
Bhubaneswar Weather in November

In November, the weather in Bhubaneswar is usually warm to hot and muggy during daytime and colder towards evening. The average temperature is of 23.1 °C (74 °F), with a minimum of 19.4 °C (66.8 °F) and a maximum of 28.1 °C (83 °F). On the coldest nights, which normally occur at the end of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 15 °C (59 °F). On the warmest days, which normally occur at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 33.5 °C (92 °F).

Precipitation amounts to 45 mm (1.8 in), distributed over 2 days. The day lasts on average 11 hours and 10 minutes. There are on average 7 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 65% of the time. The average humidity is 74%. Hence, the air is normally humid. The average wind speed is 6 kph (4 mph).

November Month: Min (23 °C | 74 °F) & Max (28 °C | 83 °F)

Clothes to carry: Woolen clothes during November to January. Binocular, Camera, Flashlight & Medicine should be carried during travel.