Artist & Poet in the GP surgery 2006-10

'The sheer joy of my first “Art” session literally took my breath away. I was completely free to experiment with a wide range of materials in an environment that was not merely happy and fun, but was supportive, empowering and non-judgmental.’ (Suaad, patient experience of creative enquiry, 2008)

From 2006 - 2010, we invited a poet - Fiona Hamilton and artist - Dr Catherine Lamont-Robinson to run creative enquiry workshops with groups of patients. This was a transformational experience for many of the patients who engaged.

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‘Art for Health and its complementary Writing for Health are a breath of fresh air … Access to a wide variety of mixed media, professional support to stimulate experimentation, the positive support and often inspirational example … by other group members have combined to substantially improve not only the quality of my day-to-day life but my whole outlook on life. By September 2008 I had spent a year lurching from short-term sick-note to short-term sick-note and had lost track of how long I had been on anti-depressants...In desperation, despite anxiety and major personal doubts I applied for both the Art for Health and Writing for Health courses. In January this year I reapplied for both. For the first time in many years not only am I no longer taking any anti-depressants, but despite major ongoing physical limitation, my mental health has improved beyond my wildest expectations. I have found creativity within myself, both visual and written, that empowers me to cope with and successfully manage being disabled and housebound. Long may the courses continue to be provided so as many others as possible can also benefit.’ (Suaad, patient experience of creative enquiry, 2009)