Fuschia 'Gartenmeister Bonstedt'

This is one of the most valuable plants for hummingbird gardeners in the upper midwest. When the ruby throated hummingbirds first arrive in May, spring is just starting in southern Wisconsin. Our earliest perennial hummingbird flower, honeysuckle, will not be blooming for another 3 to 4 weeks. However, we can purchase Fuschia 'Gartenmeister Bonstedt' and it either already has blooms on the plant at the garden center or it will bloom very quickly. As you can see, the flowers are very similiar to honeysuckle. This will bloom non-stop until frost. Although we have placed this plant in the ground, it seems to work better in pots or window boxes. In fact, we overwintered one plant and it has developed woody stems (see below). Fuschia does not like too much heat or direct sun.