
Primera Evaluación

Europa: Aspectos físicos (orografía, hidrografía) p. 24

Península Ibérica: Aspectos físicos (orografía, hidrografía) p.25

Castilla-La Mancha: Aspectos físicos (orografía, hidrografía)

Castilla-La Mancha

Europa: Clima, flora y fauna p. 26

Península Ibérica: Clima, flora y fauna p. 27

Castilla-La Mancha: Clima, flora y fauna

Climas en Castilla-La Mancha

Flora y fauna

Segunda evaluación

- Migraciones (Tema 3 del libro de Geografía, págs. 52, 53, 56)

- Sectores productivos

- Introducción. Tema 5 del libro de Geografía



- Sector Primario. Tema 6 del libro de Geografía

- Sector Secundario. Tema 7 del libro de Geografía



- Sector Terciario. Tema 8 del libro de Geografía


- Ciudades. Tema 4

- Renacimiento. Tema 1. Libro Historia

- Edad Moderna. Tema 1. Libro Historia

Primer examen: Migraciones, Introducción a sectores productivos, Sector Primario (finales de Enero)

Recuperación 3B1: 29 enero

3B1: 26 enero


Segundo examen: Sector Secundario, Sector Terciario (mediados de Febrero)

Tercer examen: Ciudades. Renacimiento. Edad Moderna (finales de Febrero)

Viaje a Toledo 3 ESO

La fecha final

17 de noviembre 2017

Museo del Ejército

Plaza de Zocodover

Paseo del Tránsito, sobre el Tajo

Resultado de imagen de toledo sinagoga transito tajo

Museo Sefardí

Resultado de imagen de palacio fuensalida toledo

Palacio de Fuensalida. Sede de las Cortes Regionales

Visita: Palacio de Fuensalida y Museo del Ejército.

Salida: 8.30 h. del Instituto

Salida de Toledo: hacia las 18.00 h.

Las plazas se cubrirán por riguroso orden de pago.

El plazo comienza el día 6 de noviembre y finaliza el día 8 de noviembre

Importe: Se informará en clase el lunes, 6 noviembre

No podrán viajar aquellos alumnos que estén sancionados

Unit 1

1. Studying territories

Fathers of Geography. Three branches of G

eography. Physical geography. Human geography. Regional geography. Portulan Charts. Atlas. Mercator.

2 Representational methods

Map projections: cylindrical (the whole world), conical (just one hemisphere), flat, planar (one of the poles)

Mercator projection (cylindrical): The whole world, exaggerated poles. Used to navigate.

Gall-Peters projection (cylindrical): Countries found in the tropical regions streched and reduced the size of the ones located in the intermediate and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, geographical accidents.

Map projections:

Cylindrical (the whole world)

Conical (just one hemisphere)

Flat, planar (one of the poles)

Scale: Fraction, numerator, denominator. Small, medium or large scale.

3. Types of maps

General maps < topographic maps. Contours.

Thematic maps: specific aspects

City plans. Large city plans. Plans of villages. Thematic plans.

4. Geographic information technology GIT. Cartography. Photography. Remote sensing (aerial photographs, satellite images)

GIS Geographic Information Systems

5. Geographical landscapes

Natural environment, current human activity, historical human activity

1. Conocer y valorar el objeto de estudio de la

Geografía y la importancia de esta ciencia.

1.1. Define el concepto de Geografía y su objeto

de estudio: el espacio y la interrelación con

la acción humana.

1.2. Establece la diferencia entre Geografía

Física y Geografía Humana.

1.3. Identifica y valora el trabajo de un geógrafo.

2. Conocer y utilizar las técnicas y herramientas

propias de la Geografía e identificar y

distinguir las diferentes representaciones

cartográficas y sus escalas.

2.1. Elabora gráficos de distinto tipo (lineales,

de barra y de sectores) y mapas temáticos

en soportes virtuales o analógicos que

reflejen información de países o áreas

geográficas a partir de los datos elegidos.

