an adult because they need to face adult consequences for their adult actions so it’ll be less likely to not repeat these horrible crimes.

Teenager who have commit a murder should be given an adult sentence because most of the time they feel no remorse for the crime they committed. In many cases where young teens commit a murder, they feel no remorse when they’re being questioned by police. Alyssa Bustamante was a 15 year old convicted for the murder of her 9 year old neighbor. An article points out that, “The teenager showed little remorse for her victim during the trial (Crowley).” and further emphasizes,“ She was caught for the juvenile homicide because she wrote about how amazing the experience was in her diary (Crowley).” This case supports how Alyssa Bustamante felt no regret or guilt after committing a ruthless crime. Instead she boasts about the experience in her diary about the experience. Teens like this should be facing adult sentences because they show no emotion and there could be a risk to doing a crime like this again. Another widely known case that proves this is the Aidden Fucci case. He was a 14 year old teen that brutally murdered 13 year old, Tristyn Bailey. An article addressed, “In the days following cheerleader Tristyn Bailey's death her accused killer boasted of having fun in the back of a police car and also saw his own mom arrested (Fruen).” This further justifies the argument of teens not feeling remorse because Fucci bragged about the situation after knowing he took a person's life. If they don’t care about the crime they just committed and feel no emotion towards it, then they should be tried as an adult. Showing no remorse can be very conceding and especially in a situation where a life was taken.

To further emphasize, teenagers who have committed these ruthless crimes of taking a child’s life, have plans or planned on doing it again. James Fairweather is one of the youngest serial killers who killed two people. An article describes, “Fairweather claimed that his fascination with serial killers inspired his two murders, and he wanted to kill at least 15 more (Crowley).” This proves how Fairweather was still planning on committing many more murders. He wanted to be a serial killer and take more innocent lives. The case of 16 year old Cassie Jo Staddort further amplifies this reasoning because two teen boys, Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik, took her life in a very brutal way. An article acknowledges how, The two boys were Pocatello-born and, unknown to anyone, were keeping a “death list” that contained the names of several of their friends and classmates (Tinning).” This compares to the argument of how they plan on doing it again. In both cases, the teens were inspired by serial killers and wanted to take more innocent lives. This is very dangerous for society and should not be let out if they have these fascinations. Especially if they admit it so openly and brag about how great the experience was. People like this deserve the maximum sentence regardless of age or mental state for the safety of others.

Teenagers should also get adult sentences if they committed a murder because they execute this horrible crimes and premeditate them. Sheila Eddy and Rachel Shoaf were two teen girls who planned their best friends murder. An article described, “Then they pounced and started attacking her. Shoaf said that at one point during the attack, Neese got away but they stabbed her in the knee so she could not run very far again. Neese’s fate was sealed (DeLong).” This piece further solidifies the argument how not only did they brutally attack her but the author also mentions how they premeditated it a month in advance. They had no remorse or second thoughts about killing her best friend for simply not liking her. In the previous article about Aidden Fucci it was also mentioned how, Aiden Fucci, 14, is now facing a first-degree murder charge and will appear in court on Thursday after 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey was found dead with 114 stab wounds in May (Fruen).” This connects to the argument because Aidden Fucci stabbed Tristyn Bailey 114 times among other heinous actions. The article also mentions how he had planned this and made a drawing of a womens body with X marks on it. These people deserved to get an adult sentence for these actions. This shows that they have very corrupt minds and are very dangerous. Actions like these could not be looked past.

In conclusion, teenagers should be given adult sentences for committing murder because they should be facing adult consequences for their horrible actions. They need to be tried as an adult because they feel no remorse after they commit these crimes, they can do it again or have plans on doing it again, and they have committed a horrible crime that has taken someone’s life. They should not be seen as kids, they should instead be seen as the heinous crimes they’ve committed. They deserve no mercy since they did not show any to their victims. In the future teens shouldn't be able to be let go easily just because of their age. They should be tried as adults regardless.

Write your bibliography here. MLA style

Fruen, Lauren. “KILLER' TEEN Aiden Fucci hearing – The 5 shocking things ‘teen and his mom did after he stabbed cheerleader Tristyn Bailey 114 times’”. The Sun U.S. October 28, 2021. . Accessed Mar 10, 2022.

Delong, William. “16-Year-Old Skylar Neese Was Stabbed To Death By Her Two Best Friends Because They Didn’t Like Her Anymore.” All That Is Interesting. November 2, 2021. Accessed March 11, 2022.

Tinning, Danielle. “Inside The Grisly Case Of Cassie Jo Stoddart, The Teenage Girl Killed By Her Classmates — For Fun”. All That Is Interesting. May 11, 2021. Accessed March 27, 2022.

Crowley, Ally. “13 Famous Teenage Serial Killers And Murderers.” Serial Killer shop. January 19, 2022. Accessed March 27, 2022.