

Dr Rachel Handley - Public Health Consultant

Today’s health challenges are so deep, so complex, so immeasurable, so human. The arts are the same, and in and through them come opening, healing, connection, learning and, I believe, social change.

Dr Catherine Lamont-Robinson - Artist, educator, researcher Art

Practitioner with a passion for creative enquiry and expression across patient, student, educator and clinician groups. I feel privileged to witness and scaffold individual and group creative journeys, inviting emerging curiosities and engagement through multi-sensory materials. This practice celebrates alternative versions of wellbeing - where embodiment shapes thinking and reveals joint insights around what it is to be human.

Catherine's Projects & Work

Research programmes:

· HeART of Stoke

· Living Alone with Cancer Experience

· Stories of Dementia

· Catch Your Breath, Southmead Hospital, Bristol

Patient creative arts programmes:

Brooklea Creative Arts for Health, Bristol G.P. Surgery

Artlift Gloucestershire,

Medical education:

Catherine continues to contribute patient-perspectives to the curriculum at the University of Bristol School of Medicine, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry,

Queen Mary University of London, Bournemouth University GP Training programme, plus share diverse arts perspectives through the medical collection at Bristol School of Medicine which she co-designed and curates.

Dr Freya Elliott

Artist, and graduate from Barts and the London. Previously Producer at Camden People's Theatre, and freelance puppet-maker. Studied Fine Art at Oxford University, then MA Visual Media for Performance at Central School of Speech and Drama. Interested in how creative inquiry can be used by patients and health practitioners to improve health outcomes and mental health.

Dr Rosalyn Buckland

Currently a Junior Doctor in London, with a PhD in English Literature (medical humanities). Rosalyn is interested in medical education and mental health, and in researching how literature/media shapes the culture around healthcare.

Natasha Duggan BA

Community Artist & Expert Patient, New Forest Champion for (LENs) Lived Experience Network & South West Arts & Health advisory group.

Creativity interweaves throughout my life and keeps me together! Since having an aortic dissection in 2007 I've had multiple surgeries to reconstruct & repair my aorta. I use art to slow down, to listen to my body, process medical experiences or as a way to extend beyond my physical boundaries.

I love how making a space for expressing creativity can be transformative and healing for the individual and community.

Gavin Blench

I'm a strong advocate for the Arts as a modality in allowing well being to flourish for patients and practitioners alike.

My long term health condition (I live with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis) is a central motivation and inspiration within my artistic practice.

Award winning painter living in Devon. South West champion for LENs (the Lived Experience Network), and advisory member for AHSW (Arts and Health South West); artist in residence for The Dame Hannah Rogers Trust and creative facilitator for Write to Freedom. I am currently studying for a Masters Degree in Arts and Place.