2.2. Comenta y utiliza gráficos de distinto tipo

(lineales, de barra y de sectores) y mapas


2.3. Utiliza el mapa como instrumento básico de

representación del espacio y comenta e

interpreta cualquier tipo de mapa temático.

Unit 1

1. Fathers of Geography. Three branches of Geography, Two perspectives of Geography. Portulan charts. Atlases

2. Main types of map projections. Cylindrical projection. Conical projection. Flat projection. Mercator projection for the whole world, but exagerated poles. Gall-Peters projection stretches countries. Explain 1:10000. Maps can be... 1:10000 map is smaller or greater than 1:50000 Why? Types of scales.

3. Types of maps. Types of general maps. Thematic maps. City plan.

4. GIT. Cartography. Remote sensing: types. GIS. GPS

5. Factors (3). Explain them

Unit 2 The natural environment

Situation of Europe (blue box)

- Eastern Europe (you must have your text underlined)

- Central and Western Europe (you must have your text underlined)

- The relief of Spain: five large groups: meseta, periphery, depressions, external mountain ranges and insular areas (you must have your text underlined)

Europe Physical

Río Jabalón: factores





Units 3-4

Resultado de imagen de pais vasco capitales



Pirámides de Población España







Tertiary sector


Humanism and Renaissance

Scientific advances Renaissance

Ferdinand and Isabella

Catholic Monarchs

Tordesillas Treaty

Tordesillas Treaty II

Remember: your note-book should always be available to check, at anytime. Your marks depend on it!

Second Term

Maps: Politics (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and Central America, South America, Oceania, Antarctica, Spain), according to periods: green, yellow and red.

Be careful: United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Spain must be explained in detail

Remember you are going to be asked in physical features in this term.

Maps: Physics (Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Oceania, Iberian Peninsula), according to periods: green, yellow and red

First Term Units 1-5 (1-3 + 4-5) (17th-21st October + 28th Nov-2nd Dec) 19 oct=3B2 18 oct:=3B1

Projects: Alejandro Montero (7 oct.); Salim y Fco (11 oct);, Cristina ( 14 oct)

1. Studying territories

2. The natural environment

3. Population

4. Towns and cities

5. Economic activity

Unit 1

1. Fathers of Geography. Three branches of Geography, Two perspectives of Geography. Portulan charts. Atlases

2. Main types of map projections. Cylindrical projection. Conical projection. Flat projection. Mercator projection for the whole world, but exagerated poles. Gall-Peters projection stretches countries. Explain 1:10000. Maps can be... 1:10000 map is smaller or greater than 1:50000 Why? Types of scales.

3. Types of maps. Types of general maps. Thematic maps. City plan.

4. GIT. Cartography. Remote sensing: types. GIS. GPS

5. Factors (3). Explain them

Unit 2

1. European situation in the world. Eastern Europe: rivers, lakes. Central and Western Europe: mountains, rivers. Five large groups in Spain. Meseta: subdivision. Periphery mountain ranges. Depressions. External mountain ranges. Climates in Europe. Maritime climate: features. Mediterranean climate: features. Continental climate: features. Alpine climate. Polar climate.

Climate in Cantabrian coast and Galicia. Climate in the Mediterranean coast and southeast Andalucía. Climate in Spain interior. Alpine climate in Spain. Canarian or subtropical climate.

2. Limits of North America. Three large units of relief. Rivers in Appalachian Mountains. Rivers in interior and Great Lakes (names). Alpine orogeny in North America. Climates in North America. Explain currents. Kuro Shivo, Labrador, Gulf, California

3. Groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The most important mountain range. Alpine orogeny in South America. Cold Humbold Current. Climates in Central America and the Caribbean. Climates in South America, centre of Chile

4. Limits of Asia. The Pacific belt of fire. Peninsulas and islands. Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa. Asian rivers in Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean. Important lakes and seas.

The currents of Kuro Shivo (warm) and Oya Shivo (cold) border the Pacific coast. From north to south, climates are... In southeast Asia, climates are...

