Potato Harvest.The fields are prepared, and to start, some rows of potatoes or carrots are pre-dug to get the bounty on top of the soil. Volunteers pick up the taters or carrots and drop them into provided buckets. As buckets fill, a "guy" comes by and the produce is picked up by them and off loaded into a larger container for handling to food bank for further distributions. We also will do adhoc harvest sessions of Sweet Corn in August, and Carrots aside potatoes. Cabbage, Watermelon, Onions, and some Sweet Potatoes new for 2017 that need harvest help too!
Some times, volunteers will pre-bag 5 pounders. The "guys" drop off taters from the field onto tables, where volunteers bag and load into their vehicles to take back to their local pantry for distribution to hungry neighbors in need.
Bring: Garden gloves, dirty old shoes, sun glasses maybe, hat, appropriate clothing which will likely get dirty, sun screen to put on, positive hard working attitude, maybe plastic bags to put your dirty old shoes into for the car ride home, lawn chair to rest on if you like.
Normally we provide: Hospitality tent with beverages, fresh all you can eat French Fries, hot dogs during a Harvest Session.
Videos on Youtube:
Harvest Sessions: You can Schedule your group with us; shared sessions start the first weekend of September, and are Saturdays 9AM to 1PM, and 1PM to 5PMishes. Sundays 1PM-5 Sessions, and continue each weekend till all is finished, weather permitting throughout the late Summer and Fall. To Schedule a Group Session, go to our Harvest SignUp Page and fill out the information we need, and we'll place you on the public Calendar which includes additional information such as location and site map as well as eMail reminders when the time gets close.
Note for distance travelers - there is a local "no-tell-motel" and a B&B at Kutztown, as well as informal adhoc camping space for nature dweller groups making a tent weekend work retreat of it. Contact us as needed.
“Walk-ins” – folks without Groups, can come help any time when a Group is scheduled, by checking the Calendar, with out signing up.
Video is a typical Potato Harvest Session as example.