Dong-uk KIM

M.S. Candidate

iCAD Laboratory, Division of Ocean Systems Engineering,

School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Systems Engineering,

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea


Mobile: +82-10-3198-1161


2006.03 ~ 2015.03   한국기술교육대학교 학사 (B.S., Mechtronics Engineering, Korea University of Education and Technology, Korea Tech.)

2015.03 ~ Present   한국과학기술원 해양시스템공학과 석사 (M.S., Department of Ocean Systems Engineering, KAIST)

◎Project Involved

-2015~ Macro-Parametrics Project, iCAD Lab, KAIST

-2015~ 원전 생애주기 통합화 및 자동화 기술개발, 한국수력원자력 (KHNP)