Milestone 1: Who Is Michel Mockers?

Milestone 1: Understanding WW2 Human Pedagogy

Key Questions To Answer

Why do we need to preserve stories from the past?

How do we understand the essence of a person to be able to tell their story?

Skill Development Goals

Uncovering the Human Element

Milestone #1 Expectations 

Below is a series of documents and resources and tasks for each classroom to process, plan, and complete so that by the end of this milestone students can reflect and begin to develop answers to our two key questions listed above.

Task 1: Develop a plan for the days leading up to our live Zoom call with Michel Mockers. 

Take time each day to introduce the project and the opportunity about to unfold

Choose from the curated list of lessons, activities, tools, and protocols aligned to standards to help prepare students for the live Zoom session using the document below.

Share in Google Spaces with other educators what you have done, what worked, what didn't, new aha moments, etc. Remember we as professionals will be learning and doing just as much as the students!

Task 2: Prepare Learning Space

Use the document below to guide your thinking for our live session with Michel. It is important that we plan with intention for our learning space to be maximized for listening and processing. 

Test your setup prior to the call and ensure you have things ready to go so that you don't miss out on the live session.

Remember, this session will be recorded in case you have issues, schedule conflicts, and more importantly for students to go back watch again as we continue the learning journey to tell his story properly.

Part of creating the conditions for learning is to create and design an immersive visual space. In this project students gathered research of visuals of all aspects of human life from WW2 in specific reference to the French Resistance. As we had questions or needed help visualizing the work we could use this wall to guide us. Additionally, work was added to the sections as unraveled new learning and details from the life of Michel.


Ss worked through the QFT process in prep for their first interview with a WWII French resistance fighter. Quality questions will lead us to the heart of who this human is.


Task 3: Question Prep Document - DUE 1/25/23

In the document below each school will work to generate a range of 3-5 questions that we will submit to Michel Mockers by 1/25/23. 

A few important reminders

Process of Inquiry

Opportunity. To unwrap…construct understanding…make meaning…to “SEE” someone…to LISTEN…to discover TRUTH…the QUESTIONS we ask matter. This week we worked to develop interview questions that will get to heart of our human writers & illustrators.


Additional Resources, Interview Questions, and Lessons

Check These Out!

Take a look at these two resources from the Digital Stories of Our Heroes lesson.

Also, be sure to check out Sample Interview Questions from the Veterans History project. There are lots of VHP stories that would make for good practice.  

Story Corps also has a list of great questions.

Power of Story

Stories. This week we learned the important responsibility we have as good humans to listen to the whole story…not just what we read, not just what we THINK we see…but to really UNDERSTAND someone’s TRUTH….


Power of Story

We spoke with Michel Mockers, 100 year old #ww2 French Resistance Fighter.

A lot to unpack and process to truly learn about someone.

Not sure authentic learning gets much more real than how we started today. 


Interview #1 with Michel Mockers

Interview Hyperlinks and Transcription

01:16 Introduction of Deb Bowen and A Book By Me02:20 Michel Mockers Introduction06:13 What matters to you most in a relationship?07:55 Has there been someone that has taught you something that has shaped you as a person?12:30 What values did your parents instill in you as a child?15:42 What is the happiest memory that you have?22:50 What is the most important lesson you have learned?23:33 What is your life like at the age of 100?25:29 What is one of your proudest accomplishments in life?29:06 What was the hardest thing you had to do?36:10 Is the painting behind him one of his art pieces?38:12 What is something you would like to change or take back?39:50 If you could go back to any age what would you go back to and why?