Second Term

Timeline of human evolution

Our story in 6 minutes



Use of metals

Iberian and Celts

Iberian and Celts

Trabajo sobre el agua en el mundo

Links de consulta

Informe 2015 del PCM sobre el acceso a agua potable y saneamiento: datos esenciales

Los países con una menor cobertura de acceso al agua potable en el mundo

UNICEF Casi 750 millones de personas aún carecen de agua potable adecuada

Naciones Unidas: Agua

Para nuestra representación de los continentes y océanos: Video

Continents and Oceans

Our Earth is a very, very, very big place. It is covered by water and land

It has five huge oceans, where we can swim, and seven continents, where we can stand

Asia is the continent that has the most people. It's also the largest in size. It has the 50 highest mountains in the world - their peaks reach high into the skies.

Second largest is Africa. It's the hottest continent of all. It has the largest sandy desert in the world. And animals both large and small.

If Africa is the hottest, then which is the coldest? Anctartica -but it's so very cold. It's only home to seals, penguins, and other birds. Though there's snow, it's the driest, I'm told!

And which is the wettest? It's South America! Rainforest cover much of its face. Millions of animal species live there. You'll find them all over the place!

Our Earth is a very, very, very big place. It is covered by water and land

It has five huge oceans, where we can swim, and seven continents, where we can stand

Let's look at Australia. It's the smallest of continents. The fewest people call it home. Most of its land is the bushland and outback, where koalas and kangaroos roam.

Now on to Europe. Though it's rather small, it has dozens of famous old cities. Berlin, Madrid, Paris, London and Rome -Each city is uniquely pretty!

Last but not least is North America. It's the continent that I know best. It is the home of our own United States -A wonder from East Coast to West!

But let's not forget there are also five oceans. Please let me be quite specific. Their names are the Southern, Atlantic and Arctic, the Indian and the Pacific!

Our Earth is a very, very, very big place. It is covered by water and land

It has five huge oceans, where we can swim, and seven continents, where we can stand

I hope you learned something about all the continents. And the names of our five oceans. Hopefully, someday you will travel to each, but only if you get the notion!

Our Earth is a very, very, very big place. It is covered by water and land

It has five huge oceans, where we can swim, and seven continents, where we can stand

Unit 1 Planet Earth and its representation

1. Planet Earth: It's almost a perfect sphere, but flattened at the poles. 30% is land (continents and islands) and 70% is water (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers).

Solar system: Eight planets and the Sun. From closest to furthest: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (Pluto is no longer considered a planet because of its small size).

Our solar system is located in a spiral galaxy called the Milky Way.

A galaxy is made up of a combination of planets, stars, gas clouds and cosmic dust.

Life on Earth depends on:

- Distance from the Sun which creates the appropiate temperature.

- Water supports life and is essential for survival

- Atmosphere: a layer of gases which surrounds the Earth and protects life from dangerous solar radiation.

2. The Earth's movements

Rotation: It turns on its own axis, a tilted axis. Its effect is days and nights in 24 hours

Revolution: It's the movement of the Earth around the Sun, creating an elongated or elliptical orbit. 365 days and 6 hours to complete one revolution.

A leap year has 366 days (every 4 years we add one day to the month of February, from 28 days to 29).

-Spring: Equinox. Days and nights the same length, 12 hours. Southern hemisphere: Autumn.

-Summer: Solstice. Days longest and hottest. Southern hemisphere: Winter

-Autumn: Equinox. Days and nights the same length, 12 hours. Southern hemisphere: Spring.

-Winter: Solstice. Days shortest and coldest. Southern hemisphere: Summer.

Solstice and Equinox

3. Geographic coordinates: They are imaginary lines, called parallels that circle the Earth parallel to the Equator, and meridians, imaginary semi-circles that go from pole to pole.

Latitude is the angular distance between any point on Earth and the Equator. North and South.

Longitude is the angular distance between any point on the Earth and prime meridian or Greenwich meridian.

Exercises here

4. The representation of the Earth

Map projections

Map projections:

Cylindrical (the whole world)

Conical (just one hemisphere)

Flat, planar (one of the poles)

The Earth's representation (Mercator)

Types of maps:

-Topographic maps: everything in detail: relief, cities, towns, roads...

-Thematic maps: Political (borders in countries), physical (rivers, mountains...)

-Street maps: monuments, museums, metro lines

-Plans: Interior of buildings: hospitals

Scale: The relation between the size of the area represented on the map and the real size.

1;50.000.000: It represents continents, or the whole world

1:10.000: It represents a city

5. Time zones

The Earth: 1 round: 360º = 24 h.

360 / 24 = 15º each strip


The prime meridian or Greenwich meridian is the starting point for the time zones around the world. It is called GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). If you travel east from this point you add an hour for every time zone you cross. But if you travel west, you subtract an hour for each time zone (or 15º of longitude)

Time Zones




1. Ubicar el planeta Tierra en el Sistema Solar. 1.1. Conoce la importancia del Sistema Solar en

la vida de la Tierra.

2. Identificar y distinguir las diferentes

representaciones cartográficas y sus escalas.

2.1. Clasifica y distingue tipos de mapas y

distintas proyecciones.

2.2. Compara una proyección de Mercator con

una de Peters.

2.3. Interpreta la escala de un plano y un mapa

y resuelve ejercicios de distancias entre


3. Desarrollar una visión de la Tierra como un

sistema dinámico y comprender los

movimientos de rotación y traslación de la

Tierra y sus implicaciones en nuestra vida


3.1. Analiza y resuelve problemas relacionados

con un mapa de husos horarios y diferencia

zonas del planeta de similares horas.

3.2. Explica las estaciones del año y su

relación con el movimiento de traslación de

la Tierra.

4. Analizar e identificar las formas de

representación de nuestro planeta: el mapa y

localizar puntos geográficos, espacios y

lugares utilizando datos de coordenadas


4.1. Sitúa un punto geográfico en un planisferio

y distingue los hemisferios de la Tierra y

sus principales características.

4.2. Localiza espacios geográficos y lugares

utilizando datos de coordenadas


Unit 2

1. Three layers in the Earth. Explain them. Magma. Core parts. Molten rock.

2. Relief. Orogeny. Lithosphere. Folds. Faults. Volcanoes. Earthquakes.

3. Shaping of relief (water, wind, extreme temperatures, human beings). Coastal relief. Fluvial relief. Karst relief. Landforms created by water (explain them)

4. Types of relief on Earth. Continental relief: types. Define Mountain, mountain range, sierra, plateau, plain, valley, depression and hill.

The coast is... Define Archipelago, ria, peninsula, gulf, bay, cove, beach, cape, delta, marshes, lagoon, cliff, estuary

Continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain, ocean ridges, ocean trenches

5. Geological hazards. Volcanoes: main parts. Types of volcanoes. Earthquakes. Main parts of an Earthquake. Richter scale. Tidal wave

1. Structure:

Three layers: Crust, mantle, core.

Crust: Continents, sea and ocean floors.

Mantle: Rocks melting, in a semi-solid state: magma

Core: More than 1000 ºC

Outer core: rock is molten rock (liquid)

Inner core: solid. Iron with some nickel and other minerals.

2. How relief is formed?

Plains, valleys, depressions and mountains are called relief.

Orogeny: result of the forces of enormous pressure from the Earth's interior (emerged land: continents, or submerged land: ocean floors).

The litosphere is divided into a series of large blocks: tectonic plates: giant puzzle whose pieces are the continents and ocean floor.

When the plates move, they interact in three basic ways:

Orogeny comes from movement of the tectonic plates, creating large units of relief such as mountain ranges and plateaus.

If the rock is flexible: folds

Resultado de imagen de folds

If the rock is hard, is broken when pushed: faults

Resultado de imagen de fault geography

Earthquakes: When two sides of a fault collide or separate. It happens where tectonic plates meet or separate.

What is an earthquake?

Volcano: A hole, the result of the fault fracture. Magma can rise to the surface through them.

