Ipomopsis rubra

Ipomopsis rubra (Standing cypress)

This is a great success story for our garden. One will never see this plant for sale at a nursery because it has a long tap root and does not like to be transplanted. We had heard that it was a good hummingbird attracting plant and Kathi started the seeds under a grow lamp in February 2003. Of the 10 plants that were placed in the garden in the spring of 2003, only one survived. It flowered on August 2, 2003 and we saw a hummer at it on the very next day, August 3, 2003. We left the plant and the spent flowers standing, and in 2004, it reseeded profusely. We had an excellent patch of standing cypress that the hummers frequently used. Although it does not like to be transplanted, we did move three plants to the side of our house where they flowered; therefore, we established patches of these plants in various locations in the yard.

This plant prefers dry, sandy soil. Although the plant mentioned in the paragraph above flowered in its first year, that is unusual. This is a biennial and normally flowers in its second year. It will reseed profusely so if you have the correct soil conditions, this will come back year after year.

You can obtain seeds from Wild Seed Farms:

Or you can obtain seeds from Select Seeds: