Membership Listserv

A listserv is available for ISAAPT members and other Illinois physics teachers who are interested. It is used to keep members informed about some of the many physics happenings (e.g., summer workshop and meeting announcements, etc.) here in Illinois and nationwide.

In general, a listserv is an electronic discussion forum. Messages sent to the group address are broadcast to all members of the group via email. Groups can be moderated or unmoderated, meaning that messages and participant subscriptions may or may not be subject to an approval process, depending on the choice of the group and its manager. The ISAAPT listserv is unmoderated.

As a member, you may send an email message to everyone on the list by sending it to

Click here if you would like to review the collection of prior postings to the list or if you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to this list. The listserv manager is Doug Brandt, Eastern Illinois University.