Pangea and evolution


1. Write the Seasons 1. The Earth's movements

2. Define equinox 2. Define solstice

3. Write the Oceans 3. Write the Continents

4. Differences between cape and gulf 4. Differences between plateau and plain

5. A river has ? sections 5. A mouth in a river is...

6. Inland water is... 6. The opposite of inland water is...

7. Weather and climate 7. Weather and climate

8. Balearic Islands 8. Canary Islands

9. Egypt: periods/features 9. Greece: periods/features

10. Hispania 10. Hispania

Extra point: Civilisations before Romans in Hispania


hasta la pregunta 20 del tema 4,


Grupos de trabajo 1B2

Grupo 1. Tema 3. Nicolt. Estela. Alba. Víctor. Alonso. Álvaro. Inés

Grupo 2. Tema 4. Alberto. Carla. Javier. Ruth. Alejandro. Alejandro López. Lucía

Grupo 3. Tema 5. Belén. María. Pedro. Christian. Raquel. Álex. Adrián Pat.

Grupo 4. Tema 6. Adrián Pe. Alicia. Juan Alfonso. Nicolás. Natalia. David. Elena. Lourdes


Ancient Mesopotamia

Ancient Egypt

Mesopotamia & Egypt

1. Planet Earth and its representation

2. Relief

3. Water on Earth

4. Weather and climate

5. The world's natural environment

6. The natural environment in Spain

7. The political geography of Spain and the world

1. Prehistory: the Palaeolithic period

2. The Neolithic Period and the Bronze and Iron Ages

3. First civilisations

4. Ancient Greece

5. Ancient Rome

6. Roman Hispania

Second Term

Maps: Politics (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and Central America, South America, Oceania, Antarctica, Spain), according to periods: green, yellow and red.

Be careful: United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Spain must be explained in detail

Remember you are going to be asked in physical features in this term.

Maps: Physics (Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Oceania, Anctartica, Iberian Peninsula), according to periods: green, yellow and red

Unit 1

1. Flattened, 30% land, Solar system, all planets, galaxy, life on Earth depends...

2. Two movements. Days and nights. Seasons. Leap year. Cardinal points. Compass. Spring equinox and autumn equinox. Winter solstice and Summer solstice.

3. Parallels and Meridians. Equator. Greenwich. Latitude. Longitude.

4. Cartography. Projection. Types of map projection and their use. Types of maps (examples: 4 at least) Street maps and plans: differences. Scale can be expressed... Numeric scale. Graphic scale. Three kinds of scale

5. Time zone is... GMT. What time is in New York at the time?

Unit 2

1. Three layers in the Earth. Explain them. Magma. Core parts. Molten rock.

2. Relief. Orogeny. Lithosphere. Folds. Faults. Volcanoes. Earthquakes.

3. Shaping of relief (water, wind, extreme temperatures, human beings). Coastal relief. Fluvial relief. Karst relief. Landforms created by water (explain them)

4. Types of relief on Earth. Continental relief: types. Define Mountain, mountain range, sierra, plateau, plain, valley, depression and hill.

The coast is... Define Archipelago, ria, peninsula, gulf, bay, cove, beach, cape, delta, marshes, lagoon, cliff, estuary

Continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain, ocean ridges, ocean trenches

5. Geological hazards. Volcanoes: main parts. Types of volcanoes. Earthquakes. Main parts of an Earthquake. Richter scale. Tidal wave

Exam Units 1-2 > 21st october

Unit 3

1. Water composition. Hydrosphere is... We can find salt water in... We can find fresh water in...

The Water Cycle

2. The movement of water in the oceans and seas generates... A wave is... Tides are... Types of tides. Sea and ocean currents are..., and they can be...Hot currents and cold currents (they cause and examples: Gulf Stream in hot and Canary in cold) Oceans are... (oceans names)

3. Fresh water is found... Rivers and tributaries. Flow rate. River channel. River basin. The course of a river has X parts... and explain them. Lakes and ponds. Aquifers and wells. Glaciers (Greenland belongs to Denmark). Icebergs. Moraines.

4. Humans need fresh water to live. It comes mainly from... (Examples, five at least). Rivers are used to provide energy, to power mills, to produce electricity, means of communication (when flow rate and depth allow navigation). Also in industry and for recreation (water parks and gardens)

5. Water scarcity and extreme excess of water are both dangerous. A long absence of water (water scarcity) can cause people and animals to die and the disappearance of vegetation. However, a sudden excess of water (flood disasters) can cause damage to people and crops.

