CAD / STEP (컴퓨터 이용설계 / 국제표준)

Geometric Modeling is a branch of Applied Mathematics and Computational Geometry that studies methods and algorithms for the mathematical description of shapes. In general, shapes can be represented as Surface models, Solid models and Parametric & Feature-based models. Among these, we focus on the Parametric & Feature-based models. The Parametric & Feature-based modeling represents not only the shape of products, but also the design intent including features and constraints. The Parametric & Feature-based models can be also integrated with design optimization systems and design expert systems.

CAD Model Exchange and STEP mainly focuses on the exchange of CAD models among different CAD systems. This is a big problem faced by the Industries and they incur huge cost in pursuit of CAD model exchange. We at iCAD laboratory focus on solving this problem by implementing a method which enables exchange based on STEP. Our major contributions in this bracket include developing translators based on Macro-Parametrics Approach(shown in figure). In addition to the above, we are an active participant in the STEP community, and are leading the Korean leg of the same. 

Macro-Parametrics Approach: A methodology of exchange of model data between CAD systems using macro file, which is modeling commands set of each commercial CAD system.

The studies on Domain-Specific Data Modeling focus on designing Domain-Specific Data Models and developing software systems for the same. The motivation for this study comes from the need of a specific data model by certain typical industries like Shipbuilding, Automobile, and so on.

In addition to the above topics, our research interest extends in the related subjects like “Web-services based interoperability”, “Developing geometric modelers for CAE systems and virtual manufacturing systems”, “Generation of 3-Dimensional model from 2-Dimensional” and so on.