About us

Professor Louise Younie, Practicing GP, medical educator, cancer patient @LouiseYounie

Founder of the website and passionate about multi-voiced shared exploration into practice and lived experience through creative enquiry - for students, health care professionals, patients, all of us.

AHSW trustee, steering committee for  Arts for Health SIG at the RSPH, co-organiser for Mad Hearts conference



Introduction of creative enquiry into conferences

Creative enquiry courses developed in medical education

If you are interested to hear more, ask questions, think about introducing creative enquiry into your educational programmes, please contact us SMD-creative@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Rofique Ali

Contact us

Dr Louise Younie, Dr Rofique Ali

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Queen Mary University of London

London E1 2AD


Twitter @CreativeEnquiry


I would like to thank the patients I have encountered over the years as a GP who have taught me more about being a doctor and a human being than I could ever hope or imagine.  Also the many students who have engaged in creative enquiry spaces and opportunities to produce moving and thought provoking work whether it be around their own lived experience or their experiences and encounters with patients.  I would also like to thank the arts therapists, arts for health consultants, academics and health professionals who I have had the privilege to connect with in the creative enquiry context.  My hope is that we may continue to bring our different voices and experiences together in creative exploration, learning and transformation.

Louise Younie