Unit 4

1. The atmosphere is composed...(five gases). Atmosphere layers and main features. Greenhouse effect. Global warming

2. Weather and climate. Climatology. Weather stations. Thermometers. Pluviometers. Hygrometers. Sunshine sensor. Anemometer. Wind from south east is going to north west. Meteorology

3. Temperature. Three climate zones: Tropical zones (1), temperate zones (2), polar zones (2). Temperature range. Precipitation. Forms of precipitation. Types of rainfall: convectional rainfall, relief rainfall, frontal rainfall

Atmospheric pressure. Isobars. Anticyclone. Depression or cyclone. Wind. Anemometer. Weather vane. Relative humidity

Climate factors: latitude, relief (0.6 ºC every 100 metres)> thermal gradient. Windward and leeward, influence of the sea, ocean currents

4. Hot climates: equatorial climate, tropical climate, monsoon climate

Temperate climates: mediterranean climate, sub-tropical climate, maritime climate, continental climate

Cold climates: Polar climate, Alpine climate (High mountain climate). No evaporation > Little precipitation

Desert climates:

Hot desert: Sahara

Coastal desert: Atacama

Continental desert: Gobi

Frozen desert: Antarctica

5. Hurricanes (tropical cyclones) also called Typhoons in Southest Asia and Caribbean zone. Tornadoes. Torrential rains. High temperatures. Heavy snowfall.


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1B2 Examen el miércoles 7 diciembre

Second Term

Maps: Politics (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and Central America, South America, Oceania, Antarctica, Spain), according to periods: green, yellow and red.

Be careful: United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Spain must be explained in detail

Remember you are going to be asked in physical features in this term.

Unit 5 The World's natural environment

1.The natural environment:

Relief: mountains, valleys, plains, plateaus, beaches, capes, gulfs...

Climate: Temperature, precipitation, wind. Types of climates: hot, cold, temperate

Hydrography: Rivers, seas, oceans, ponds, lakes...

Biogeography: Vegetation, soils, fauna...

2. Europe: limits: Ural mountains, Caucasus mountains, Caspian Sea, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

Relief and waters:

- Eastern Europe: Carpathians, Urals, Arctic Ocean, Caspian Sea, Caucasus, Black Sea, Ural, Volga in the Caspian Sea. Don, Dnieper and Dniester in the Black Sea. Vistula, Oder in the Baltic Sea. Ladoga, Onega lakes.

- Central and western Europe: Scandinavian Alps, fjords, Alps (Mount Blanc, 4807 m.), Carpathians, Apennines, Dinaric Alps, Balkan. Rivers Danube in the Black Sea. Oder, Elba, Rhine, Seine, Loire, Garonne and Thames in the Atlantic Ocean. Miño, Duero, Tajo, Guadiana, Guadalquivir. Ebro, Rhone, Po, Tiber in the Mediterranean Sea.

Climates and biogeography:

North: Polar climate. Temperate: Mediterranean, maritime and continental. Alpine climate.

West Coast: Atlantic Ocean: abundant rains and mild temperatures. South: Mediterranean Sea: less rain but higher temperatures. Interior: continental and mountain climates.

3. North America

Relief and waters:

- The Appalachian Mountains. Medium altitude. Hudson river

- The Great Plains. Centre of Canada. US. Mississippi (Missouri and Ohio) in Gulf Mexico. Mackenzie in Arctic Ocean. Yukon in Pacific Ocean. Great Lakes: Michigan, Ontario, Superior, Erie, Huron. Great Bear Lake

- The Rocky Mountains System: Mount McKinley. Two ranges: Coast Range and Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Mountains. Colorado river runs between them. Colorado river and the Rio Grande, or Bravo.

Climates and biogeography: Cold climates, because very far north and little influence from the sea.

4. Central and South America

Relief and waters:

Groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea: the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico) and the Lesser Antilles (Guadalupe, Martinique, Trinidad), both volcanic.

Mountain range: Andes (Aconcagua). Volcanoes: Chimborazo, Cotopaxi

Great Plains: Los Llanos, Venezuela. Amazon Plain. Mato Grosso plateau. Chaco and La Pampa plains

Galapagos Islands, archipelago. Maracaibo Lake

Climate and biogeography: Hot climates, except for the mountains and the extreme south

5. Asia: Ural Mts. between Asia and Europe

Relief: North: Arctic Ocean South: Indian Ocean East: Pacific Ocean West: Mediterranean Sea.