5. Africa: limits. Mountain ranges: North, South. The Rift Valley (Fracture). African rivers. Important lakes and where. Climates in Africa.

6. Oceania is made up of... The Great Dividing Range. The Great Barrier Reef (seen in classroom). Just a river in Australia. Main climates.

7. Situation. Antarctic Treaty. Climate and fauna.

8. Various forms of protection. National Parks in America, in Europe. Biosphere Reserves in America, Europe. World heritage in Oceania, Russia, and Europe. Wetlands in Spain

Unit 3

1. A population is... The world's population until the Industrial Revolution. The world's population between the 19th and 21st centuries. Current demographic trends. Demographic models (Tell and establish relationship)

1 Old demographic regime, 2 Demographic transition regime, 3 Modern demographic regime, 4 Regressive demographic stage.

Demographic transition model

2. Regions truly barren. High density areas (agricultural, mineral and industrial, with examples) Conurbation. Megalopolis: BosWash. ChiPitts. Low density areas. Write the main low-density areas. People living in deserts. Rainforests. Boreal forests. Cold and hot desert areas. Mountainous areas.

Inhabitants = *Habitants (wrong)

Birth and Death rates always in per thousand (never per cent)

3. Natural movements. Birth rate - Mortality rate > Natural growth. General fertility rate. Child mortality rate. Natural population growth. Life expectancy

Birth rate, mortality rate

4. Migrations: emigration, immigration. Migration types: Duration, Causes of migration and destination. Emigration and immigration. Consequences of migration: positives and negatives



5. Ageing and youth: economic consequences. Famines and problems: distribution, access. Political problems. Gender discrimination

6. Miscegenation. Europe: mix. America: Quechua and Aymara. North America: Aboriginal people. Asia. Africa the whole paragraph

Unit 4

1. Traditional rural houses: stone, mud, wooden, fur and fabric, cave, ice. Towns and villages throughout the world

2. To be considered a city. Urban structure and urban morphology.

Urbanization process

3. Traditional cities: muslim, colonial, historical Asian. New cities and city expansion: new cities 18th and 19th centuries, expansion of new and traditional cities, recently developed cities, suburban and rural-urban growth

Metropolitan Area

4. We can make a distinction between three different categories: world cities, continental cities and regional cities. World metropolises. Megacities. Megalopolises. Global cities.


Continental cities. Regional cities. Medium-size cities

5. Cities in Europe and Spain. West: developed, Industrial Revolution, Tertiary sector. Central-East: isolated, great size. South: historical heritage

American cities: USA and Canada. Mexico and Central America, South America: favela

Asia the highest percentage of the world. China. Japan and South Korea. India. Other countries. Oceania.

African cities: North Africa. Sub-saharan Africa and Guinea. Central Africa. South Africa.

6. According to the United Nations, cities are more efficient than villages in the way they use space because they cause less damage to the natural environment and it is more economical to meet the needs of a dense urban population than of a dispersed rural population.

3B2 Examen el miércoles 7 diciembre

3B1 Examen el miércoles 7 diciembre INAMOVIBLE!!!

Second Term. Units 5-10

Unit 5 Economic Activity

1. Economic activity: definition

Economic goods: products and services

Classified by: composition, function, ownership

Factors of production: Natural (renewable, non-renewable, partially renewable), human, capital

Economic agents: people and families, companies, the state (write examples)

Economic sectors: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, (Quaternary, Quinary...)

2. Economic systems in the world

Current: Capitalism or market economy, Communism or planned economy, subsistence economy

Market economy: multinationals (explain)

Current economic blocks across the world:

world economic leaders: US, EU, Japan, Canada, Australia.

The Asian Tigers: South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore. Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand.

OPEC: Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Brazil, Iran

BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, emerging countries

Associations of countries without tariffs: EU, NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement), MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela and Bolivia)

3. Primary Sector: Food, raw materials

In Spain: farming, livestock, forestry, mining and fishing. Mechanisation.

Agriculture and livestock: food and raw materials. Irrigated and non-irrigated crops.

