Continuing Professional Development Units

The Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (ISSAPT) has been recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) as an official provider of Continuing Professional Development Units (CPDUs). The ISAAPT's application was renewed in March, 2012 and is approved though January 1, 2015.

Pending final approval, the ISAAPT is authorized to provide CPDUs for the following meeting related activities:

content knowledge - science
planning for instruction
learning environments
instructional delivery
collaborative relationships
reflection and professional growth

Upon completion of the approved activities, the ISAAPT's CPDU coordinator will provide official documentation of participation in professional development activities. The CPDU coordinator will provide all forms, and maintain evaluation forms and sign-in sheets for a period of time not less than five years.

Complete details about teacher recertification and its relationship with the CEU/CPDU program can be found on the ISBE website.

ISAAPT is official service provider 100191.