Mountains: Himalaya (Everest 8848 m, the highest peak in the world). Altai and Tien Shan (China / Siberia and Mongolia)

Plateaus: Tibet (Iran), Anatolia (Turkey)

Peninsulas: Anatolia, Arabian, Hindustan, Malacca, Korea, Kamchatka

Islands: Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Cyprus

Archipelagos: Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa), Philippines

Rivers: Obi, Yenisei, Lena (Arctic Ocean), Yellow river, Yangtze and Mekong (Pacific Ocean), Ganges, Indo, Euphrates, Tigris (Indian Ocean)

Lakes: Caspian Sea (largest in the world), Baikal, Aral Sea, Dead Sea (lowest point on Earth)

Climate and biogeography

Southeast: tropical monsoon

North: Continental and mountain

West: Mediterranean and desert

Siberia: largest forested region in the world: taiga

Arctic tundra: moss and lichens

Steppes grassland

Soil order: from hot to cold climates

continental (olive tree)

taiga (shrubs)

tundra (moss)

steppe (grass)

permafrost (iceland)

6. Africa. North: Mediterranean Sea

South: Southern Ocean

East: Indian Ocean and Red Sea

West: Atlantic Ocean

Relief and waters: Atlas Mts. Drakensberg Mts. Rift Valley (rift valley is a sunken part in between two elevated parts, originated by a fracture in the Earth's crust)

Lakes of Tanganyika and Malawi. Kilimanjaro volcanoe. Lake Victoria. Lake Chad

River Nile, Congo, Niger, Zambezi

Climates and biogeography: Mainly warm. Mediterranean in the North and in the South. Mountain climate too. Equatorial in the centre

7. Oceania: Large island: Australia; Archipelago: New Zealand. New Guinea. Polynesia (Many islands), Melanesia (Black Islands), Micronesia (small islands), and Hawaii.

Great Dividing Range

Great Barrier Reef

Murray Darling, main river

8. Antarctica: Great mass of ice. Antarctic Treaty (Washington, 1959). Extreme polar climate. The lowest temperature on Earth -93,2ºC.

9. Natural disasters in the world

Earthquakes: they can cause tsunamis, where the continental plates collide

Hurricanes: storms with centres of very low pressure, heavy rains and strong winds. They are called typhoons in the south east of Asia

Tornadoes: centres of low pressure, smaller than hurricanes


Torrential rains




North America- Physical Features

Physical Geography of S America

Geography Of Africa

Australia: Country or Continent?

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Unit 6 Spain

1. Geographical location

North: Pyrenees (France)

South: Mediterranean Sea (Africa)

East: Mediterranean Sea

West: Atlantic Ocean

Spain: Iberian Peninsula, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta, Melilla (both in Africa)

Peninsula: 15 comunidades autónomas

Islands: 2 comunidades autónomas

No islands. No peninsula: 2 ciudades autónomas

Different groups of land formations:

Meseta Central:

northern subregion, crossed by the Duero River.

southern subregion, crossed by the Tajo and Guadiana

Central System

Mountain ranges that border this central plateau

Montes de Leon, Cordillera Cantábrica, Sistema Ibérico, Sierra Morena

The lowland regions

Valle del Ebro, Valle del Guadalquivir

Other mountain ranges

Macizo Galaico, Pyrenees, Cordillera Costero-catalana. Sistemas Béticos (Sistema Subbético, Sistema Penibético). Mulhacén, the highest point on the Peninsula is in Sierra Nevada.


Balearic Islands: Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera, Cabrera, Conejera, Dragonera

Canary Islands: Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote

Highest point peninsula: Mulhacén (Sierra Nevada)

Highest point Spain: Teide (Tenerife)



Island (insular): Balearic Islands, Canary Islands

Non-peninsular Non-insular: Ceuta, Melilla (Northern Africa

The continental waters and seas in Spain

Surronding Spain: Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

Three main watersheds: Cantabrian, Atlantic, Mediterranean