Mining: minerals

Forestry: Furniture and paper


Agricultural production and livestock in Spain

Cereals: Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha, Ebro valley

Fruits and vegetables and animal feed: Greenhouses: Alicante, Almería, Murcia

Fruit trees: Valencia, Murcia, Lleida, Aragon

Grapevines and olive trees: First world's producer: Andalucia, La Mancha, Extremadura

Industrial crops: cotton, sunflowers, tobacco, sugar beet


Bovine or cattle: cows and bulls: Castilla y León, Galicia and Extremadura. Asturias and Cantabria: milk

Ovine or sheep: Extremadura, Castilla y León, Castilla -La Mancha

Caprine (goats): Andalucía and Extremadura

Porcine: Cataluña, Aragon. Castilla y León, Andalucia and Extremadura. Jabugo Huelva, Guijuelo Salamanca.

4. Secondary Sector: production and construction


Spain: industry and energy

5. Tertiary sector: Different activities: healthcare, defence, education, government...


6. Use of natural resources

Renewable. Food supply. Absorption of CO2.

Non-renewable. Alternatives

Drinking water is considered partially renewable (page 6)

Fresh water is considered renewable and in scarce supply on Earth (p. 17)

Demand for water

7. Sustainability of economic activity: Tropical areas, desert areas, mountain areas, coastal areas

Sustainable economic development

Unit 6: Agrarian activity

Factors of production: Physical factors. Human factors

Physical factors: relief, climate, ground

Human factors: population, economic development, land ownership, shape and size of land, agrarian policies

Production systems:

water usage: dry farming crops, irrigated crops

use the land: extensive and intensive

crop variety: polyculture, monoculture

technology: animal or machinery for agricultural activities

size of the farm: smallholding, state farm

2. Agricultural in Spain and across the world

Spain: 4,3%

Traditional agriculture and modern agriculture

Traditional: Subsistence, and for self-consumption

Modern agriculture: commercial, ecological

Agricultural production includes: cereals, coffee, tea and cocoa, vegetables and seeds, wine and tobacco, fruit, vegetable fibres, vegetable oils, other agricultural products.

Hunger is not an agronomic or a production problem

3. Livestock and forest exploitation

Traditional livestock and modern livestock

Forest exploitation. Forestry.

4. Fishing: Traditional, artisanal, industrial

Inshore fishing and deep-sea fishing

The main fishing areas: north, south, indian, others...

Oceans ir order (the most productive ocean)

Aquaculture: definition. Yield. Seaweed. Aquaponics.

5. Types of agrarian and fishing landscapes

Landscapes refers to...

Traditional landscapes: mediterranean (wheat, vine and olive crops), oceanic continental (keep livestock in enclosed natural grazing plots; in continental climate areas, extensive plains, prairies for livestock are very common), tropical and monsoon (explain)

Modern landscapes: greenhouses. Sea of plastic, Almería, Holland, US.

Desert agriculture: through wells. Jungle crops.

Unit 7. Mining and industrial areas: mining resources

Industrial rocks: energy, useful, precious stones, semiprecious ones, and examples

Mineral: useful, precious, strategig. Examples

Mining: extracting mineral resources, surface or underground

Problem mines: changes to the land. Fracking (hydraulic fracturing)>earthquakes. Pollution. Destruction of natural space

Energy sources:

Terminando temas empiezo a pedir cuadernos

Finishing units, asking for notebooks...

Economic sectors

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary sectors

Vídeo de YouTube

Vídeo de YouTube

6. Agricultural and marine landscapes

7. Mining and industrial areas

8. The tertiary sector

Vídeo de YouTube

Vídeo de YouTube

9. Socio.economical inequalities in the world

1 (10). The Early Modern Age: Humanism and the Renaissance

Third Term: Units 11-14 (11-12 + 13-14)

2 (11). The Catholic Monarchs and the great expeditions

3 (12). Europe in the age of Carlos V and Felipe II

4 (13). The 17th century

5 (14). European Baroque culture